Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, April 03, 1971, Image 20

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    20—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, April 3,1971
Congressman Edwin D. Eshleman
IMi DlthM-TwMqrivuta KSBbB
First, let me define the term
radical so there can he no mis
take about those to whom this
column refers
The radicals are irresponsible
individuals who promote causes
which are repulsive to free and
reasonable men They are
people who will manufacture any
thing from lies to bombs to ad
vance their causes They range
from the Abbie Hoffmans on the
left to the KKK Grand Wizards
on the right.
Help |Js Serve You
Is your farm organization’s meetings making our farm
calendar? If they’ll not and you think they should, let us
know .
As a public service to fanners and the farm communi
ty, we try to getias many meetings as we can on the
calendar But we'Suss some
Remind us billing 394-3047 or 626 2191 or by writing
to Lancaster Farming, 22 E Main St., Lititz, Pa. 17543. You
can help us serve you better.
SUTAN & ATRAZINE Lets you corn grow free
DYFONATE For root worm control
TILLAM For weed control in tobacco
FOR RENT Gandy Applicator for corn planter also
Sprayer for Satan & Atrazme application
Stumptown Road Rl, Bird-in-Hand, Penna.
r , linin ' 'll s
WHAT IS '■ g " -
Bux is a carbamate insecticide developed by
Ortho for control of resistant and non-resist
ant corn rootworms.
Bux is the only corn rootworm insecticide that
offers all the following advantages:
• Effective, season-long control with a single appli
cation no matter how early you plant, Bux stays
active throughoit the hatching and larval stages of
rootworm dei elopment.
• Doesn’t leave harmful residues
• Less hazardous to us. There’s no need to wear
special equipment such as a respirator or goggles,
when using Bux.
• No objectionable odor
• Flows freely through application equipment
• Resists leeching in rainy weather
• Won’t damage application equipment. Bux is
formulated on non-abrasive clay granules. So
there’s no worry of tearing up your pesticide ap
• Recommended throughout~corn belt. Bux is rec
ommended by University: Entomologists in all
States where resistant rootworms are a problem.
h ;
Smoketown, Po.
knowledge from becoming con
scious of a variety of viewpoints
But, I do question the use of
extremists as “enlighteners.”
My questions are based upon
a belief that paying an irrespon
sible voice to use a college loud
speaker is misguided and un
necessary. It is misguided be
cause it shows a complete dis-
Too often, those of us who dis- re g ar( j 0 f priorities It is un
agree with the coddling of such n ecessar y because in 90 per cent
radicals on campus are accused 0 £ cases the speaker’s mes
of trying to limit freedom of ga g e j s an( j predictable,
speech and/or acadenuc ree- The matter 0 f priorities is
dom As a fir ™J? in f particularly important The
soundness of bo . handsome sum paid a radical for
doms, I resent ’ one hour of foulness and intem-
I have no desi P perance could obtain the services
Xdiirorh» g .SoxT.;s * ? **
ie o araiess u weeks at the same school,
that speech might be. ,
Nor do I have any desire to But instead, it buys convicted
pievent those who thirst for felons, proven troublemakers
— and the like. Very often it is
simply the price paid to prove
that a school is liberal enough to
allow an extremist to utter ob
scenities and/or nonsense.
The question arises whether
self-evidence of broad-minded
ness is worth $3,000.
That kind of fee means that an
extremist speaking on the aver
age of once a week can make
more than $150,000 per year.
That’s $150,000 which could
surely be put to better uses with
im the academic commumty.
[ It also happens to be a sum
about equal to that paid some of
our top professional athletes I
mention this point simply be
cause it has become a part of
liberal orthodoxy to regard
these sports salaries as symbols
of misplaced values in our
Well, I, for one, regard the
contributions of most profession
al athletes as more deserving of
big money than the contributions
of an Abbie Hoffman.
So, where are the misplaced
priorities in society?
It’s something to think about
the next time you hear many of
the same people, who are among
the first to defend paying Abbie
Hoffman and his friends $3,000,
telling us about the Nation losing
its sense of direction.
Command Pnifoimanon
New Van Dale “1230 Series II” Silo Unloader Customer-
Certified to outperform, outlast any make its size.
You're in command. Push the bi
the new Van Dale “1230 Series I
Unloader go into action—give you
output, feed more head—withou
booster or added electricity.
Our say so? No, our customers
testify the “1230
Series 11” is better
three ways:
1. handles meaner
2. throws out of
larger silo
3. unloads on lower
current draw
So, demand
Command Perform
ance—the new
Van Dale
“1230 Series II.”
She’ll win any little girl’s heart. Crocheted Dutch Girl Doll
of “Red Heart Knitting Worsted carries a message offering
a handful of bright felt posies. Both body and garments of
doll are worked in the single crochet stitch with braided
yarn for hair and felt scraps for eyes and mouth. Free in
structions are available by sending a self addressed, stamp
ed envelope to this newspaper along with your request for
leaflet PC 4661.
KITH 3/16'
LEB M. t 1
Drumore Center 1
R. D. 1, j
Quarryville, Pa. I
Phone 548-2113 \
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