Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, March 06, 1971, Image 20

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    20—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, March 6,1971
Mrs. Ober, a Town Girl Who Really Mastered Farm Life
(Continued from Page 17)
She warns :o go camping wltn
the Girl Scouts this year Next
year she plans to be a leadei of
a tioop
The Girl Scout cookies went
on sale last week This is an
annual event to raise funds to
•build and maintain their camps.
Mrs. Ober has been a helpei
with Mount Joy 4-H Club first
year sewing girls and will help
this year They also have a
cooking club.
She organized Farm Women
Society 29 two years ago and has
seived as theii president ever
since. They have 29 memoers
fiom Marietta-Mount Joy area,
all under 35 years of age. All
but five of them are farmers’
wives. They contribute to Lan
caster County Farm Women So
ciety projects
They are going to give a dona
tion to the Haiold Barley Fund
He was a dairy farmei from the
Millersville aiea who fell in a
tobacco shed and is paralyzed
from the waist down Their so
ciety has speakers come in for
their piograms and sometimes
someone teaches a craft.
Ronald is a member of the
Farmers Association and Sandra
served on the Women’s Commit
tee picnic committee last year
and has been appointed on the
scrapbook committee this year.
She belongs to the Mount Joy
Joyces ettes She models for
their annual fashion show.
They donate to Messiah Chil
dren’s Home, Community Coun
cil and the Mount Joy Library,
give a scholarship to the out
standing Donegal High School
senior girl in the business course
and athletic trophies to the out
standing senior boy and girl
Obers are members of the
Donegal Presbyterian Church
v/here they served as sextons
for two yeais They now regu
larly attend Saint Marks United
JViethodist Church and Sunday
School m Mount Joy where Mrs
Ober sings alto in the choir and
teaches a class m their Daily
Vacation Bible School This is
a large church and theie are
over thuty in the choir Mrs
Ober grew up in this chuich
Mrs Ober is a member of Elm
Tiee Elementary PTA and is
seivmg on their piogram plan
ning committee
Obers entei tamed two fresh
air children fiom New York City
lost summer and one girl the
year before
Both Mr and Mis Ober are
active in sports Ronald is a
member of the Donegal Wrestl
ing Club Donegal High School
•gym opens eveiy Sunday at 2
p m and they can go there to
pi actice
Then summer sports include
swimming, boating, water skiing,
camping and trail riding They
belong to Mount Joy Lions
Club’s swimming poox club and
do a lot of swimming m sum
mer. Thej' have a 14 foot motoi
iboat and go boating and water
skiing at Long Level.
They borrow a fuend’s camp
er and go on weekend camping
tiips to the seashore or to the
Self Seivice Bjf
2750 Columbia Ave. |S-
Lancaster Ef
Lane. Co.’s Largest
Shoe Store kr
All Ist Quality g*.
Super Low Prices gS
Mrs. Ronald M. Ober, Girl Scout Consultant for Junior
Troops of Donegal Neighborhood, is proud of her hat dec
orated with Scout souvenirs from around the world
mountains Each has a Honda
SO trail bike which they ude on
lulls and tiails in the woods
Mrs Ober belongs to the
YWCA so she has been able to
go swimming this wmtei She
also took an advanced swim
ming couise She loves to walk
and walks everywhere possible.
She takes her children on hikes
frequently to find things like
dried weeds for hei craft proj
ects She is looking forward to
ttaining their colt to be ridden
this summer
Sandra graduated from Done
gal High School and was an
academic major In school she
played hockey, was on the track
team and was a majorette in the
Mis Ober says, “I like any
kind of music ” Besides singing,
she plays the piano and a ban
tone uke
She also likes to dance As a
hltle gnl, she took tap dancing
lessons She says, “I like to
squaie dance ” They had a
squaie dance m then bain last
year and hope to have one this
Sandra antiques furnituie and
has painted seveial i coins in
tneir house -
She is becoming q ute a gai
dMiei They have a sizeable
vegetable garden and aie going
to plant strawbernes this year
Hei giandtather is teaching her
to giovv loses and chrysanthe
mums She has stalled seveial
ol each
She has learnea to freeze and
can vegetables and fiuits and
wants to learn to make jelly and
Obers belong to a pinochle
ciub that plajs once a month
As far as crafts go, Sandy i.s
willing to try her hand at just
about anything She makes tiees
and wreaths of pine cones and
nuts She has made a lot of
pictures using a pictuie frame
Garber Oil Co.
Texaco Heating Oil
Burner Sales & Service
Ph. 653-1821
Commonwealth National V
Agri-Loan Corp.
A subsidiary of Commonwealth National Bank
South Central Pennsylvania
Lititz R.D. 3 626-7766
350 Strasburg Pike, Lancaster
Ph. Lane. 397-5179
Strasburg 687-6002
and fastening artificial flowers inttilllEllllliailllllll
and hulls on a burlap backing _ „
She made papier-mache angels
and a nativity scene
In needlework she does crewel
embroideiy, cross stitch pic
tures, knits scarves and light
now is knotting a yarn deep
pile rug She says, “I like sew
ing, make most of my own
Here is a recipe Sandra learn
ed to make as a Girl Scout and,
girls, here are the necessities td
take along on your camping trip
to make it - kettle and soap, stir
ring spoon, knife, tablespoon and
can opener.
2 lbs. hamburger
1 onion, pelled and cut in small
1 tablespoon fat
2 10% oz. cans condensed vege
table soup
Salt and pepper
Put fat in bottom of kettle
Add salt and pepper to hambur
ger and separate hamburger into
little pieces or make little balls
of it Fiy hambmger with the
onion until the onion is light
biown and hamburger is well
browned all over Pour off ex
cess fat Add vegetable soup
(Continued on Page 21)
Member FDIC
Carload of
Field Fencing
Also Hog, Sheep & Poultry
Fencing," Barb Wire, Welded
Turkey Wire, Netting, Posts,
Metal Gates, etc.
Buy now and get the early
spring price until- April Ist. Ex
tra allowance on large orders
Let us quote you on your re
quirements. Free delivery in
the area
Tank Truck delivery of Gulf
•fome-Heating Oils-Kerosene,
Engine Gasoline, Gaslite Naph
tha, etc.
will save you lots of time in
figuring your check book and
other farm figuring chores. We
have them in hand or electric
and they will add, subtract,
multiply and divide. Let us
demonstrate. For Sale or rent.
Easter candy-making
and small semi-sweet
bits in bulk
Orders must foe placed in
Intercourse Community Sale
First Sat afternoon of
each month.
Have the satisfaction of -
shopping at ZIMMERMAN’S
in Intercourse. Plenty of
parking and hitching space
at the rear
W.L Zimmerman
Open Thurs till 8; Fn. till 9
for Insect Control
For your
& Sons
and Wed till noon.
Dial (71?) 768-3131
Intercourse, Pa