18—Lancaster Farming. Saturday. March 20.1971 Lancaster Co. Farmers Assn. Holds Membership Meeting Local faunas who participat ed in the Congressional tour of Washington Maich 2 and 3 le •ceive a naira reception from Congressman Edwin Eshleman snd Senator Richaid Schweikei it was i epoi ted by Robei t Hess s‘ the Lancastei County Farm ers Association spring membei ship meeting at the Faim and Home Center March 12 Hess -.aid he feels more eve.v t me he \ > it M ashing on na big citv legishto’s aie Tealiz ing the unpomarce of faimei m'the Perms, h.-ma economv Clide Wu FI K-po::ed on his attending me Pollution and Waste Cork ca.e spomored b. Penn State n Febiuai. Wivell said mam peop e a e b: ought up m DUTCHMAN A Division of U S Industries. Inc EASTERN BRANCH 215 Dillei A\e , New Holland. Pa 17557 Ph 354 51C8 and those Labois who have the ability to earn should share the load m proportion to his ability tc help those on legitimate wel L.re Lancaster County is a well balanced county economically, but since 1961—the date of the last reassessment land has grown highly in value Land should be taxed on its piesent use ana not on us potential, Weaver said Concerning faim land he said something should be done to PiC stive it in Lancastei County Xew modern highways take about 80 acres of land per mile cf highway Now’s the time to buy I\EW HOLLAND f"| iiTiJ HOLtiii. I- ' niut—S -at/ESlBaSiseiai : : 7/VAV, aim Buy now before the busy haying season. Come in and let us show you our big selection of New Holland balers with: □ Super-Sweep pickup. □ Flow-Action' 1 feeding system. □ Choice of twine- or wire-tie.' Let us give you the full story about these rugged, dependable balers..' A. B. C. Groff, Inc. 110 S Railroad Ave. New Holland 354-4191 R oy" A r Lititz RD3 626-7766 Getßeady For Spring \H\th Manufacturers of TRASK HARK R(CI|TtRl* '*» i ,Tu^ SHOP WITH ONE STOP FOR COMPLETE HARD TO BEAT SERVICES and PRODUCTS Soil Testing Complete Fertilizers „ Bulk Blends Crop Programming no. Farm Seeds Truck Spreading Ortho Garden Supplies Tyler Spreaders Trojan Seed Corn Bulk Pick-up T k' me Lasso Alrazine Golden Uran Application Furadan + ★ LANCASTER BONE 1 FERTILIZER CO., INC. Qnarryville 78(>-7348 Oxford 932-8323 L. H. Brubaker 350 Strasburg Pike Lancaster 397-5179 C. E. Wiley & SonHtic. 101 S Lime St, Quarryville 786-2895