20—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, April 24,1971 A SALUTE TO LANCASTER FARMING from two great THE ENTIRE AGRICULTURAL COMMUNITY 1580WHEX ‘•THE PENNSYLVANIA FARMERS STATION” The foundation stones of this one of America's richest and most productive farm areas are the farm organizations. Here in the Lancaster-York region, dozens of organizations flourish, serving The leaendary Pennsylvania Farmer. Now, for the first time, each organization is featured 36 times a week on 1580 WHEX ... 6 times daily, listen for "The Farm Salute . . . another service of the Commonwealth National Bank ... the bank with the farm community at heart. THE DAILY DAILY GRAIN MARKET - HOURLY FARM CALENDAR HOURLY FARM REPORTS "THE PENNSYLVANIA FARMERS STATION" TUNE IN 1580WHEX TODAY! FARM SALUTE DAILY COMMODITY REPORTS DAILY LIVESTOCK REPORTS EGG MARKET REPORT DAILY POULTRY PRICES DAILY HOG MARKET PRICES 1580WHEX SERVING THE LANCASTER/YORK AREA IGHT SIDE OF THE DIAL FOR THE BROUGHT TO YOU EVERY DAY OH INSTITUTIONS SERVING Commonwealth JV National Bank LANCASTER - YORK - HARRISBURG MEMBER FDIC