Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, June 12, 1971, Image 12
12—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, June 12.1971 Local Persons Visit Modern Plant (Continued fiom Page 10) giant offset about $400,000, he indicated Buildei of the Shippensburg P er hour system is Kennedy Van Saun The tour was organized by <KVS) A representative of the Donald A Haiter, Penn State firm said improvements have legional Extension resource been made on the Shippensburg staff Harter said the purpose 'Preservation of Firms' (Continued from Page 11) other departments We will be watching amendments to the Federal Milk Marketing orders to provide for mandatory milk promotion upon the appi oval of Older amendments “We will continue to urge the establishment of an economic escalator formula for the pric ing of Class I milk predicated on economic conditions in this i egion. “We will continue to get pio posals under way to zone bulk producers at the farm and to establish the faim as a point of pricing And we will continue to watch the level of suppoit puces, which we helped to ob tain at 85 per cent of parity.” Merrill concluded his re maiks by again assuring East ern’s buyeis of milk that their cost of pioduct should be equal to their principal competitors, end the puncipal competitor to- Cereal Ads Urge Milk Ads for two new “monstrous- i ’ good” cereals from General Mills, Count Chocula and Frank cn-Berry, piomote milk “One ounce of either cereal piovides eight essential vitamins plus non,” the ads read “Pour on four ounces of vitamin D milk, and you’re serv ing one-third of the officially established minimum daily adult lequnement for vitamins and non ” Milk also gets a boost fiom Cai nation A new ad for Car ration’s Instant Bieakfast says ‘ Cai nation instant breakfast makes milk this kind of nutri tious meal ” Copy goes ahead to pomt out, “Milk contributes sub stantial nutrition and then, to make milk a meal Carna tion instant bieakfast conti i butes the lest of the protein, v itamins, minerals and food energy Help Us Serve You If your organization didn’t make our farm calendar this week, it’s not because we don’t like you or your or ganization. We may have missed it in the rush. Or maybe you for got to tell us. Either way, we’d like to extend our farm community service to you. To get on tne Farm Calen dar, remind us by calling 394-3047 or 626-2191 or by writing to Lancaster Farm ing, 22 E. Main St., Lititz, Pa. 17543. And help us serve you better. plant and it can be obtained in a larger model The _ Shippensburg operating capacity is about 6,000 pounds day is the processing and pack aging cooperative which has the advantage of utilizing income from membership dues to sub sidize its distribution business “We must pieserve the effi cient enterprising independent proprietary milk company. By preserving these independent milk companies, we can be as sured of alternative markets for our milk, minimal dues to co operative organizations and maximum prices to dairymen ” Can you pick the farm boy? Don't let the expensive business suits fool you. Many of today’s top executives are from farms. They're still as much at home tn a feedlot or field as they are in a plush corporate conference room. Their business is agribusiness manufacturing farm machinery, ' equipment, chemicals ... processing meats and grains .. ► producing seeds,feeds, textiles ..» providing finance, management, legalcbunsel... all the other products and services that'go into was “to stucb the advantages and disadvantages of incinera tion as one of the potential methods which might be used as an alternative to or in conjunc tion with the standard landfill operation ” Otheis making the trip in cluded Max Smith, Lancaster County ag agent, Robeit Hostet ter and Harry Cooper, Mount Joy township supervisors, Ben jamin Landis. Paradise township supervisor; Immo Suylok, West Lampeter township citizen; Leonard A Steinei Jr, Kerr Manufacturing Corp ; Phillip Hewlett, Pennsylvania Malleable Co, Dean Keller, executive secretary of Lancaster Manu factuiers Association; Oliver Swartz, Hummelstown borough manager, and Leroy Umberger, Humelstown boiough council president, William LaCour, planning analyist, solid waste section, Pennsylvania Depart ment of Environmental Re sources, and others. the agricultural production and marketing machine. Agribusiness is the nation’s largest industry. It employs more people and pays more in wages and salaries than any other industry. And it’s growing, expanding. Agribusiness offers almost unlimited career opportunities. Two of the most important assets in entering are a farm background and a college diploma. Agn* business needs engineers, agronomists, chemists. National Aarlguiturai,Advertising & Marketing Association r.O. Box erSQ fark, lllinol* 6003 S attssv.iv- w-vsfetßfrXir Try A Classified Ad It Pays! CALL 394-3047 OR 626-2191 economists, marketing specialists, nutritionists, animal husbandrymen, writers, people of all talents. If you’re a farm boy, thinking about a career with a future, now’s the time to think about enrolling at the college of your choice. If you’re a farm boy, looking toward graduation front college, now’s the time to look ' into the opportunities awaiting yoil~ in agribusiness. A card or letter will bring mors informations