2ft—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, March 27,1971 Add Milk to Your Diet With Puddings, Princess Urge Milk is one of the best foods a freshman majoring in home you can get It contains many economics at the University of vitamins, mieials, fats, sugars, Maryland and high-quality proteins that everyone needs in his daily diet, Susan recommends puddings according to Susan Frv, Mary- a 5 an excellent means of adding land’s Dairy Puncess * that vital milk to your family’s Many people do not get enough daily intake, milk for their best nutritional Tiy one of Susan’s favorite health. One reason is that pudding recipes for young fam people get tired of drinking ily tonight You will be serving milk, so they don’t drink neatly them a delicious and nutritious as much as they need. dessert. “However, cooked foods and HnNirv RT?FA n PUDDNG other prepared foods offer many HONEY BREAD POODNfc, additional ways to get milk into l 2 a cups bread cubes the daily diet,” says Susan, who Vt cup liquid honey RISSER POULTRY BEFORE SELLING LET US QUOTE RISSER POULTRY 347 N. Broad St., Lititz Ph. 717-626-2153 Say, all you Corn growers, here’s great news about better broad spec trum weed control... Lasso 0 plus atrazine does the job! That's right l Now you can tank Lasso plus atrazme gets the job mix liquid Lasso from Monsanto done in all major Northeastern with atrazme and control about soil types—wet weather or dry. any grass or broadleaf you can Apply it pre emerge or preplant think of including the Fox incorporated just once and for tails, Fall Panicum, Crabgrass, get it Troublesome, yield cut- Witchgrass, Cocklebur, Pig ting grasses and weeds will weed, Smartweed, and even An never see the light of day, nual Mornmgglory is no match for Lasso plus atrazme Don't settle for less than maxi mum weed control, but don t take chances either Lasso plus atrazme is safe to your&. Corn and there’s no carryover problem For tank mix instructions about Lasso plus atrazine see Your Farm Chemical Supplier Now P. L. ROHRER & BRO., INC. — c. Smoketown, Pa. MgSRSSIg jVSort«is* Monsanto St Louis, Missouri 63166 7=3.539 2 tablespoons butter or mar garine Vs teaspoon salt 2 eggs, beaten Vz teaspoon vanilla 1% cup hot milk Place the bread cubes in a small baking dish Combine the honey, fat, salt, eggs and-vanilla. Slowly stir in the milk. Pour the mixture over the bread. Set the baking dish in a pan of hot water and bake at 350°F. (moderate oven) for 30 to 40 minutes or un til pudding is set. Makes 4 serv ings (Contains almost %. cup milk per serving). LEMON SPONGE PUDDING Vi cup sugar Vi cup flour Vs teaspoon salt 1 tablespoon melted butter or margarine Vi cup lemon juice Vz teaspoon grated lemon rind 2 eggs, separated IV2 cups milk Mix together sugar and flour. Add salt, fat, lemon juice and lemon rind. Beat egg yolks and add milk. Combine with sugar mixture Beat egg whites until stiff but not dry, and fold into the mixture Pour into greased custard cups or baking dish, and set in pan of hot water Bake at 350°F (moderate oven) for 40 to 45 minutes Makes 6 seivmgs (Contains Vi cup milk per serv ing). OKANGE-COCONUT PUDDING IMj tablespoons unflavoied gela- tin Vi cup orange juice 2 eggs COMPLETE CROP PROGRAM SOIL TEST REQUIRED PLANT FOOD BLIGHT RESISTANT VARIETY WEED CONTROL Plow down AGRICO based on Soil Test. Use AGRICO Starter Fertilizer. BROWN & REA Inc. Atglen, Pa. 2 tablespoons cornstarch juice and rind, vanilla and c< 1 cup sugar nut until blended. Stir into 2 cups hot milk tard and mix well. Pour : y 4 cup cottage cheese molds. Chill until firm. May 1 tablespoon lemon juice garnished with orange secti 14 teaspoon grated lemon rind if desired. Makes 6 servu 14 cup shredded or flaked coco- (Contains Vs cup milk per s nut ing). Soak gelatin in orange juice. Beat eggs, cornstarch and sugar until well blended. Gradually add hot water to egg mixture. Cook over hot water until thick ened. Remove from heat and stir gelatin into hot custard mixture. Cool Beat cottage cheese, lemon AGRICO FOR WEED • CONTROL USE AATREX Pre-plant Pre-emerge for your complete Crop Needs Post-amerge with oil Colt Try A Classified It Pays 1 >593-5149