—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, May 29,1971 18 Berks and Cumberland Wool Pools Set The 1971 Berks County and Cumberland County wool pools have been set m June Open to county sheep pro ducers, the pools involve grad- ing of wool by qualified Penn State University personnel and sale by weight at a specified puce according to grade The Berks pool will be at the Reading Fair giounds, Thurs day, June 10 starting at 7 30 a m. The Cumberland pool will be at the Carlisle Fail giounds iiom Thursday, June 24 from 7 a m till 3pm and Friday, June 25 from 7am till noon Thei e will be a private treaty type ram and ewe sale at Carlisle in connection with the wool pool June 24 Max Smith, Lancastei County agncultural agent, said “Local wool producers aie urged to use this type of marketing provid ing they have a quality product Fleeces should be clean, diy and lolled with the flesh side WHITE WASHING wifh DAIRY WHITE • DRIES WHITE • DOES NOT RUB OFF • NO WET FLOORS • IS COMPATIBLE WITH DISINFECTANT MAYNARD L. BEITZEL Witmer, Pa. 392-7227 Agrlco offers more with a full line of with you on your crop needs and help plant food products to meet every farm- you select the right formulas. We have mg need big, fast application equipment and load We’re first in service, too. We’re lo- up service that makes picking up ferti cated conveniently throughout this area. lizer fast and easy. See your Agrico man We offer experts who can counsel today. First in Fertilizer because we offer more! SEE YOUR LOCAL AGRICO® DEALER FOR MORE INFORMATION out, and tied with the paper twine ” The price, which Is several cents lower this year than last year, was set by competitive bid Buyer at the Berks County sale will be Burlington Indus tues, Clarksville, Va., at the following prices by grade. % and Vi staple, 33 7 cents a pound, % and Vi clothing, 23 5 cents, medium rejects, 23 5, low Vi, 32 cents; fine staple, 20 cents, Vi staple, 20 cents, fine and Vi clothing, 15, fine and and Vi rejects, 15, and tags, 5 Buyer afj tire Cumberland County sale will be Top Co , 470 Atlantic Ave, Boston, Mass, at the following prices % and Vi combing, 33 cents, % and Vi clothing, 28 cents, medium re jects, 26, low Vi, 33, fine and Vi staple, 24, fine and Vi clothing, 18, fine and Vi rejects, 15, and tags, 4 The sales are primarily of intei est to the laigei sheep producers, since the smaller giowers likely won’t have Agricd Agrico Chemical Division Continental Oil Company (conoco) enough volume of wool to make the trip worthwhile, although several smaller operators could combine their wool- for ' the sales, Smith said. Smith said producers normal ly get about six pounds of wool per sheep. Smith also noted, J‘ln order to help with this price situation we suggest that you contact your local ASCS Office for Wool Incentive Payments, under pre sent prices this assistance be comes more important Please keep your wool sale receipts and your copy of the sale of any unshorn lambs, if you intend to apply for government wool as sistance ” Help Us Serve You If your organization didn’t make our farm calendar this week, it’s not because we don’t like you or your or ganization. We may have missed it in the rush. Or maybe you for got to tell us. Either way, we’d like to extend our farm community service to you. To get on the Farm Calen dar, remind us by calling 394-3047 or 626-2191 or by writing to Lancaster Farm ing, 22'E. Main St., Lititz, Pa. 17543. And help us serve you better. TRY A CLASSIFIED AD! IF YOU THINK TOBACCO IS A GREAT CASH CROP, WAIT’LL YOU TRY casw. * Invest your cash-crop money and harvest a bundle! r\Sf wk A NEW INVESTMENT PLAN THAT'S SAFE! James E. Millen, Jr., well known insurance salesman, intro* duces a fantastic new investment plan that offers to pay you an incredible 9% return. Most banks and investment com panies offer 5% or less. The plan is safe! Backed by, thousands of acres of land. Get a free brochure. It tells ail. Send coupon or call now! { SEND ME A FREE BROCHURE NOW! S BEFORE OFFER ENDS James £ Millen, Jr. Akron, Pennsylvania Telephone 859-2200 Name I Address ■ Ci i Tele ihone State