Merrill Urges 'Preservation of Independent Milk Firms' Howard Merrill, Piesident of operative Association, Inc, dis- Eastern Milk Producers Co- cussed the causes of some of Get Your Plants Off To A Good Start FOR BIGGER YIELDS ON Tomatoes & Tobacco Add To Your Transplanter Water ORTHO-GRO LIQUID FERTILIZER 8-16-8 Use one quart to 50 gal. barrel ORTHO-GRO is a proven organic liquid fertilizer giv ing plants that extra push they need to “start,” and protect them against transplanting shock. 5 gallon can . . . $14.50 ISOTOX TRANSPLANTER SOLUTION • Use 4 ounces per 50 gol. barrel ISOTOX TRANSPLANTER is a Lindane solu tion that mixes readily with water and is de signed especially for use in the transplanter. Gives low cost protection against wire worms, maggots and certain other soil insects. 1 pint . . . $1.85 1 quart . . . $3.48 1 gallon . . . $11.65 Get Your Supply From P. L ROHRER & BRO., INC. \ Smoketown, Pa. SPECIAL SALE NOW THRU JUNE 30 ENGINE-GENERATOR SETS PTO (tractor driven) GENERATORS REPLACEMENT GENERATORS ' Emergency-Standby and portable electric power. 1 1,000 watts to 40,000 watts with fidelity special features 25% OFF LIST PRICE Order Now The most important piece of equipment you will own. FIDELITY ELECTRIC CO., INC. 328 N. Arch St., Lancaster, Pa. 17604 Phone (717) 397-8231 Ph. 397-3539 the marketing problems which beset the dairy industry as he delivered his annual address to several hundred delegates and industry leaders in Hotel Syra cuse Wednesday (June 9). The occasion marked, the Co operative’s forty-ninth annual convention. Since its beginning in 1922, Eastern has grown to become the nation’s leading grade “A” milk bargaining co operative with nearly 10,000 dairy farmer members in six states of the northeast region. Eastern markets over 2,750,000,- 000 pounds of milk to indepen dent milk companies in all five federal order markets in the east. Merrill said, “Buyers of milk must be assured a cost of pro duct approximately equal to the cost of their principal com petitors. Operating coopera tives engaged in processing and packaging milk are extracting substantial membership dues in addition to cooperative pay ments in the New York Pool and using these moneys to un derbid independent milk com panies in the marketplace. “This, I think, is the number one issue of the dairy industry today, as well as it was a year ago If cooperative members who supply milk to processing and packaging cooperatives are willing to have these coopera tives extract substantial mem bership dues to subsidize the sale of their product, I think we will continue to have serious marketing conditions, not only in this market but across the United States. “Independent proprietary milk companies must pay the federal order minimum blend price and they cannot be expect ed to compete under unfair competitive conditions of this nature. “We will not let up on our efforts to see that there is a meaningful bonding law in the states of New York, Pennsylvan ia and Vermont We will -also continue to urge that each farm er in each of those statgs shall be given the opportunity to make up his own decision as to whether or not he should be a contributor to money used for milk promotion and research. “We are concerned about the loopholes in the National Agri cultural Marketing and Bar gaining Act. “And we want to retain the Department of Agriculture, and have so urged with particular emphasis on re-allocating the cost of certain items charged to the Department of Agriculture which should be charged to (Continued on Page 12) Lancaster Farming, Saturday, June 12,1971 —I SAMPLE COPIES FREE Copies of LANCASTER FARMING are not always easy to find they are not sold on newsstands and perhaps some of your friends may not be acquainted with our weekly service. Well be glad to send, without charge, several copies of LANCASTER FARMING to your friends or business associates. Just write their names and addresses below (You’ll be doing both them and us a favor:,/ Street Address & R. D, City Street Address & R. D City (You are not limited to two names. Use separate sheet for additional names.) Your Name Address □ Check here if you prefer to send a Year’s (52 issues) GIFT subscription for $2 each ($3 each outside of Lan caster County) to your friends listed above. If so $ enclosed, or □ Bill me later. Please mail this form to: CIRCULATION DEPT. LANCASTER FARMING P.O. Box 266 Lititz, Pa. 17543 TIGHT BALES...WITH A?ll ALLIS-CHALMERS 300 SERIES BALER WHEN you use a 300 Series you can be sure your bales will stack up ... not lean toward a tumble. Twin-Feed rakes put a full-width charge into the baling chamber every stroke. You get solid, even sliced, well-formed bales that won’t break before they’re in the barn. Come in and see the Allis-Chalmers 300 Series Baler. Inspect the features that give you tight bales that stay tight... ton after easy-handling ton. See for yourself why Going Orange is Going Great. L. H. Brubaker Roy H. Buck, Inc. Lancaster, Pa. Ephrata, R.D. 2 Grumelli Farm Service Quarryville, Pa. \Nissley Farm Service Washington Boro, Pa. N. G. Myers & Son Rheems, Pa. AUIS-CHALMEKS State Zip • State Zip
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