B—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, March 13,1971 Solanco FFA Chapter Holds Annual Parent and Son Banquet Dr. Curtis L. Rohm, Solanco firm, was awarded to David ics; Charles Stoner, placement tion; Roger Campbell, natural ard Aument, soil, air and water_ School District superintendent, Byers. This award goes to the ir. agricultural production; resource development;- David management. , - -- ' • received the Honorary Chapter senior boy who has made the Wayne Revnolds, farm safety; Bitler, dairy production;; Scott’ Receiving recognition as-gold Farmer Degree at the annual So- best use of-the agricultural op-- Clyde Dearolf, livestock produc- Kreider, crop jproduction; Rich- ' (Continued, on Page 10) lanco FFA Chapter Parent and portumties available to him. His^ Son Banquet at Solanco High program includes a beef animal' School Thursday night. and work off the farm Many chapter members also Ray Brubaker, a junior, ro wer© honored for progress in the ctived awards for his outstand- FFA and in their farming pro- ing work with corn- He had the grams. _ , , , , one acre, maturity group four. The Star Greenhand award for , 010 , , the outstanding first vear PPi He had 219 bushels The award 4 y J ~ F t «’as from the Pioneer Seed Corn member went to Randy Clark, whose program included two panj ' dairy heifers and tobacco Scott Mull was second in corn ■m- „■ TT , , with 152 bushels and Carl D. William Hershey a sopho- Krelder was thlrd . more, received the Star Chapter Farmer Award, His program in- Receiving the DeKalb Award, eludes dairy heifers, feeder which is limited to seniors, was steers, field crops and squash Larry Myers This is based on The Star Red Rose Farmer 0V T e f ll of corn award went to Adolph Sensing- J h * f arm Women Society 20 er whose mo«ram center dWard to an outstanding senior v,ent to Clifford Holloway 111 around work on a neighboring „ ~. , c . Foundation awards in specific farming categories were as fol- The Henry N Wenger Award, lows; presented by a local insurance Rodney Unger, farm mechan- David Byers receives the award from Henry N. Wenger, local insurance agent, for the Solanco Senior FFA boy who has made the best use of the agricultural opportunities available to him. P. L. ROHRER & BRO., INC. SMOKETOWN Phone Lone. 397-3539 highest yield in the state in the ack nutgrass em- rex® SOW Apply AAtrex and it controls tough nut grass for the whole season. And your corn has the field to itself— no yield cutting competition from nutgrass or many other annual broadleaf and grass weeds. Just be sure to make the right applica tion 5 pounds of AAtrex per acre be fore nutgrass is 1 Vz inches high. And follow later with a cultivation. Call us. We’ll help you crack your nut grass problem with AAtrex. Do it now. The time is right. Dr. Curtis L. Rohm, Solanco School quet Thursday night. Congratulating him District superintendent, accepts congratu- is Scott Kreider, chapter president, and' lations after receiving the Honorary master of ceremonies. Larry Myers, chap- Chapter Farmer Degree at the annual So- 1 ter sentinel, looks on. lanco FFA Chapter Parent and Son Ban- Jerry Shaffer of PP&L congratulates FFA members are eligible for this honor Jim Huber for receiving the American and that the two men represent about half Farmer Degree. Looking on is Solanco’s of all the American Farmers he has seen other American Farmer, Preston LeFevre in nine years of working with FFA or- Jr. Shaffer noted that only one in 1,000 ganizations. Ray Brubaker, right, a junior, re- Presenting the award is Arba Henry, FFA ceives the Pioneer Award for his outstand- advisor. Larry Myers, left, received the ing work with corn. He had 219 bushels, DeKalb Award to the senior with the best the highest yield in the state last year in overall corn management program. the one acre, maturity group four contest.