-Lancaster Farming, , 14—: Mail Box Market (Continued from Page 13) For Sale John Deere #8 tractor mower Ironage 2-row transplanter with fertilizer at tachment Priced reasonable. 215-445-6453 For Sale 500 Hyline and Ghost ley Pearl Layers, 50c ea Leßoy M Martin, New Holland. Ph. 354-6511 For Sale A-C 5 ft PTO combine with Siam bin. good working or der; 6 factoiy built meta_l in dividual calf stalls Ph 210-093- 5891 For Sale Wagon with flatbed, International 4 bai rake Ph after 6 442-4510 Foi Sale 2 doz heavy red roostei s 1 >r old dressed or aii\ e ph 445-5887 . For Sale Fireplace wood. Ph 464-2566 evenings LANCASTER SILOS Starline Labor Savers Feed Lot Planning Sales & Service by J. SAMUEL SHERER Mt. Joy R 2 phone 717-653-5207 or 717-G53-5208 New and Used Forage Equipment and Hay Tools JDI2S Chuck Wagons JD34-35-38 Forage Harvesters JD6S Blower SOLD JD3B-39-50 Mowers JD4B3 Mower Conditioner JD22 Hay Conditioner JD3OO - 40 ft elevator JD gy ramor, 3 point, side mtd & rear mtd. wheels. 5-7Vz ft . Brilhon 9 ft offset. A.C780 forage harvester w >2 row corn head USED FORAGE EQUIPMENT & HAY TOOLS-large selection of many makes and models, recondition ed and ready to” go to the field including forage har\ester, movers, hay conditioners, and balers. USED TRACTORS JD4020, 3020, 4010, 50 Farmall M w ith NI loader Ford 4040 Industrial w/loader 4000 v/727 loader USED COMBINES AC Gleaner G w/cab, 4 row wide corn head, 13 ft. platform, loaded with extras, m excellent condition JD4S Hi-Lo w/cab, 10 foot platform Used potato harvesters and potato diggers—Champion 2 row Harvesters, both PTO & engine; JD 2 row level bed & Oliver 2 row digger. Note: We also have a new JD3I level bed 2 row digger New and used rotary hoes 3 and 4 section New and used 2 & 4 row cultivators MILLER'S SALES & SERVICE, Highway 851 Yoik County’s Progressive Dealer Ph. 717-993-2470 John Deere - Brady - Bnllion - Lely Alouelle and Grand Pnx Snowmobiles Electrac Electric Lawn & Garden Tractor Algo ATV’s All Terrain Vehicles Saturday, June 12,1971 Moil Box Market For Sale: Two cylinder Wiscon sin engine with starter, good condition, Gideon E Fisher, Box 425, RDI Honks, Pa. 17572 at Harness Shop. For Sale: 3 Yorkshire boars, $5O each; 2 hog feeders (1 Smitley and one metal) Ph. 665- 3413 For Sale White purebred Ger man Shepheid puppies, 7 wks old Robert Kauffman, 717-367- 3550 For Sale 2 row McCormick hoise cultivator, needs new longues, $2O Joe H Zimmer man, Leola RDI, along Rt. 772 near Carpenter’s Church FREE. Subscribers to Lancaster Farming will receive one advertisement Free each month in our Mail Box Market. Sub scribers using the Mail Box Market will be governed by the following rules; Limit your advertisement to 25 words. All advertisements must be in our hands by Thurs day noon or same will be held over for next week’s - paper. No business advertise ments accepted. Stewartstown, Pa, Phone 394-3047 or 626-2191 Good productive 123 acre farm in southern York County. Large harn, nice house w*th modern conveniences. By owner. Phone 717-456-5160. Farm for Sale—l 39 acre farm near Millersville, large home stead house, barn and other buildings, borders on Conestoga Creek. 1300 ft. road frontage. Asking $l4OO. per acre Write to Lancaster Farming, Box 266 H, Lititz, Penna 17543 PERRY COUNTY FARMS AND COTTAGES 3rm cottage on app 1 acre land. Excellent hunting and fishing Near state game land _ Price $7200. App 145 acres two good houses modern conv. Ex cellent deer and turkey hunt ing area Price $35,000. 100 acres with barn Two silos good steer farm Price $39,500. 120 acres. 70 clear 50 wooded. Excellent view. 5 mi. from Perry Co. project 70. Price $39,900. 12 acres small barn, brick house modern conv. Good spring, excellent pond site. Price $42,800. JACK GAUGHEN REALTOR GLENN E. SMITH, AGENT Ph. 717-582-4750 on Rt. 274 Elliottsburg, Pa. ~TT* ABSOLUTE AUCTION NORTHERN CHESTER COUNTY GENTLEMAN’S FARM Old Stone Colonial Home; 10 looms; five fireplaces; Early 1800's, m family five genera tions, Stone bank barn; garage; 95 acres with creek thru the meadow, being offered in par cels INSPECTION June 20, 2-5 PM. Sale June 26, 12 noon. Brochure upon request. Vicinity French Creek Park and St Peters Village 286-5987 MELVIN E. PAINTER Realtor 286-5831 Elver son, Pa. One 425 gallon Sunset Bulk Tank, M.C.D. No 1 stamped. One 400 gallon Girton round vacuum tank. CLARK ELECTRIC RDI, Kmzers, Pa. Ph: Intercourse 768-8228 SELL * your ~rjbi BUTCHER J HOGS ./I DIRECT TO ARMOUR CO. HEADING, PA. We will be glad to look at vour hngc bid ' ■" CALL AL SHAFFER AT (215» *7(S-2*t4l. Evenings (215) 779-3847 INC. Real Estate Dairy Equipment Livestock For Sale Wanted to Buy—Red and White Holstein Heifer Calves. Karl Herr, Kirkwood RDI, Phone 529- 2367. For Sale Purebred Yorkshire boars, bred gilts and open gilts Carcass Championship blood lines. Willow Glen Farm, RD 1, Strasburg Pa. Ph; AC 717-786- 2562. Services Offered Experienced man would like dairy farm in York County or Lancaster and buy way in Naw pickup and tractor Would pre fer retired man Write Box 266 G, c/o Lancaster Farming, Lititz, Penna 17543. Local Classified Advertising Rates Use This Handy Chart To Figure Your Cost Words (1) Issue (3) Issues 14 or Less $l.OO $2.40 15 105 2.52 16 1.12 2 69 17 119 2 86 18 1.26 3 03 19 1.33 3.20 20 1.40 3.36 KEYED ADS (Ads with answer coming to a Box Number, % Lancaster Farm ing); 50c additional. Ads running 3 or more con secutive times with no change billed at 20% discount with $l.OO minimum. Deadline: Thursday of each week’s publication. Lancaster Farming P O Box 266 Lititz, Pa. Ph. Lancaster 394-3047 or Lititz 626-2191 WENGER’S FARM MACHINERY, INC NEW & USED MACHINERY South Race Street, Myerstown, Pa. Phone 717-866-2138 TRACTORS John Deere 4020, 730, 70, 50 Farmall 806, 706, gas and Diesel 656, 544 diesel. 2-460 gas, Super A Cubs Oliver 1950 T Diesel, 1850, 1650 * Forage Wagons used, 1 Allis Chalmers, 1 Grove Corn Planters 4-row John Deere, McCormick Large stock of late model rotary hoes and weeders Windrowers Case, New Holland, John Deere, and Owatonna Combines John Deere 40 self-propelled, McCormick 93 self-propelled, Gleaner E & C 2 Massey 72, 82, 80, 60 Also large selection of pull type combines. Rotary Mowers 5 it., 6 it., 3 point and pull _ •'Jh! i . Culti-mulcher, Brilhon 10 ft. and 15 ft. ■ 'lhilli* v Balers New Holland, McCormick 46 and 47 Special price on Unco Post Hole digger $169.00 while they last. , Special one used Dunham loader, hydraulic bucket to fit 990 David Brown $650. instructions MEN MEN Train now to drive semi tractor trailers, local and over the road. You can earn high wages after short training. For application and interview, call 301-663-8422, or write School Safety Division, United Systems, Inc., 28 North Court, Frederick, Maryland. 21701 Approved for Veteran Benefits. HUNGRY ALFALFA? TOP DRESS WITH ALFALFA Pplus “A COMPLETE DIET” datMtac: CHEMGRO FERTILIZER CO-> INC. Box 218 East Petersburg, Pa. Phone 569-3296 MEN
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