I—Lancaster Farming, Saturday. April 3,1971 County Agent Urges Farmers to Plant Oats, Alfalfa Early Farmers were reminded this 'week that the deadline for plant ing oats and alfalfa, to achieve ibest results, is fast approaching Max Smith. Lancaster Count> agricultural agent, said the oats planting should be finished by the first week in Apul and the alfalfa without a nurse ciop b> mid-Apnl Smith noted that many local farmers, particulaily beef pro ducers, use oats for hay and silage, in addition to hanesting for oats and straw Using oats as a forage crop is piooably the ZIMMERMAN’S FARM EQUIPMENT Bale Elevators Farm Wagon Gear 7 ton & 10 ton sizes with or without Tires Bulk Bins Galvanized bin with painted boot 3 to 9 tons Feed Proportioner Meter Feed Carts 16 bushel capacity Gal vanized construction We are the manufacturers of the Alr-O-Matic ventilation equipment, egg carts and poultry house cleanout equipment. Call us for the name of the dealer in your area. ZIMMERMAN MFG. CORP. Voganville Road, R#l, New Holland Pa 17557 Phone 717-354-9611 George M. Zimmerman SERVING SOUTHEASTERN PENNSYLVANIA & Feed Warehouse, Birdsboro, Pa, best wa\ to harvest this crop, the last week of March or first Smith indicated week in April while weather is But he advised against using cooler the crop yield will be oats as a nurse crop for alfalfa better 01 clover, because the competi- The county agent said that tion for moisture by the two g;ound should be prepared in crops probably will stop either the same manner for any other fiom achieving best results sma ll gram, and a phosphorus- A suaight alfalfa seeding at potash feitilizei should be work ihis time of year with a leason- ed into the soil, such as 0-15-30 able growing season, should net or 0-20-20, at a late of 300-400 the farmer one or two cuttings pounds per acre later this yeai. Smith said The Oats Crop Smith explained that if farm- not be added to the soil Nitio ers can get oats planted during gen conmbutes to a problem tilth lodging in oats, he said Farmeis maj choose oats • New Pork BeHy i Continued *rom Page 1) varieties such as Russell, Gar polis Mini ’ contract 15 or Clutford, which are well Evidence of the popularity of adapted to growth in this area pork belh futures is seen in the Oats should be seeded at a mcieasing membership of the late of two to two-and-a-half Exchange Since the diversify bushels per acre, unless a new cation was first approved by the stand of clover or alfalfa also Board in February, 44 new is to be sown as a nuise crop members have purchased seats, Then the oats rate should be says George Wilkens, Executive one bushel per acre Vice President of the Exchange. The Alfalfa Crop This includes the first woman For alfalfa the soil should be member. prepared as a fine, firm seed- The “Minneapolis Mini” pork bed, with lime and fertilizer ap belly futures contract, singly or plied according to test Seeding in multiples, can be bought or rate should be 20 pounds per sold on margin for $4OO each. acre. It is an 18,000 pound contract A system of planting known as Previously, the only pork belly band seeding, by which the seed futures in the United States is deposited on top of a band were 36.000 pound contracts on of fertilizer and then pressed the Chicago Mercantile Ex- into the ground with a press change. wheel is best. Smith said Minneapolis Futures Commis- Fertilizer such as 5-10-10 sion Merchants and the Secre- works well, he stated tary’s office of the Minneapolis A new alfalfa seeding must Grain Exchange are available to be protected by weed control, answer questions regarding the he added, with Eptam, a high new pork belly futures ly evaporative fertilizer, spread Smith said that unless the land is pooi. nitrogen should F. M. BROWN'S SONS, INC. Birdsboro ,