President Nixon Declares Salute to Agriculture Day May 7 (Continued from Page 30) attempting to close some loop , , holes in addition to those which proposed revenue sharing meas- were closed m Dece mber. uies which would give states g ut on q Ues tion of beef control over funding, Hardin i mpor t S) he indicated that im said that the bill that went to por t s are at a relatively low Congress under the Rural level m re i a tion to the total Revenue Sharing package pro- market) that the t>pe of imports vides that states will maintain primanly are low quality cuts the Extension service at the v;hlch are not well supp lied by 1971 level” Hardin also said the domestlc mar ket and that that Extension actually is al- these imports may be needed most a perfect example of j. Q “jjgip me et inci easing mar revenue sharing since it in- » volves a three-way partnership Durlng the convention, various in spending between the federal, governme nt officials indicated state and county governments they feel the y s canno t af- Hardm and other speakers ford to act hastily on beef im emphasized that they considei por j s because of the growing one of the most important pieces po ssibilities for beef exports of farm legislation before the | rom tbis country to the growing Congress now is the Insured industrial nat i o ns. particularly Losn bill. This bill essentially and Japan It was indi involves getting more private cated that the U-S is the only funds into farming by providing ma j o j. source of quality beef government backing. and j s the area which Hardin said, “This would be offers great export opportunities, a nva}or step to reduce pressure ' „ . .. in farming stemming from lack Government Reorganization of adequate operating, capital j PhiLCampbell, under secre for farmers.” tary of agriculture, spoke on the On the issue of dairy imports,' controversial government reoi- Hardm said the USDA. is now ganization issue. Reorganiza- WK Thi and One-Eighty tractors. The Tractor 'P 1 - , realize that agriculture is changing fast. Farms are growing larger, and farmers need more power to cover more acres per day. And with this increased demand for more power is coming the demand tor better performance. That’s what led to combining power and performance in these two medium-powered tractors. Both are loaded with XT features to help you do every tractor job faster and easier. ’ The 3-plow One-Seventy, and the 4-plow One-Eighty ... two great new reasons why Going Orange is Going Great. Try one and see for yourself. Roy H. Buck, Inc. Grumelli Form Service Ephrata, R.D. 2 Quarryville, Pa. JUUS-GHAUMM L. H. Brubaker Lancaster, Pa. Nissley Form Service Pa. tion, as proposed by the Presi dent, involves centralizing seven existing departments under four new departments. This includes elimination of the Depaitment of Agncultuie and putting its various functions undei the new department. This proposal has received widespiead opposition fiom most farm organizations In urging the new reorganiza tion, Campbell noted that all of the presidents since World War II have been unhappy with the government and “its seeming in ability to meet the needs ot the people ” As an example, Campbell cued a group from his own state, Georgia, which was m teiested in getting federal help on building new water systems The group went to about five dif ferent agencies in Washin°ton and still didn’t get any satisfac toiy answers on what to do and how to do it. Campbell said that under the new reorganization everythms would be put together according to purposes and obiectives and if the group wanted to know gglfl N. G. Myers & Son Rheems, Pa. Lancaster Farming, Saturday, May 1,1971—27 about water it could get all this infoimation from one location rather than several Whether or not this particular organization goes through in the form in which it is pro r os-'d Campbell indicated that sooner or later Fedeial government will have to be reorganized in order to be responsive to needs of people Other speakers included Glenn Weir of the A SOS, who outlined plans for the weekly corn blight reports this summer, Clarence Palmby, assistant sec JAMESWAY POWER CIRCLE DRIVE FEWER TRIPS UP THE SILO * No Bull Wheel to Manhandle * Doesn’t Depend on Silage * Positive Drive * Fast Feeding YOU CAN COUNT ON US Reliable Products - Installation - Service HENRY S. LAPP R. D. 1 (Cains) retary of agriculture, who out lined progress in the U S farm expoit markets, and Edward Jaenke, governor of the farm, c edit board, who said that the proposed farm credit legislation i? “the most positive farm issue lacing congress this year Try A Classified Phone: (717) 442-8134 It Pays Gap, Penna. 17531