AGWAY PRE-ENGINEERED BUILDINGS FOR AGRIBUSINESS ml COMMERCIAL USES An Agway building to match ' V V Agway Comprehensive building service can mean providing you a conventional dairy barn or a modern free-stall system . . . from plans to ready-for-milking completion. Not all Agway buildings are designed for agri business operation. Some, like this horse barn, fill the bill for country living recreation. Whatever your build ing need or budget may be, Agway has a solution. Agway Bee-Line Supply Center sth ANNIVERSARY SALE FRIDAY & SATURDAY, MARCH 26 and 27 SPECIAL DISCOUNTS, DOOR PRIZES, REFRESHMENTS. LOOK FOR BIG ADVERTISEMENT IN NEXT WEEK'S ISSUE. Send coupon for more information on buildings I would like more information on: □ Dairy buildings □ Poultry buildings □ Horse buildings □ Equipment storage buildings □ Crop storage buildings □ General-purpose buildings □ Commercial buildings □ Garages - □ Agway Financing Plan mmmm your individual requirements d'~" r \ f: Special-purpose buildings, such as this potato stor age, are part of Agway’s years of experience in agri business construction and planning available to assist you toward more profitable operations. Agway building service specializes in dairy barns of various types and sizes to match your objectives in herd size and management practices. Our building specialist, backed by computer analysis, can work with you to tailor the layout to your operation. Name Address County Send to; AGWAY, INC. Lancaster Supply Center 1027 DillerviUe Road Lancaster, Pa. 17603 or Coll 717-397-4761 Ask for Fred Kerim or Harold Kinsey Farm Systems Salesman .. Post Office State Student □ J Zip Lancaster Farming, Sat., March 13,1971—11 Oat Seed Research Findings Reported High quality, certified oat seed of the right variety for a specific farm can mean 20 or more bushels per acre than possible with homegrown seed, according to Dr Guy W. McKee, professor of agronomy at Penn sylvania State University. Twenty-four extra bushels was the yield difference be tween statewide trials of certi fied oats and all oats grown in Pennsylvania during a 15-year period, Dr. McKee says. The average yield of all varie ties in the demonstration trials was 65 5 bushels per acre over the 15 years In contrast, the average statewide yield of all oats was only 415 bushels per acre There were several years of below normal rainfall in the 15-year period. As secretary of the Experi ment Station Seed Committee in the College of Agriculture, Dr. McKee works closely with seed improvement programs. He said high seed quality is indicated by germination abili ty and freedom from weed seeds Certified seed, or seed of equal quality bearing the brand tags of reliable seedsmen, is the best assurance of quality. The extra cost is repaid many times over in increased 5 yield, he said. Penn State recommends six varieties of spring oats for Pennsylvania farms They are Garry, Pennfield, Orbit, Rus sell, Clintford, and Jaycee. For farmers wanting an early maturing variety with stiff straw, Clintford replaces Clin ton 59 and the several Clintland selections. Russell oats, while high yield ing, tends to have more stalk breakage than the other recom mended varieties. In the 15-year period of an alysis, the average yields per acre were: Russell, 75 8; Penn field, 73 7; Orbit, 731; Garry, 69.2; and Chnton-Clintland types, 614. Pennfield, Orbit, and Russell, released in recent years, were included only during the latter years of the test Jaycee, newly recommended, was not in the trials but pro duces high yields. Elmer C Pifer, former Ex tension agronomist now retired, conducted the 15-year trials. Help Us Serve You If your organization didn’t make our farm calendar this week, it’s not because we don’t like you or your or ganization. We may have missed it in the rush. Or maybe you for got to tell us. Either way, we’d like to extend our farm community service to you. To get on the Farm Calen dar, remind us by calling 394-3047 or 626-2191 or by writing to Lancaster Farm ing, 22 E. Main St., Lititz, Pa 17543. And help us serve