Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, June 12, 1971, Image 18
—Lancaster Farming. Saturday, June 12,1971 18 Farm Women Mrs John N Hess, president of the Society of Farm Women of Lancaster County, recently ap pointed committees lor the 45th annual County Convention plan ned November b The local society presidents serve key peisons and are au thorized to involve all members of the local society she repre sents. In other action at the meeting at the home of Mrs Hu am Gray biU, Lititz RD2, Mrs Glenn Myer, Kirkwood, second vice president of the county Society, resigned for health leasons The resignation was accepted by the executive board Assisting Mis Graybill, presi- Start raising more and better Calves the Easy NURS-ETTE way No more canying pails of warm water or hard mixing milk replacer Just fill the hopper of the NURS-ETTE with milk leplacer and the NURS-ETTE will mix milk replacer and warm water and keep it warm until calf nuises the mix (approx 14 oz) Then it will mix a fresh batch of water and replacer YOUNG BROS. NURS-ETTE SALES AND SERVICE Ph. 717-548-2462 Peach Bottom, R. D. 1, Pa. 17563 FREE SAMPLE COPIES Copies of LANCASTER FARMING are not always easy to find they are not sold on newsstands and perhaps some of your friends may not be acquainted with our weekly service. We'll be glad to send, without charge, several copies of LAN CASTER FARMING to your friends or business associates. Just write their names and addresses below (You'll be doing both them and us a favor!) SUeet Adchess & R D City, State and Zip Code (You are not limited to two names. Use separate sheet for additional names.) Your Name □ CHECK here if you prefer to send a Year’s (52 issues) GIFT subscription for $2 each ($3 each outside of Lancaster County) to your friends listed above. If so ? enclosed, or □ Bill me later, Please mail this form to: LANCASTER FARMING dent of Society 5, as hostess was Mrs Robert Summy, president of Society 26 Mrs J Everett Kreider led devotions; Mrs Aaron Denbnger, first vice presi dent led the pledge to the flag, Mrs. Leo Snader, secretary, and Mrs J Clayton Charles, trea surer, also participated Named to the program com mittee for the November conven tion is Mi s Lester Kreider, Society 18, Mrs. Leon Thomas, Society 14, Mrs J Edward Bren nemar, Society 9; and Mrs Lloyd Herr, Society 22. Mrs Graybill Hollinger, Soci ety 1, Mis Jack Henderson, Society 25, and Mrs Donald Homing, Society 30, will be on the nominating committee. P.O. BOX 266, LITITZ, PA. 17543 Plan 54th Convention Mrs. Elam Hess, Society 20 and Mrs Richards Wood, Society 21 will be in charge of the memor ial service Mrs Robert Summy, Society 26, Mis Eugene Hum mel, Society 13, and Mrs Roy Sauder, Society 27, are in charge of decorating Ushering will be handled by Mrs Robert Garber, Society 4, and Mrs Jacob Evans, Society 10. Mrs Leigh Walton, Society 15 and Mrs. Roy Hollmger, Society 24 aie in charge of tickets The Bazaar table will be planned by Societies 29, 23, 16, 11, and 12 with Mrs Dale Hiestand, Mrs. Robert Rohrer, Mrs Levi Groff, Mrs. Esther Musser and Mrs Lamar Henry Mrs Robert Gregory, Society 3; Mrs Lloyd Derr, Society 8, Mrs Marlin Hos ier, Society 2, and Mrs Martin Hershey, Society 7. The auditing committee will include Mrs Milton Eberly, Society 6. and Mrs Everett Kreider, Society 17 Mrs Ken neth Warfel, Society 19, Mrs Hiram Graybill, Society 5, and Mrs. William A Dean Jr, Soci ety 28, will seive in charge of guests. Missionaries Return Anna Mae Herr and Ruth Sauder, EMBMC missionaries at Pine Grove Academy, Honduras, will arrive in the Lancaster area June 20 Miss Herr’s address will be 1125 Beaver Valley Pike, Lancaster Miss Sauder’s ad diess will be Manheim RDI. Stieet Address & R D City, State and Zip Code Address Mrs Hess asked for volunteer of county officers and local presi hosts to assist with the entertain- dents will host a picnic for ohil ijjct of a group of German farm dren m the Hempfield area at women during a visit to the tending camp for emotionally United States in October. disturbed children on Aug. 13. Also during the County execu- Serving on the committee are tive board meeting, Mrs Robert Mrs Donald Horning, Mrs. Jac* Garber reported on the Commun- Henderson, Mrs Everett Kreider ity Council of Lancaster County and Mrs Dale Hiestand, Citations dinner, Mr William Hammers present ed a plan for local groups to earn profits through the sale of household items to increase their general funds pimbel’s of Park City offered community room facilities to Farm Women for meetings and also outlmed banquet or luncheon facilities to be arranged according to avail ability Mr Hess may be con tacted for additional information The annual picnic and execu tive board meeting will be held at Safe Harbor Park at noon oet August 4 It is open to all Farm Women and their families and is a coveied dish luncheon.. Eaclfi person is asked to bring a cov ered dish and her place settings, The executive board consisting Beverage will be provided. For good production next lactation. FEED PURINA DAIRY CONDITIONER As a dairyman, you know that good milk production doesn’t just happen It’s something you plan for by establishing a herd with the genetic potential for good production, then managing and feeding your cows so they’ll produce up to their bred-m ability Many successful local dairymen also plan for good pro duction with a proven program of dry cow feeding. They need Purina Dairy Conditioner, a research proven ration to help give dry cows body condition they need for good production after they freshen. Purina Dairy Conditioner is an extra-palatable 12% percent protein ration It’s fortified with vitamins A and D plus extra phosphorus to help guard against milk fever Punna Dairy Conditioner is low-cost, too, because the amounts you feed depend on your cows’ condition and. on the quality of the roughages you feed For example, a cow dned off in good condition being fed high-quality roughages would require less Dany Conditioner than a cow in only fair condition being fed fair quality loughages Drop in soon and get your fiee copy of the Purina Diy Cow Program folder We’ll be glad to show you how Purina Dairy Conditioner can help you piepare your dry cows for good pro duction next lactation. John J. Hess, 11, Inc. Ph 442-4632 Paradise West Willow Formers Assn., Inc. Ph- 464-3431 West Willow John B. Kurtz Ph 354-9251 R. D. 3, Ephrata Societies 12 and 13 will enter tain guests of Conestoga View on June 17 Societies 14 and 15 wili visit July 15 and Societies 1C and 17 will entertain August 19. Ira B. Landis Ph 394-7912 1912 Cieek Hill Rd„ Lane. James High & Sons Ph: 354-0301 Gordonville Wenger's Feed Mill Inc. Ph; 367-1195 Rheems