CJ d ca £° D Cattle Green Dragon Weekly Review * "SKW* Dairy Cattle , Compared last Friday, slaugh- Fridav Mav 21 ter Steers 25*500 lower, slaugh- The Gieen D ’ market re . ter hei ersSOe-TSc lower, cows ported rcceipts of 158 head of >nd s / Ull u+ 50 lo 7 ei ‘ , better quality cattle, well at : Both slaughter steers and tended es stead Heifers registered price declines consignments included on Monday, mainly the result of Load Canadian c fresl increased receipts, with heifers 385 . 5g0 sprmgerSi 400 . 6^ experiencing an additional Load Canadian cows, fresh, downturn on Wednesday Mean- 3254g0 spnng€rSi 450.550 Whx e mid-week demand was Load New York fresh and dependable-for slaughter s il COWSj 365 . 440 Steers following reports of high- Load 250 . pr prices in wholesale beef trad- 4t) c sin-qo* daughter steers, 22 percent Herd j cowg from Dela . heifers, balance mainly cows- - 250-310, springers, Overall finish of slaughter ’ 185-265. Steers was not quite as altrac ’ co d cow fresh> tive as last week with 15 per- 0 50 = OO SDr i n aers 350-465 Yel cent Prime and 70 percent 35 ,™’ ’ • j in low cows, 290-365. 2 X nprcpfit Heifers- Bred. 300-425, one at cent Pume and 70 percent Onen 125-165 Choice last week, and 16 per- 495, ° pen ’ lbp cent Prime and 74 percent T , , t t i , Choice last year. . L > ghter ™ n of s ? cker and Heifer supply mainly High feeder “ ttle as J eU as beef Good to Low Prime weighing cows Wlth a stronger market 850-1075 lbs. SLAUGHTER STEERS On Monday and Wednesday, Prime 1125-1350 lbs. Yield Grade 3 and 4 34 25-34.50, with seven loads 1225-1325 lbs. at 34 - 75. High Choice and Prime 1100- 1350 lbs. 33 50-3425, Choice 950- 1350 lbs. Yield Grade 2 to 4 32.50-33 50, largely 32 75-33 50 on Wednesday, Mixed Good and Choice 32.00-32.75, Standard and Low Good 28.25-32 00. SLAUGHTER HEIFERS High Choice and Prime 950-1050 lbs. Yield Grade 3 and 4 33- 25-33 50, latter price paid Mon day. On Wednesday, Choice 850- 1075 lbs. Yield Grade 2 to 4 32 - 00-33.00, Mixed Good and Choice 31.00-32 00, Good 27 50- 32.00. . COWS Late, Utility and Commercial 22.00-24.00, High Dressing Utility 24.25-24.50, Canner and Cutter 20 50-23 00. BULLS Utility and Com mercial 25.50-28 50 late Local Grain Thursday, May 27 These prices are made up of the average pi ices quoted b> six participating local feed and grain concerns. It should he noted, however, that not every dealer handles each commodity. All prices are per bushel, except for Ear corn which is per ton. The average local grain prices quoted Thursday, May 27, 1971, are as follows: Bid* Offered* 41 00 46 00 1 65 1 88 80 .92 98 108 1 29 1 46 Ear Corn Shelled Corn Oats (local) Oats (western) Barley Wheat *Bid is the price the dealer will buy from the farmer delivered to the mill. Offered is the price the dealer will sell for at hi? mill. Omaha Cattle Compared with last weeks close Closing prices on slaughter steei s steady to 25c lower Heifeis steady Cows 50- 1 00 lowei with High-Utility and Commercial at full decline Bulls steady Modest seasonal supply of feeders steady Four day receipts 24,600 as compared 18,900 previous week and 20,000 a year ago. Slaughter steers approximately 45 per cent, heifers 34 per cent, cows 10 per cent and feeders 8 per cent Overall finish rather at tractive with a fairly liberal percentage Choice and a moder ate volune High-Choice and Prime particularly at midweek session. *• A generally broad de mand characterized fed cattle trade even though marketings moderately expanded over week earlier Good day-to-day distri bution a favorable trade factor Late demand, however, temper ed somewhat by approaching Memorial Day holiday and buy ers necessarily adjusted pro curement operations to Accom modate the long non-slaughter weekend Average cost slaughter steers first three days 32 32 average weight 1132 lbs. as compared 32 25 and 1131 lbs previous week and 29 87 and 1134 lbs year ago Market Steers Tiend Cattle are stronger, Hogs are stronger, Potatoes aio Steers Two loads High- weaker, and Eggs are weaker Choice and Prime, U S 3-4, 1060-1226 lbs, 33 85 34 00, 25 loads, 1064-1282 lbs, 33.35-33- 75; Choice, US 2-4, 975-1300 lbs, 32 00-33 00, Few loads end £ Prime, 3310-33 25, Mixed Good | 7 11 „ and Choice, 950-1250 lbs., 31 50- LcDanOll V alley 32 25, Good, 27.50-31.50, Stand- t * tt c * , v . ard and Low-Good, 26 00-27 50. AUCtIOII Lancaster Union Stock Yardy Heifers 12 loads Hi«h will be closed to all livestock: Choice and Prime, U S 3-4,939- Tuesday, May 25 Lading including the auction, 1071 lbs, 33 35-33 50, 35 loads, 457 Head of Cattle Monday, May 31, which. 13 US 2-4, 880-1193 lbs , 3285-33- Steers- High Choice and Memoual Day 25; Choice, 850-1050 lbs, 3150- Prime (few), 32 75-34 00, Livestock arriving Memorial 32 75; Mixed Good and Choice, Choice, 31 10-33 35, Good, 29 00- Da Y Wlll be J' aided > fed and 800-1000 lbs, 30 50-31 75, Good, 30 85, Standard, 2725-2835, Uti- watered 27 00-30 50, Standaid and Good, hty (few), 25 25-27 25 25 50-27 00 1 85 1 64 Cows Utility and Commer- 29 00, Standard (few), 26 00 2-4 190-260 pounds, 18 50-19 00. cxal, 21 00-22 25, few Utility, 27 25, Utility, 24 00-26 50 Sows US 2 3 300 600 pounds, 22 50-22 75; Canner and Cutter, Cows Utility (individual), 13 75-14 35 18 00-2100, Mixed Cutter and 24 50-25 85, Cutter, 23 75-24 50, Boars (Few) 14 00-1410 Utility, 21 25-21 50 Canner, 22 00-24 00, Shells down n Head of Sheep and Lambs Bulls Utility, Commercial to 20 00 Good 50 80 pounds, (few) 33.- and Good, 26 00-28 00, Commer- Bulls Good, 29 00 31 25, Uti- 50 cial, 28 25-29 00, Cutter and lity and Commercial, 27 75-31 - Low-Utility, 24 00-26 00. 35 Feeder Steers 177 Head of Veal Calves Puces steady in moderately Good, 47 00-52 00, Standard, active trade, outshipments 01 44 00 47 00, Utility, 39 00-43 50 1500 fiom regular maiket trad- • Farm Calves Bulls 80-110 mg compared 1800 pi evious pounds, 35 00-47 00 Heifei s 85- week, supply largeh Choice pounds, 51 00-62 00 Steer and Heifer Yeai lings with 245 Head of Hogs moderate showing High-Good Barrows and Gilts US 2 3 and Choice 875-1100 lb fleshy Steers Steeis Choice, 423 lbs, 36 • Heifers Choice, 431-653 50, 528-700 lbs 33 00 36 00, lbs, 32 00-33 25; High-Good and High-Good and Choice, 877-1114 Choice, 510-626 lbs, 30 50-31 25 Thursday, May 27 Lancaster Farming, Saturday, May 29,1971 — U.S. Inspected Livestock Slaughter For week ending Thmsday, May 27 Week to date Same period last wk Same penod last yr. Estimated daily livestock slaughter under Federal Inspection. FUTURES TRADING (Closing bids as of Thursday, May 27) June July August September October November December February ’72 March April May a-asked Markets provided toy Commodity Dept., Reynolds fc Company Heifers Choice (few), 28 25- 195-240 pounds, 1910-19 60, US. lbs, 30 00-3175 Cattle Hogs Sheep 471.000 1,296,000 147,000 469.000 1,350,000 146,000 475.000 1,081,000 156,000 Chicago Chicago New York Chicago Cattle Hogs Maine Fresh Eggs Potatoes 33.22 21.15 23.27 31.42 23.37 30.50 22.65 30.30 23.65 30.82 24.45 23.65 3.17 b-bid nnomiral Stock Yards to Close Oklahoma City Thuisday, May 27 Estimated leceipts 16 000- Same day last week 17 030 Same day last yeai 14,359 Model ately active, compaied to late last week, feeder steei 9 500-850 lb steady to 50c lower with Choice ovei 650 lb holding up best, feeder heifeis mostly 50c lower compaied to last Thuisday, not enough feeder calves undei 500 lb sold eaily to make a test of the ti ade Ma ]outy leceipts Good and Choice -500 800 lb offei mgs Sales As Of 1 P.M. Feeder Steers Few small lots Choice 383-485 lb 36 25-37 - 75, 500 650 lb 32 50 34 75, 650- 750 lb 3125-33 00, load 662 lb. at 33 25, 750 850 lb 30 25-31 50, part load 753 lb at 32 20, Good and Choice 500 650 lb 31 50-33 - 00, 650-750 lb 30 25 3125; Few- Good 500 650 lb 30 50 31 00. 650- 750 lb 28 50 30 25, Stand aid and: Low Good 500-700 lb 26 00- 29 00 j Feeder Heifers Few small lots and pail loads Good to Low Choice 400 450 lb 29 25-3150; Choice 500 700 lb 28 50 3100; 1 Good and Choice 450 650 lb 27.- 50-29 00 Primitive man began to adapt v, ild hogs to his needs between.] 7000 and 3000 BC It is believed jbigs weie on this planet 39 mil ton jeais before man. 28.20 32.65 39.10 2.72 3.00 3.72 Pigs Here Fiist 3