Model 273 Hayliner® baler Super-Sweep pickup gets the hay other balers miss... J. i- pi a, il | _j, WprtU> *_ «i "» »I>| mjl „Ji !ii jJt jBJISfllj. '(* '!uj -- i u • l j “' ii* ‘-v h'',“ jt*. h“ ji ;“i>’:' '■■ j i fi) •' ?’i *,i” v/v’i*i 1 -*:’ 1 ' ifltn inn nm !■ ipi■mUiili ,ji»■ 'ii 1 ii|i " lebi'M i• nitr‘ii «irn«r t" ii" iit ■■Hiim«i.>rf Don’t let the short, fine hay from sec ond and third cuttings slip past. • \et us show you how this NEW HOLLAND BALER GATHERS MORE OF YOUR CROP! A. 6. C. Groff, Inc. L. H. Brubaker lit) S. Railroad Ave. 350 strasburg Pike New Holland Lancaster 354-4191 397-5179 Roy A. Brubaker C . E . Wiley & Son, Inc. ‘ L 626-7^6 3 101 s - Lime st > Quarryville 786*289d tAU Elmer Beiler MODEL 60 CADET TRACTORS IH 6 HP with 32 inch Mower HI 7 HP with 38 inch Mower HI 10 -12 &14 HP Hydrostatic ffl 38 - 42 and 48” Mowers FULL LINE OF POWER MOWERS BOTH PUSH AND SELF PROPELLED SALES & SERVICE New ZV2 H.P. Briggs & Stratton Engines SPECIAL AT $39.00 Other Sizes In Stock CALL Leroy Zook . • FOR DEMONSTRATOR • WEAVERLINE FEED CART ANO LANCASTER SILOS „ RADIO CONTROLLED TRUCKS FOR BETTER SERVICE C. B. HOOBER & SON . , t ; Intercourse, Penna. Phone 768-8231 Chester-Delaware Youths To Attend Co-op Institute Twelve outstanding local boys ton, Lincoln Umvei sity first and girls have been named win- y ear niembeis. ners in the Cooperative Busi- Sharon Mast and Edward Gal ness Education Program spon- t° wa y> Elverson, and Patti Yar , , .. . nail of Oxford, agribusiness ex sored by the Chester-Delaware j Wlll ret urn to the In- County Council of Farmer Co- tute as seC ond-year scholars operatives and will represent , this area at the Pennsylvania Winners we . re selected on the Association of Farmer Coopera- basis a *I UIZ on the coopei a tives Summer Institute at Ship- tive Y ay ,. of dom S business and pensburg State College, July 11- a “ a ctivities report filled out by 15 the paiticipants identifying them with school, community, Those chosen to attend the church, and youth organiza- Institute are- Jennifer Riggs, tions. Paoh; Janet McAllister, Oxford; Cindy Tompkins, Kennett Square, Frank Mast, Elverson; Mike Mowrer, Chester Springs, Jay Ford, Coatesville; Stanley Guest, Pottstown; Vernon Um ble, Atglen: and Wayne Stan- Try A Classified It Pays Help Us Serve You Don’t assume we know about your farm organization’s meeting. To get your meeting on our Farm Calendar, it’s safer to assume we don’t know’ Remind us by calling 394-3047 or 626 2191 or bv w riting to Lancaster Farming, 22 E. Main St., Lititz, Pa. 17543. You’ll be helping us to serve j ou better. . PS.— If you’re not sure you told us already, we don’t mind hearing from you again. CALL Bob or Los On New, Used & Rental Tractors & Equipment' 2 Farmall Tractors “M” Used I.H. 315 Combine with corn head Grim Hay Tedders Try one Mower Conditioners . . As Low As SlOOO. Hardy Sprayer $l5O. Beam 500 Speed Spiayer . . S2OCO. B 275 Used Tractor 311 Plows Used Allis Chalmers D-15 Used 350 Farmall Tractor Used Super C Tractor Used 460 Tractor McCormick ±3O Loader CALL Dick Bomberger CALL US! IT COULD BE WE HAVE IT. ISOTOX Transplanter Solution For Tobacco. Quarts Gallons $3.10 $11.45 Angle Post —69 c Round Post —55 c All sizes of wire for the above in stock. All types of fence handles in stock. Weed Controllers £21.75 Cultivator Shovels and Sweepers As low as $l.OO SPECIAL Vi SWEEPERS reg. price $1.35 SPECIAL PRICE 50c HOT SHOT BATTERIES $3.98 Lancaster Farming. Saturday, June 12,1971 These young leaders will be accompanied to Shippensburg by John H Schwartz, assistant Chester County agricultural agent, who will act as chaper one and resource person for the delegation The Institute program Is de signed to teach youth more about the free enterpiise sys tem in America, to help them in planning their future by point ing out career possibilities in agribusiness, and provide op portunities for individual lead ership development. CALL Henry Esh For Sales Service Parts • 138 H.P. Cummings • New VA H.P. Slow Speed • Used 4 % H.P. Bamford • Used 6 H.P. Water Cooled • New Listers with Lima Generators • New Quincy Air Compressors • Used 33 H.P. Lister Area Distributor for Lister Diesel Engines CALL Titus Burkholder 800 Gal. Esco used onlj 3 > ears 400 Gal. Girton NCD 1 400 Gal. Universal Vacuum 300 Gal. Mojonnier N.Y. or Phila. 300 Gal. Jamesway (no stamp N.Y.) 12 Can Star Milk Coolers Above tanks New York and Walker New Sunset and Milkeeper Bulk Tanks Kleenzade Automatic Bulk Tank Washers Custom pea hulling and wash ing Bring your peas to us we will hull and wash them readv ioi your fieezer. Also peas for sale, come pick your own Ray mond Miller, ph. 665-4188 For Sale 1 Hale irrigation pump, 350 gal per mm with 800 ft of 4” pipe and some spunk* lers, $450 , 1 Allis Chalmers PTO hay lake, good condition, $125: New Idea spreadei on iron wheels, $25 Robert Cahall, Bok 111. RD #l, Bainbudge, Pa For Sale: Cage laying equip ment, 800 bird capacity, light size for retailing Can be seen in operation. Ph. 215-932-8187 For Sale: 1 Amish carriage, 1 run-about wagon, $l5O. each, 1 cook stove, ph. Quairyville 786- 2796. For Sale. Cultivator for Faimall tractor, 2 low, 2 row individual lift; 12 cu ft Philco refngera toi with left and right open dooi. Ph 733-8770. For Sale- 1970 Polaris Snow mobile, 32 h p., with engine, very good condition Ph. 273- 7394 after 5 pm. For Sale Case 7 ft 3 pt mowei, good condition. Ph 464-2233 For Sale 2800 gal bulk tank, 1 used to deliver house to house, ] ph. 426-1539 1 (Continued on Page 14) BULK MILK TANKS 13
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