B—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, April 24,1971 Omaha Cattle Weekly Review Thursday, April 22 Compared with last weeks close "losing prices on slaughter steers and heifers mostly 50c lower with cows weak to 25c lower. Bulls fully steady. Feed er cattl° and calves weak to 50c lower with fleshy two-way steers at full decline. Four day receipts 20,500 as compared 19,900 previous week and 21,300 a year ago Slaugh ter steers approximately 37 per cent heifers 33 percent, general finish not particularly attractive most days with a piedominance good to average-choice Cows 12 percent Feeders 12 peicent Initial session under combined impact of increased marketings and sharply lower carcass quo tations. Supplies poorly distri buted over period with more than 50 percent of four day total arriving Monday Ratio between Jive prices and carcass realiza tions not favorable to packers and most buying interests com peted only for minimum num bers. Average cost slaughter steers first three days 3159 average weight 1129 lbs as compared 323 4 and 1137 lbs previous week and 30 30 and 1153 lbs a year ago. Market Steers Steers High Choice and Prime, five loads U S 3-4, 1081- 1255 lbs, 33 15-33 25, ton loads 1086-1329 lbs, 32 85-33 00, Choice, US 2-4, 975-1275 lbs, 31 50-32 75, Mixed Good and Choice, 950-1250 lbs, 3100-3175, Good, 28 00-31 00, Holstein, U S 2-3, 28.00-28 75; Standard and Low-Good, 26 50-28 00 Heifers: High Choice and Prime, U.S v 2-4, 905-1064 lbs, 32.35-3260; twelve loads 925- 1150 lbs. 32.10-32.25; Choice U S. 24, €25-1050 lbs, 3100-32 00, Mpced t Good and Choice, 800- 1000 lbs, 30.00-31.00, Good, 26 50- 80.00; Standard and Good, 25 00- 26.50. Cows: Utility and Commercial 21.00- 00, Canner and Cutter 18.00- 00, Mixed Cutter and Utility 21.25-21.50. Bulls Utility, Commercial and Good 25 50-28.00; Commercial 28 25-29 00; Cutter and Low- Utility 24 00-26 00 Feeder Steers Trading rather slow, prices weak, to 50c lower Outslupments approximately 2200 from regular market trade as compared 1800 previous week Steers - Choice and Prime, four loads, 611-755 lbs, 34.25- 34 50; Choice, 550-650 lbs, 32.00- 34.00; Mostly Choice Load, 651 Lebanon Valley (Continued from Page 2) Canner, 21.00-22.75; Shells down to 19.50. Bulls: Good, 28 10-30.50; Util ity and Commercial, 2625-28.85 188 Head of Veal Calves Choice (individual), 57.00; Good, 49.00-55.00; Standard, 45.00-49.00; Utility, 41.00-44 50, Cull 90-120 pounds (few), 30 00- 35.00; Cull 70-85 pounds (few), 23 00-28.00. Farm Calves- Bulls 80-110 pounds, 40.0044 00; Heifers 85- 120 pounds (few), 39.00-51.00. 371 Head of Hogs Barrows and Gilts U.S. 2-3 190-250 pounds, 17 35-17 60; U S. 24 190-260 pounds, 17.00-17 35; U.S. 2-4 115-195 pounds, 15 35- 16 35. Sows: U.S. 1-3 300-500 pounds, 12 00-12.85; U.S - 2-3 300-600 pounds, 10.00-12 00. 55 Head of Feeder Pigs U.S. 1-3 20-35 pounds, 6 00- 9.00; US. 1-3 65-75 pounds, 14 50-15 00. 7 Head Sheep and Lambs Spring: Choice 65-100 pounds few, 36.50 39 50, lbs, 3150; High-Good and 430476 lbs, 31 00-33 50; Pari Choice, 865-982 lbs, 30.00-31 00. Loads, 586-782 lbs, 28.50-3150. Com Weed Control? i I AQQfV i —x m - i I J Atrazine Tank Mix Combination REALLY DOES THE JOB! Smoketown, Pa. PH. 397-3539 , Heifers: Choice, Five Loads, Try A Classified Ad It Pays! CALL 394-3047 OR 626-2191 IF YOU THINK TOBACCO IS A GREAT CASH CROP, WAIT’LL YOU TRY CASH.'. Invest your cash-crop money and harvest a bundle! A NEW INVESTMENT PLAN THAT'S SAFE! James E. Milled, Jr., well known insurance salesman, intro duces a fantastic new investment plan that offers to pay you an incredible 9% return. Most banks and investment com panies offer 5% or less. The plan is safe! Backed by thousands of acres of land. Get a free brochure. -It tells all. Send coupon or call now! I SEND ME A FREE BROCHURE NOW! ■ James E Mi/fen, Jr. Akron, Pennsylvania Telephone 859-2200 Name 1 Address | City ® Telei ihone mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmrni BEFORE P.FFEB ENOS State * ? 1-