Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, April 03, 1971, Image 8

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    R—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, April 3,1971
Local Grain
Thursday, April 1
These prices are made up of
the average prices quoted by six
participating local feed and grain
concerns. It should be noted,
however, that not every dealer
handles each commodity. All
prices are per bushel, except for
ear corn which is per ton
The average local grain prices
quoted Thursday, April 1, 1971,
are as follows
Bid" Offered*
Ear Corn 41.00 46 00
Shelled Corn 164 183
Oats (local) - 78 88
Oats (western) .94 I.W
Barley 132
Wheat 166 I ’ B^
*Bid is the price the dealer will
huy from the farmer delivered
to the mill. Offered is the price
the dealer will sell for at his
• Chicago
(Continued from Page 2)
mid-week demand curtailed,
but most buying interests work
ed live prices lower in an effort
to get tbeir dressed costs on a
more favorable basis with the
lower wholesale prices.
Receipts 67 per cent slaugh-_
ter steers, near 30 per cent
heifers, balance mainly cows.
Overall finish of slaughter
steers slightly more attractive
fhan last week with 12 per cent
Prime and 70 per cent Choice
This compares with 10 per cent
Prime and 75 per cent Choice
last week, and 23 per cent Prime
anH 68 per cent Choice last
year. Heifer supply mainly High
Good to High Choice weighing
850-1025 lbs.
Monday, load Prime 1248 lbs.
Fleas - Ticks
Rats or Mice
J. C. Ehrlich Co., Inc.
1278 Loop Rd., Lane,
PHONE 397-3721
a fertilizer program for corn
your yield and return with this proven
program that combines the benefits of
UN I PEL 20-10-10 pre-plant application
13-34-10 applied
as a “pop-up” or
in a band. See us
SMOKETOWN, PA. Phone Lone. 397-3539
Green Dragon
Dairy Cattle
Friday, March 26
The Green Dragon market
reported receipts of 194 head of
average to better quality cat
tle, well attended, with prices
steady to strong.
Consignments included:
Load of Canadian purebred
and grade cows, fresh, 375.00-
550 00, springers, 387.50-500.00.
Load of Canadian cows, most
ly springers 385.00-500.00; one
outstanding fresh grade cow,
Outstanding load of 13 Cana
dian cows, fresh and springers,
385.00-625 00; Lassie Leader,
800 00; Ceiling Rockman, 525.00.
Load Susquehanna County
cows, fresh and springers, 387.-
Load Susquehanna fresh
cows, 465 00-550 00.
Load New York State cows,
425 00-505 00.
Herd thin Guernseys, 140.00-
230 00.
Load of 24 purebred and
grade, thin, open and spring
ing heifers, 165 00-320 00.
16 head open heifers, 204.00
Local colored cows, 200.00-
One outstanding Red and
White cow, 450.00.
One Kingpin stock bull, 300.
brought 35 75, highest since
June, 1969. On Wednesday,
Prime 1225-1350 lbs. Yield
Grade 3 and 4 34.50-35.35, nine
loads at latter price, High
Choice and Prime 1150-1350 lbs.
33 25-34 50, mostly 33.50-34 25,
Choice 950-1325 lbs. Yield Grade
2 to 4 32.25-33.50, Mixed Good
and Choice 31.25-32.25, Good
28 00-31.25, Standard and Low
Good 25 50-28.00.
Monday, Load Prime 1020 lbs.
33 50 on Wednesday, High
Choice and Prime 950-1025 lbs.
Yield Grade 3 and 4 31.75-32.25,
Choice 850-1025 lbs. Yield Grade
2 to 4 30 25-31.75, Mixed Good
and Choice 29.50-30.50, Good
26 50-29.50.
New Holland
Dairy' Cattle SS,,
„ „ „ „ „ CoWs: Utility (individual),
Wednesday, March 31 2 2 00-23.50; Cutter, 21.50-22 35;
Reported receipts of 217 head canner, 19.75-21.35; Shells down
of cattle, 3 heifers, 6 bulls; mar- t(J 18 0Q
ket steady with last week. BulIs ; utility and Commer-
One load New York cows, dal, 25.60-28.00; Cutter, 22.50-
fresh, 365-485. 25.00.
One load Canadian cows, 240 Head of Veal Calves
fresh, 365-450; springers, 385- Choice (individual), 53.50
500. and 54.00; Good, 49.00-54.50;
Two loads Canadian cows, stan dard, 44.50-48.00; Utility,
purebred and grades, fresh, 38.00-44.00; CuU 90-120 pounds,
400-820; springers, 385-600. 30.00-36.50; CuU 70-85 pounds,
Herd Vermont cows an 26^^- BuJls
stages of production, 270-460. pound£ . 28 50 .3 700 . Heif er S 85-
Herd Canadian cows, all l2o pounds, 35.00-43.00.
stages of production, 245-435.
One load Canadian cows, 330 Head ofHogs
fresh 410565 Barrows and Gilts: U.S. 2-3
fresh, 410 obo. 200-240 pounds, 17.50-18.00; U.S.
Herd Bradford County cows, 2 4 190 .26 0 pounds, 16.75-17.50.
all stages of production, 285-485. 40 Head of Feeder F i gs
Herd Franklin County cows, g 1.3 20-35 pounds (few),
all stages of production, ISS-gpo-IOSO
Locally consigned cows, most
ly fresh, 265-415.
Heifers, 140-335.
Bulls, 180-425.
Do you
get the
PramitoPSPS weed killer will give you
bare ground control in non-crop areas
and put you right in the picture.
Spread PramitoP pellets this fall, and
you’ll get rid of those messy weeds till
next fall. You’ll be proud of the improved
look of fence rows, buildings, and places
like that.
Pick up a bag or two, and start
spreading. Soon.
Stevens Feed Mill
Stevens, Pa.
Ph; 215-267-2150
j Companyi
tuinwmnr iwiwiv.w
Lebanon Valley
(Continued from Page 2)
37 Head Sheep and Lambs
Spring: Choice 30-45 pounds
(few) 50.00-55.50; Choice 45-60
pounds, 40.00-49.00.
A > A
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New Holland
Horse Auction
Reported receipts of 365 head
of horses; market steady with
last week.
One load Tennessee mules
and work horses; work horses,
single, 195-270; mules, pairs,
One load Oklahoma riding
horses, single, 130-210.
One load Ohio riding horses,
single, 160-245.
One load New Jersey work
horses, pairs, 365-420.
One load Kansas riding
horses, single, 110-290; few
work horses, single, 170-250.
One load lowa riding horses,
single, 135-385.
One load lowa riding horses,
single, 140-280.
Locally consigned work
horses, 115-210; one pair out
standing 7 year old work
horses, 1,040; riding horses, 90-
210; driving horses, 95-345; few
better horses, 220-410; mules,
killer way.
Mare ponies, 15-35; "geldings,
10-30; colts, 5-16; larger ponies,
45-100; killers 8-10.
-r y
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* <
Royster-Miller Whse.
Bird-in-Hand, Pa.
Ph; 717-656-7940
Royster Whse.
Richland, Pa.
Ph; 717-866-5701
Monday, March 29
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