PUBLIC SALE FARM EQUIPMENT AND SOME CATTLE SATURDAY, FEB. 20, 1971 Located one mile south of Honey Brook on the Cam bridge Road between Route 10 and Route 322. 11 HEIFERS FARM EQUIPMENT Farmall H tractor; Farmall BN with cultivator trac tor; Ford 9N tractor; Ford 8N tractor; Sauder load er; Massey-Ferguson two-bottom plow, trip bottoms; three point cultivator, used one year; McCormick manure spreader; Case 12-8 grain drill; two corn planters; Smoker bale elevator; New Holland grain wagon on rubber; two flat wagons on rubber; New Idea trailer mower; Ford three-point mower; McCormick 45 baler; John Deere 12A combine; Wood Brothers corn picker; 28-disc harrow; spring-tooth harrow; McCormick rake; cultipacker; two John Deere trailer plows; sprayer; seeders; electric fence posts and wire; snow fence. ' DAIRY EQUIPMENT DeLaval No. 73 pump, motor, and vacuum lines; S. S. tubs; strainer; milk cans; Stewart clippers; feed cart; hay, corn, barley, oats; fertilizer; forks, shovels, etc. SALE WILL START AT 12:00 NOON. G. EDWIN HELMS, . Owner Clyde M. Spotts, Auct. PUBLIC SALE Farm Machinery and Household Goods At Collinsville along Route 74, 9 mile South of Red Lion, 8 mile north of-Norman.Wood Bridge, York Couhty, Pa. . WEDNESDAY, FEB. 24, 1971 John Deere 4020 with #47 loader, 1500 hrs. good rub ber fully equipped, J.D. 2510 diesel 1200 hrs., J.D. 630 gas with #45 loader, IHC 656 diesel low hours, Allis-Chalmers DIS with loader & utility bucket, John Deere 4 bottom plow 16 in. trip F 125, John Deere 3 bottom 16 in, plow F 125, IHC disc harrow, J.D. 12 ft. spring harrow with cylinder, J.D. 3 sec. spring harrow, J.D. side mounted mower #5O used 1 yr., J.D. #8 mower, J.D. fluffer, J.D. #2l crimper, J.D. #894 hay rake. New Holland #271 baler with thrower, wheel rake trailer, 2 Smoker elevators with motors 22 ft. and 26 ft., New Idea P.T.O. elevator 32 ft., John Deere #45 combine 10 ft. with cab and air conditioning, Cardinal grain elevator, Felix grain bin. 1967 Chevrolet Truck V Tag with factory bed dump. 8500 mile, (nice) John Deere 4 row cornplanter with fert #494, John Deere 4 row cultivators front mount, Fox industrial Harvester with 2 row 40 in corn head and pick up head, 2 John Deere #125 chuck wagons with high sides, Allis-Chalmers hopper blower with 40 ft pipe, J.D #227 cornpickei multi-lube, New Idea manure spread er #2OB John Deere 15 disc grain drill, New Holland #36 flail chop per, Case 12 ft. tianspoit disc harrow, Dunham 14 ft cultipacker, Ezee Flow fert. spreader with clover seed attachment, Dearborn 2 row cultivator 3 pt, Ferguson rear mount scraper blade, 2 snow blades 1 straight one V, Walsh 165 gal weed sprayer 3 pt, corn drag, 4 hay wagons with high sides, 20 ft feed wagon, 6 row spike harrow, 2 wheel cait, 36 ft. extension ladder, 1,000 tobacco lath, spears, shears, hoers, cow stalls, cattle oiler, drill press, gnndei, 2 sets Stewart chppeis, chicken feeders, brooders, etc HOUSEHOLD GOODS Kelvinator frost free lefngerator 14 cu ft (2 yr), 2 elee stoves, 1 elec water heater, 'V-i doz chans, 2 diessers, wash stands; high chair; 2 buffets, 2 tables, 3 metal wardrobes, 1 cedai and l.wood wardrobe, kitchen cabinet, desk, 2 butter churns, butchering furnace and kettles, meat grinder with pulleys, 10 milk cans, and othei household goods ’ i 960 Vz ton Ford Pickup, tractor chains for ’4020 and 630, forks, shovels and other articles not mentioned. Kreider and Diller, Aucts. JfefJesjhipeat for ;pt. Luke Church. Auctioneer note Most machinery 3-4 ajid w.ell cared for,. A *■ 7 • Household goods sold at 11:00 o’clock.' 11:00 A. M. 5 TRACTORS Terms by MRS. STEWART KILGORE * » (Continued from Page 26) Amos M Fisher, Owner, Carl Diller and J. Everett Kreider, Auctioneers SAT. MAR 20 Hogs 11 30 A M Cattle 1 P M 85 Registered Canadian Holstems, 125 York shire Hogs, located 4 miles North o." Lebanon, 1 mile North of n«ona on Route 422. Sale by R F Heilman & Son, Lebanon, R D #4, Pa 1 \T. MAR 20 10 00 AM. Public Sale of Household Goods ,nd Antiques located about 1 mile south of the Central Manor Camp Meeting Grounds Sale by the Susie Breneman Estate. Kreider and Diller Auctioneers. TUBS. MAR 23 11:30 A.M Public Sale of Farm Machinery and Complete Dairy Dispersal located 6 miles south of Quarry ville off Route 222, 14 mile south of Robert Fulton Birth place, take Little Britain road, Vi mile turn left and watch for signs, IVz mile west of Fair mount. Teims by Russel Greer, Kreider and Diller, Aucts WED. MARCH 24—9 A M. Mar tin’s Sale Bam, Blue Ball, Pa Farm Equipment. We sell on commission. Ph 717-354-6671 Paul Z. Martin, Martin Auc tioneers. Located 2 miles southeast of Route 30 from Gap, at the north end of Christiana, along Route 41, opposite Sunoco Service sta tion, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. LIVESTOCK 44 Head Registered and Hi-Grade Holstein Dairy Cattle, 30 Holstein Dairy Cows, in all stages of production. Daughters of these popular sires offered: Romandale Reflection Marquis, Welk Acres Tidy Dean, Blossomelle Black Gold, Penstate Butter Boy, Irvington Pride Admiral, Mooseheart Noble. Wis Captain, Oakcrest Roburke Dean, Poestenkill Model Ormsby, Sandsdale Sovereign Royal Su preme, Lowensdale Cherry Mookown. 12 Holstein Heifers - 2 bred, 2 Stock Bulls sired by Whirlhill Kingpin. PRODUCTION and DAIRYING QUALITIES BOTH OFFERED WITH THIS HERD. Three pair of Good Mules. One pair 6 year old white horses. Fold No 530 baler, used two years, Oliver “80” tiactoi in good condition, Oliver No. 37 hay crimper, McD No 7 ensilage cutter, PTO oi belt drive .New Idea No 206 manure spreader, used 2 years, New Hol land No 45 roll-a-bar hay lake, John Deere No 290 tractor coin planter, New Holland No 46 7-ft grass mower, with engine and hyd lift, New Idea No 10 1-row corn pickei McD 8-ft PTO grain binder; John Deere “KBA” disc hanow, McD ground diiven corn.binder, Oliver 2-steel bottom 16” tiailer plow, Oliver 2-steel bottom 2-way plow. Ontauo 10 disc grain drill; 8-£t cultipacker, New Idea to bacco plantei, McD 4-section spring harrow, two McD and one lohn Deere riding cultivators; Stoltzfus 28-ft elevator. New Hol land 10-ft fertilizer drill; three steel wheel wagons with 16-ft beds, sideboards and standards. Field sprayer with 110-gallon tank and 16-ft boom, double cultipacker, three foretrucks; two wheel all-pui pose trailer, alum inum 16 ft grain elevator, Wiard No 106 walking plow, 150 gal lon gas tank with pump; spring wagon, mineral feeder with roof, two hay racks, 14-ft and 16-ft Two Minmch tobacco presses; platform scales 10 bale baler twine; Wisconsin 4-cylmder “EH4D” engine with reduction geai and clutch, like new, snow fence for corn crib, folks, shovels wheell anow Nine sets of front gears,, collars; bridles, lines, 1,2, 3, 4. 5, 6 and 7 hoise hitches 50 TON EAR CORN 2nd and 3rd Cutting ALFALFA HAY DAIRYING EQUIPMENT Three Singe units, two 50-lb and one 45-lb with Jet-flow in flations, Surge Alamo “30” vacuum pump, 16-can coolei, Lehigh IV2 hp compressor, 39 milk Cans; 15-can rack, 6 can cait, stain less-steeL strainer and carrying pail. Dairy-Vac cleanei, electric fly sprayei, two fenceis, one-6- volt fencai, Stewart clippers., 31 cow traineis, hyd can hoist, . dairy scales, ensilage and feed carts; small lime spieaders, etc u Henry- - 'Abe Diffenbach, Auctioneer e i_,-- -- -M i > r r. (. t. , IM Ml »»****+* PUBLIC SALE REGISTER Complete Dispersal FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1971 FARM EQUIPMENT , Sale at ,10:00, a.m. Lancaster Farming, Saturday, February 13,1971 — THURS MAR 25 10 AM Public Sale of Farm Machinery and Household Goods located from L H Brubaker go east on Rockvale Road to Cleaiview Road, 2nd fram on right, 3 miles southwest of Gueinsey barn Route 30 Terms by Frapk M Martin, Kreider and Diller Auctioneers. SAT. MAR 27 12 30 Com plete Milking Herd Dispersal located 6 miles north of Pal myra, Pa Take North Railroad Ave. and continue 6 miles Ap prox 3 miles south of Rt. 22, 15 miles east of Harrisburg, Pa in Lebanon County. Sale by Rus sel S Houser, Annville R D #2, Pa Sale managed by Carl Diller, Paul Snyder, Auctioneer SAT MAR 27—Public Sale of Farm Equipment, Horses and Household Goods located on North Shirk Road Vz mile west of New Holland, turn off Rt. 23 at Good’s Furniture Store. Terms by Amos W. and Lydia F Horning, Robert E. Martin and Frank L. Steller, Auc tioneers TUES. MAR 30—9 A.M in the village of Martindale, Public Sale of Farm Implements, Trucks, a lot of hardware, elec tric motors and Antiques by Terms by BEN K. FISHER Owner tni' , v If ib».. “) Jared R Stauffer Fiank Sny der and Charles Good, auc tioneers SAT APRIL 3—12.30 PM. An dersons Complete Milking Herd Dispersal Teims by Russell An derson. Sale Mgr. D. 0 Rock well. SAT APRIL 10 Rawhnsville Fire Company All Day Benefit Sale to be held at the Fire Hall 1,1 Rawhnsville, Kreider & Diller Auctioneer. SAT APRIL 24 11 00 A.M. Public Sale of Real Estate and Household Goods located IVz miles west of Millersville. Sale by Benjamin Manning Kreider and Diller Auctioneers MON. MAY 10— Shako’s Sugar Loaf Division “Colossal” Call and Cow Sale at Staunton, Vir ginia. THURS AUG 19 Complete Holstein Dairy Dispersal of 103 head located near Bernville, 3 miles south east of Charlottsville in Berks County Sale by John B. Schlappich Kreider and Oil ier auctioneers MON. AUG 30 Shakos "Colossal” Vacation Sale at Mm atare, Nebraska. THURS. NOV. 4 “Co ossal” Progeny Sale, Staunton, Vir ginia. ' FRI. NOV. 5 Shako’s Sugar Loaf Division “Colossal” Bull Sale, Staunton, Virginia PUBLIC SALE of Farm Machinery and Hay Thursday, February 18 Located 3 miles southwest of Strasburg, along the Lime Val ley Road, 7 miles southwest of Lancaster, Pa. No 65 Massey Ferguson Tractor overhauled with- kit in good condition, No 135 Massey Ferguson Tractor 1400 hours in good condition. Massey Fergu son 3-14” tup plow like new, Massey Ferguson Cultivator 3 point hook, Massey Ferguson 32” depth sub soiler, Massey Feiguson T glass mower, 6 ft. snow scoop to fit Saudei- Load er, No 37 International baler with thrower in good condition. Case single iow coin picker, Dearborn 2-iow coin planter with fertilizer attachment, Oli ver 13 disc grain drill Cement mixer with motor, 20” 3 speed revei sible window fan. Shallow well pump with motor, 170 bu gi am bin and wagon, Cunningham hay cumoer, 9’ roller, 9’ single cultipacker. 30’ NH elevatoi with coin chute, like new, Hay wagons with high racks 16’ and 18’, Ezee-Flow fertilizer spieader, 9’ 3-point harrow, 2 section Roto how, 5’ Bullion seeder David Biadley side rake, Ford No 18-4 bottom tup plow, PT.O dump tiailer 3 section harrow, Post Hole digger, Irri gation pump with - 1954 - Olds Motor and safety gauges, 480’ of 5” Aluminum pipe with coup lings, 30’ length 490’ of 3” pipe with couplings, 480’ -4” pipe and couplings, 30’ lengths, 3” - 4” -5” - Tees, Caps, Couplings. 22 No 70 rain bud and rais eis, L-P-S Protein Feeder, 2 - 16’ hay lacks 24” uding mow er 4 units ot 2 stalls foi calves, Alfalfa seedei Silage cait Plat foim scales. Air Compressor, Hog Tioughs, Stainless Steel Milk Stiamei, Stewait Cow clrppeis heitei chains and nura beis, Electnc Flv Sm-net and Fogger; 16 gauge double barrel gun. log chains, pipe wrenches, bolt cutters, etc . Fust second and thu d cutting Alfalfa Hay, (no iam) * , Sale at 12 noon Lefoy 2odk,Auct. : It " * ■Not-responsible for Accidents Lunch'available Terms by ‘ LEROY S. BEILER Phone 687-6507 i Strasburg, Pa. > , 27
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