No Other Protein Need When You Feed ’ USE ONLY Vi LB. SPECIAL TANVUAC PER HEAD PER DAY WITH GRAIN AND ROUGHAGE GET BIGGER PROFITS r FOR MORE PROFITS—MAIL COUPON 1 J THE TANVILAC COMPANY, INC I • *th A Corning Aves, Box 96, Highland | ; Park Station, Des Moines 13, lowa ■ ! • Please Send Me Additional Inform*- I • lion about Special Tanvilac. | I hat XatMft • K" | adores: :j.t C. 0. BIRD-IN-HAND TiimofF barnyardgrass, crabgrass, goosegrass, pigweed, lambsquar ters, smartweed,wild mustard and other potato troublemakers* Patoran 50 WP Herbicide is in by itself! With so many advant; it should be. Patoran saves you 1 and money because it doesn’t rei 'incorporation. It goes to work w 'just a little rainfall. And puts a' troublemaking grasses and broa* out of business without affectini tuber quality. And nothing is easier to use! Just spray Patoran 'preemergence, broadcast or ban* SPECIAL TANVILAC Feeders Say . . . "The Most Economical Feeding Plan of All“ No trouble uitli scours or cattle going off feed. You’ll be more than satisfied ■with oui feeding program for you’ll get healthy stock, quick gains at low Remember, there’l - FEED LOT PROVEN TANVILAC CULTURE PRODUCT FOR EVER’I FARM FEEDING PURPOSE. V* I p|fi Y NOLI LOCAL DISTRIBUTOR Turn on Patorari. The tool no potatgjfarmer shouli Phone Lane. 397-0751 Ladies, Have You Heard? ... Crushed Patent Sewing Tips Crushed patent is a great looking rainwear and sportswear fabric this spring. It is now available by the yard for home sew ing, The techniques for sewing on crushed patent are basically the same as those used on vinyl fabrics. When you choose a pattern, try to find one with just a few seams. It will be much easier to work with. Raglan or kimono sleeves cause fewer problems than set-in sleeves. Some of the crushed patents are soft and pliable enough, however, to set in a sleeve without difficulty. Be sure to make all your pattern altera tions before cutting the farbric It is impos sible to let out seams without damaging the crushed patent. When you attach the pattern to the fabric, place the pins in the seam allow ances or use tape so you won’t damage the garment. Always the fabric when marking darts cut the fabric with sharp shears, and other details It is possible It is a good idea to use chalk to mark on the ht Slde of the or pencil on the wrong side of ice at planting. Or :o potatoes at dragoff. :s about this extract' ilk to your local him help you turn off ’atoraninyour AGROCHEMICAL [vision of CIBA'GEIGY ; iummit, NJ. 07901. CI B A ' -“\ be without. Lancaster Farming, Saturday, May 1,1971 fabric with a grease pencil, since this will wipe off easily. {A V** Use a medium-sized needle and 10 to 12 stitches per inch for machine sewing By placing a piece of tissue paper between the right side of the crushed patent and the machine feed dog, you will prevent damage in stitching. The tissue wears away easily when you are finish ed sewing. *. i": *• • ••• *, M It is best to finger press seams and darts, unless it states on the fabric bolt that you may press with a warm iron Use a centered application in applying zippers Bound button holes or machine buttonholes both work well on crushed patent. Hems can be slip stitched to the fabric backing or top stitch ed for a decorative effect. Follow the fabric manufac turers’ care recommendations. Some crushed patents can be hand washed, others may be wiped with a clean cloth If you’re stretching your food dollar—and who isn’t these days 9 —meals can sometimes be come a bore to both you and your family THOMAS But they don’t have to be. Here are some pointers on mak ing meals more interesting. —Avoid monotony in flavors and colors For example, don’t serve apple salad and applie pie at the same meal Or red beets and red cabbage Or a white meat, white potatoes, and a white vegetable, such as cauliflower —Don’t serve too many strong aiomas at one meal One way to ruin everyone’s appetite is to serve a combination of garlic, onions, and cabbage —Don’t overcook foods; this robs food of eating quality and nutrients. Remember, too, that quick-cook foods should not be started until after everyone gets home. —Serve each food *at, its best serving temperature- For in stance, mashed potatoes are de licious when hot but pretty sad when cold. Ice cieam served at zero, right from the freezer, is too cold. Take it out of the freezer and refrigerate it a short time to let the flavor bloom be fore serving. —Remember that tart foods sharpen appetites, sweet foods dull them. —Crunchy or crisp foods add a contrast in texture that, in turn, adds interest. That’s why hard rolls go with soups or stems; crisp toast with creamed dishes. A routine meal can even be brightened by a simple colorful centerpiece. So even when you’re stretching your food dollar, mealtime doesn’t have to be a bore. Are Your Meals A Bore? GIFTS FOR MOTHER LARGE SELECTION HOME APPLIANCES Carl & Parke Groff , 149 E Franklin St. jv New Holland Ph. 354-0851 21