—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, March 13,1971 18 Size, Stretch, Marbling, Muscling, Faster Gain Needed Breed Better Animals, Angus Men Told “We must accept the chal lenge to change our heef cat tle If we don’t and the com mercial cattleman can't find the kind of Angus bulls that will Totusek’s remaiks came at make him the most Profit he thg conclusion 0 f the tour at will hkely go to other bieeds, Igland Farms near Afto n, Okla- Dr Robei t Totusek of Okla- h oma And he was optimistic homa State Univeisity told about the future “We have Your Hojfman Seed Man / Is a Specialist in ... Sh\ BETTER PAYING rj CROPS AND 1 DEPENDABLE SERVICE ' Frank Bucher, Rothsville 626-6504 Lester Erb, 312 S Mt Joy St., Elizabethtown 367-7112 Jason Mellinger. R 1, Strasburg 687-6546 Jonathan Shirk, 366 E Main St , Bareville 656-9302 Edgar C. Umble, Pequea Ave , Gap 442-4525 CALL THE ONE NEAREST YOU Jr? A.H. HOFFMAN SEEDS. INC. Hi llil Lee ,tec * ,n the Heart of Lancaster County LANDISVILLE PENNSYLVANIA 17S3S Arcadian Liquid. Now’s the time to top-dress wheat. W,,, f Developing wheat plants need nitrogen so thc\ wj'i stool out bettei, pioduciug mme stalks pei seed foi full cmM potential The mtiogen should 1 o applied evenh fm uniform matin itv Thais why \ou should sec us now foi fast and eas\ top-dn ss ing with 'Vicadian Golden Uiovn' liquid ninogen Wide spias booms and case-, of-handhng let one man co\a> JOHN Z. New Holland Rirl moie than 500 registeied Angus breeders attending the recent National Angus “Cattlemen’s Challenge” Toui. mans mine acies pei dav Youi top-dicssnig gets done on time. Spicad Auadian liquid voiu self oi h,ne us custom top-chess foi son You get both qmck-act ing and long-lasting mtiogen to aclncse high piotein, high qual it\ and high \ icldmg wheat ARCADIAN Sec us now' MARTIN -^7v. Allied Qiemical Phone 354-5848 This news article from the American Angus Association illustrates the kind of think ing which is going on in rela tion to nearly all the beef cattle bieeds today Specifically, cattle breed eis are looking for big-fram ed animals which will put on meat in a hurry—at the late of thiee to foui pounds a day Such fast growing ani mals are more profitable, they use feed moie efficient ly, and they allow lor a fast er tui novel and theiefoie moie piofit The question for bieedeis and growers is how to get these fast-growing, high-pi o fit animals Caieful breeding, based on accurate lecoids, and good management can do the job, the Angus Association points out m this aiticle seen on this Tour the need foi a little moie size, fiame and growthiness in Angus cattle,” he pointed out “The question is how do we get this change I think we can and will do it through the use of both something old and something new We have seen on this Tour how selective bieedmg and propei use of pedigrees can bung about high producing cow lines and fami lies We have seen the need for good judgment in selecting and breeding beef cattle, and we certainly have seen the need foi production lecords So we must use all these methods to ac complish the necessai v change” “The Challenge,” Totusek emphasized, “is not 311 st to make the changes, but to ac complish change intelligently and to guide it coueetly using all the old and new tools we can mustei ” Anothei highlight of the tin ee day program which began *>?•- f Z} 4 mi V, *£ > ~ ■ +C DDnrDAM PENN JERSEY HARVESTORE F IWUiIMIVI NEW HOLLAND, PA (717) 354-5171 Susan Masteison •Alice in Danyland” YOUR JET DEPARTS FROM. HARRIS- BURG ',9:30 A.M. MARCH 30 in Wichita, Kansas, and ended son, a noted commercial Angus at Afton, Oklohoma, with a Na- breeder from Council Grove, tional Angus Judging Seminar, Kansas emphasized “And we was a panel discussion of both have to do this without losing registered and commercial cat- the quality and marbling that tie breeders Much of the dis- Angus are noted for While it cussion centered around culling isn’t as easy to sell every kind for more profit and breeding of stiaightbred Angus feeder bulls that satisfy the best profit- steer today as it was a few conscious commeicial cattle years ago, I have yet to find a pioducers packer who doesn’t like to buy Angus for slaughter ” “What registered Angus bi eedei s need to do is get more Angus breedei s also have a size and stretch in the top end * prodUCe of their cattle and cull off the “ ei ’ fastei g mg ’ moie effi bottom 25 per cent,” Andy 01- (Goutmued on Pago 27> JAMESWAY Volume-Belt Cattle Feeder Feeds Fast without Separation * Only 1-1/2 hp. Up to 250 Feet * Big Capacity Belt Carries Feed * Galvanized Steel Cover * Works In-Barn or Out COUNT ON US YOU CAN Reliable Products - Installation • Service M. E. SNAVELY 445 South Cedar St., Litit/, Pa. 17543 Ph, 626-8144 A DAIRY MANAGEMENT TOUR TO SOME OF WISCONSIN’S MOST SUCCESSFUL FARMING ENTERPRISES WHERE EFFICIENCY AND OUT-PUT HAVE MAINTAINED STEADY GROWTH Match 30, 1971 Depait Madison, Wis Airpoit to tour Dairy Fai ms Noon 500 P M Check-in at Madison Motels 630 PM Snack “N” Chat Featuung Delicious Wisconsin cheese with tasty wines Holiday Inn Soutneast 730 P M Dinnci 830 P i\l Evening Pi ogi am Mifirch 31, 1971 6,00 A M Wake-up call 7200' ATI Bieakfast—seived in Motel wheie you aie staying 3 'OO A M Boaid buses to continue tour ot Dauy Farms i 80' A M Special Ladies- Piogjam “Imagination With Wisconsin Dairy 1 Foods ’’ Cooking demonstra tions and unique .recipe ideas Sponsored by Wisconsin Department of Aguculttfre and* Ameucan ( Dany Association Holiday Inn Southeast ' ‘ ‘ ; ii, I j Noon Dany toui completed Depaitfoi home i r LIMITED RESERVATIONS!! CALL TODAY Donald E Wilkinson Sec of Agncultui e, State of Wisconsin