CilMfflMl IKdte Miscellaneous WOOD -SHAVINGS. Meal' for woripways and-bedding. $l2 per tom. Can be delivered in bulk loads.-of 10-12 tons. Less expen sive than straw or tanbark. Con tact! Bob Geist at Leola Supply Cb. fts. Ph; 717-656-6811. For Sale —Dry wood shavings Len Lyn Farms Stevens RDI 267-6726 ‘Notice Custom Pea Shelling, dean. 1 block north of Holling en’s Farm Market along Weid nransville Road Call Lloyd K. Sfensenig, Ephrata RD#l. CUSTOM PEA SHELLING Veryr gentle and clean. Bring youicpea&and see for yourself. Anytime except Sunday. RfcOYD H. RANCK EDI, Box 437 Paradise, Pa. 17562 Pfa: 717-442-4949 Pea Shelling—Fast clean work. DON HARNISH 238, Strasburg Pike 393-1460 and Garden Usedt e&det Riding Tractors w/ Mowers Craftkman Riding Mower COPE & WEAVER CO New / Providence 786-7351 Farm Equipment FARM SERVICE For:fast service on your New Holland, AC, or other farm equipment call 626-7766 USED FARM EQUIPMENT 461 MHl'Haybine K.HE 717'Forage Harvester AC-Pielfeup head for 780 F Harvester A!G-#BOJ> mower attachment Cunningham & IHC hay conditioners 01ivmr& NH balers & elevators Ontario lS x 7 gram drill Oliver SP Combine w/sheller 2-row Hershey transplanter Ford 2-row cultivator Spreaders Starline Galv & NH- tanks; New Holland, Case & J Deere flat beds Mowers Wizard riding, walk ing sickle & lotaiy. Garden tiller Marietta Silos, Van Dale Unloaders, N H , AC, & Starhne Sales & Service Call 626-7766 * SERVICE 63 *^ 70ft Woodcrest Ave. RD;$:3 Lititz, Pa. Zimmermon Feed Bins Feed Meters ferns (AIR-O-MATIC VENTILATION) R. D. #2 Eeltrata, Pa. 17522 -rvf^-4275 (Firmersvillc) Bus - 717-334-4275 Farm Equipment USED TRACTORS Case 1030 Dsl Case 730 Gas Case 730 Gas Case 5118 Sold Case 541 C Gas Case 530 w/loader MM Model U Used Case Baler w/engine on Steel Used Combines Case 800 w/10 ft. header Case 600 w/10 ft Grain hd. & 2 row corn head. Case SP-9 w/9 ft Grain hd. Now is the time to lease New Windrowers from us. EINZER EQUIP. CO. Kinzers, Pa. Ph. 442-4186 Lane. Customers Ph 768-8916 We are now open til 9 P.M. Tuesdays. Fox Sale—New Lil Colt Camper Caps for all size pick-up trucks. New Lit Colt Camper Trailers New 16 ft. Tag-along Trailer New Zimmerman Elevators, all SIZ6S JD 10 ft. Culti-Mulcher ELWOOD FLOWERS Manheim RD2, Pa. Phone 653-4839 ' POWER Generators, portable or stationary, automatic or manual transfer Some dealerships open POWER GUARD SYSTEMS, Box 3067, Mankato, Minn., 56001 New Massey Ferguson Haybme $2,000 Used Combines Massey Fer guson, New Holland, John Deere and Oliver M M WEAVER & SONS Leola, Pa. 717-656-7702 #9l Self-Propelled Combine #lOl Self-Propelled Combine w/10 ft header Farmall 706 Tractor, new en gme Farmall 560 Tractor, excelleni cond. M F 175-D Tractor International Harvester Sales & Service 1054 S. State St., Ephxata Phone 733-2283 For Sale—Hale 4” pump, PTO with 67 pcs., 20 ft. each, 6’ pipe; 45 pcs. 4” pipe; fittings, sprinklers; used very little, good condition. Phone 215-445-6070. We Will Demonstrate Our New 56” Fill-Rite Blower. Starline Feeding Systems Starline Unloaders Belt Feeders Tapered Board Feeders Blowers LANCASTER SILO CO. SERVICE DEPT. 2008 Horseshoe Road Lancaster, Penna. Phone 394-3047 or 626-2 Farm Equipment PARTS BY THE THOUSANDS: Dismantling Cat D 2 thru D 8; 933, 955, 977; HDS thru HD2I Int. TD6 thru TD2S; Oliver Cletrac, JD, Case, transmissions, final drives, winches. Engines, power units Good used crawlers, loaders, backhoes. New & used tracks, rollers, idlers, sprockets, up to 30% off on new bottoms. “If Not Listed Ask For It” Wanted: Used equip. Darts. Ben Lombardo Equip. Co., K.D #6, Sink Sprg. MN, Rdg., Pa. Ph. 215-678-1941, 944-7171. Haybines, ciimpers, crushers, fluffers, balers, elevators, rakes, mowers, forage harvesters, for age wagons and blowers. Crop dryers, combines. New Idea cut ditioners, McCormick rotary scythe, rotary hoers, feeders, 2 and 4 row cultivators, metal corn cribs. Large selection crawlers and wheel tractors, loaders and back hoes. Bobcat pay loader. CLYDE E. KEENER Intersection of Rt. 72 and 283 1531 Manheim Pike Lancaster Phone 717-569-9861. DEMONSTRATED EQUIPMENT Case Uni Loader Case 480 Loader Case Opt. Til 6R planter USED EQUIPMENT IH, NH, NI Ford Spreaders Case 430, 441 AC Model C. Mtd. mower NI 702 Uni NI 701 Uni. Mtd Picker, Bargain 660 Case Combine, grain & corn Um Loader for rent Backhoe loader for rent Case Windrower for rent Case 480 loader hoe, 300 hrs. A. L, HERR & BRO. Quarryville 786-3521 220 Case Baler 550 Case W'ndrower 25V IH Mower 30H Case Industrial Mower KB 100 Kools Blower 190 Case Loader/hydraulic dump Free h.p test on our Dynamo meter until June 12 WALTER BINKLEY & SON RD#4, Lititz, Pa. Ph 626-2344 Ph 626-4705 Used 180 and WD Tractois Engine and PTO Balers Conditioners Stauffer & Holland 2-R and Powell 1-R Transplanted 2-R, 3 pt. J D Cultivator New AC & N H Mower-Con ditioners L H Biubaker 350 Strasbuig Pike Lancaster, Pa Ph 397-5179 IH 706 Tractor MF 300 Self-Propelled Combine M M 335 Tractor w/Loader SHOTZBERGER’S EQUIP CO Elm Ph 665-2141 626-2258 Massey Harris 7 ft self pio pelled bagger combine, some new belts, needs radiator re pairs, price $75. Guernsey cow, just fresh, good hand milker, ac credited Phone 301-658-5152. Special Price on New Idea, Ford and AC Mower Conditioners. ALLEN H. MATZ, Inc New Holland Ph: 354-2214 Ask us for a Demonstration of the 990 Hay Conditioner. Used Hay Conditioners COPE & WEAVER CO. New Providence 786-7351 Lancaster Farming, Saturday, June 12,1971 91 Farm Equipment 5020 J.D. Tractor, cab, duel wheels. Ready to go New Idea 760 Harvester with 2/row corn head AC 780 Harvester w/2-row corn head & pickup attachment Dl4 Tractor w/loader Super 23 New Holland Blower. ROY H. BUCK, INC Ephrata 859 2441 Wanted —Self Propelled Holland Celery planter, good condition, give price. Harvey S. Zimmer man, East Earl RDI, Pa. 17519. For Sale—Full 1” x 6 x 16 Cy prus Cence Board; Also treated posts. STRASBURG PALLET CO. STRASBURG RDI Phone 687-8131 For Sale —6 ton round vertical feed tank with Auger attach ment. Phorie 36T-2147. Robert K. Rohrer Bulldozing - Grading Patz Sales & Service Barn Cleaners - Silo Unloaders - Cattle Feeders Quarryville, R. D. 1 Hensel 548-2559 Poultry & Supplies Wanted —Egg producer to house 2500 heavy breeder pullets for placement in the month of June Will contract. For other specfi cations. Call Longenecker’s Hatcheiy Ph. 367-1545 ANTHONY WHITE LEGHORNS The strain of dependability. Anthony layers produce strong shelled, large white eggs efficiently. They perform well either as floor or caged layers. Geo. M. Anthony & Sons Poultry Farm, Inc. Strausstown, Pa. 19559 Tel. 215-488-6211 Breeders of Quality White Leghorns Since 1917. LONGENECKER'S HATCHERY ISJBSSi • J. J. WARREN SEX-SAL DAY OLD AND STARTED PULLETS LEUKOSIS RESISTANT GIVE THEM A TRY! • WHITE MOUNTAIN CROSS BROILER CHICKS BROILER CHICKS WITH TOP PERFORMANCE Farm Equipment Used International Harvester Model 50FH FARMERSVILLE EQUIP, Inc. Ephrata RD2, Pa. 717-354-4271 w/2 row head. Fickes Silos ana Badger Feeding Equipment. Speedy Corn Cribs. GRUMELLI FARM SERVICE Quarryville Ph. 786-3630 For Sale—Model 800 Case front end loader. Phone 215445-6070. Poultry & Supplies KimberChiks and Started Pullets Warren Sex-Sal, Golden Sex Lank, Broiler Chicks Cobb and Wt. Mt. Moyer's Chicks, Inc. Quakertown, Pa. Ph, 215-536-3155 SHAVER D st!»«2SL V? LAYERS Greider Leghorn Farms, Inc. Phone 653-1855 MOUNT JOY R. 1, PA. Day old and started pullets 15
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