Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, February 13, 1971, Image 26

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    26—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, February 13,1971
(Continued from Page 25)
Equipment on the premises in
Bethel Township, Berks County,
Pa Situated along the Frys
town Road, midway between
Frjstown and Route 501, 6 miles
noith of Myerstown, Pa. Sale
bj Earl Z Dosch, Owner, Earl
S Buffenmeyer, Auctioneer.
FRI FEB. 26—10 00 A.M. Bendy
Brook Farm Equipment All-Day
Sals located 11 miles east of
Reading, Berks County, Pa.
Turn off Rt. 73 at tiaffic light
in Pleasantville onto Covered
Bridge Road Continue IVa miles
toward yellow house. Sale by
Levi W. Mast, Oley, Pa. Carl Dil
ler and J. Eveielt Kreider, auc
SAT FEB. 27 Feeder Pig
Sale Watch for sale sign at the
Reifsnyder Road along The Bru
baker Valley Road leading from
Rl 322 at Clay to Rt. 501 Sale
by Melvin M Martin. Frank &
Paul Snyder, Auctioneers.
SAT FEB 27 1 P.M. Saxton
Faims Equipment Dispersal
Rtes 36 & 70A Between Hornell
and Dansville, N.Y. 25 mi. from
Knoxville, Pa Sale by Rumsey
Sales, 226 Liberty St., Bath,
SAT. FEB. 27 11:30 A.M.
Public Sale of Farm Machinery
and Holstein Heifers located at
Hensel on west side of Route
272, 18 mile south of Lancas
ter, 5 mile south of “The
Buck”. Sale by Paul D. and
Margaret Jleitz, Kreider and
Diller, Auctioneers.
MON. MARCH 1—11:00 A.M.
Special Farm Machinery Con
& Sons, Inc., Auctioneers and
Sales Managers. At Galena, Md.
(Please call for reservations).
(Phone; 301-648-5100).
TUES. MAR. 2 9.30 A.M.
Public Sale of Livestock, Farm
Implements and Household
Goods located midway between
New Holland and Intercourse on
Centerville Road opposite James
High feed mill. Terms by
Stephen F. Lapp. Robert E.
Martin and Frank Steller, Auc
tioneers. Lunch available.
WED. MAR. 3 12:00 Public
Sale of Farm Machinery and
some Household Goods, located
about Vz mile north of New
Danville. Sale by Jacob G. Hess.
Kreider and Diller Auctioneers.
THUES. MAR. 4 11:30 AM.
Public Sale of Farm Equipment
located 2 miles south of Rt. #23,
Vz mile east of Mascot along
Musser School Road, Lancaster
Co., Pa. Sale by Isaac S. Lantz,
Carl Diller and J. Everett Kreid
er, Aucts.
SAT. MAR. 6—lo A.M. Big all
day sale at Cohocton Rte. 15, be
tween Bath and Wayland Second
annual Cohocton Valley IH Gar
age Auction Auction by Rum
seys’ 226 Liberty St., Bath,
SAT. MAR. 6—12 o’clock Metz
gers Complete Machinery Dis
persal and produce. Terms by
Walter and Shirley Metzger.
Sale Mgr. D. 0. Rockwell.
TUES. MAR 9—Public Sale of
Faim Equipment Hay, Straw,
Corn and Household Goods, Vz
mile east of Strasburg on Rt.
741 just east of the Strasburg
Railroad, Lancaster County, Pa.
Teims by Raymond A. Hershey,
Robert E. Martin and Frank L.
Steller, Auctioneers.
WED MAR. 10 10 30 A.M.
Public Sale of Farm Machinery
located about 1 mile south of
the Central Manor Camp Meet
ing Giounds. Sale by Susie
Breneman Estate. Kreider and
Diller Auctioneers.
WED. MARCH 10—9 A.M. Mar
tin’s Sale Barn, Blue Ball, Pa.
Farm Equipment. We sell oo
commission Pb. 717-354-6671.
Paul Z. Martin, Martin Auc
THURS. MAR. 11—11.30 A.M.
Public Sale of Farm Machinery
and Holstein Heifers located 1
mile East of Jenneirsville, Ches
ter Co. Sale by Charles Moore,
Kreider and’Dflier - Auctioneers'.
THURS. MAR 11—11 A M
Public Sale of Livestock and
Farm Implements located along
Peters Road 5 miles south of
New Holland, or 5 miles east of
Intercourse. Terms by Frank
H. Hershey. Robert E Martin
and Frank Steller, Auctioneers
Lunch Available.
Public Sale of Complete Line of
Faim Machinery, Dairy Held
and Milking Equipment, located
at 200 Spring Street in the
Borough of Martmsburg, Blair
County. Sale by Mr. and Mrs
Kenton Ferry, Owners Chester
Davis auctioneer and Dean
Yinglmg. Sale Manager, Roar
ing Springs, Pa Phone 224-4379.
SflM 54 HEAD
, Another Quality
Lancaster, Pa.
On US 230 across from Comet Drive-In Theatre and % mile
West of Atlantic Breeders Coop.
at 8 o'clock shorp
30 hand picked Canadian Registered Holsteins. They have
lots of size and class, most of them have good production
and B. F. records. 24 Choice Wisconsin Grade Holsteins,
those big type young cows with production to 80 lbs. daily.
Your Place to Buy Quality Cows.
Abe Diffenbach, Auct.
H. Kettering, Pedigrees
Credit Terms Available
1 mile west of Bowmansville (off Rt. #625) along Maple
Grove Road, Lancaster County, Pa.
SATURDAY, FEB. 20, 1971
Allis-Chalmers Equipment including;
4-TRACTORS D-17, D-14 with #l4O Loader, WD-45
With Cultivators, WD with cultivators, 4rbottora #375 plow,
3-trip bottom #373 plow, corn planter, #BOR mower, rear
scraper blade, 15 disc drill, #4BO-S blower used 1 season.
Following New Holland Equipment • #717 HARVES
TER (1 row head and pick-up), #345-R Tank Spreader,
#467 Haybine used 1 year, #155 Farmec 36 foot Elevator
used 1 year, #65 baler with thrower, A.C. #605 wagon
w/side unloading box, Goby 5-ton wagon w/side unloading
box, New Idea 10 ft. fert. drill, 10 ft. Burch disc on wheels,
10 ft. cultipacker, Wood Bros, Dearborn corn picker, Meyers
7 ft. snowblade, J.D. power corn sheller, J.D. hay rake,
rotary hoe, Shultz stalk crusher, Lancaster level flow silage
dist. and 50 ft. of 9-inch pipe.
Tractor tire chains, feed cart, traction booster draw bar,
Lincoln 180 amp. welder, concrete mixer, air compressor, wheel
barrow, (2) i emote rams, belt, pipe threaders and cutters, vise,
chain hoist, small tools, ropes, chains, Vz and % inch drills,
Remington chain saw, Sunbeam clippers, hay hook and hay
knives, iron kettles
APPROX. 75 TONS OF EAR CORN, 3 unit Surge milkers,
(1) 50 lb. pail; Surge SP-11 pump, 40 milk cans
Poultxy Dressing Equipment including picker, knives, Beam
scales, computing scales, troughs, barrels, gas chick brooders.
Matched pair ponies, well broke, double harness, saddle and
riding bridles, 2 hitch pony cart (well made).
Nice hutch cupboard w/glass slide doors, brass bed with
spring, dresser, wash stand, Singer sewing machine, wardrobe,
some old dishes, vases, gal. crocks, butter churn, Maytag washer,
Kenmore ironer, kitchen clock, corn dryer, lawn chairs and other
Starting with small tools and house items.
Lunch Available.
Sole at 11:30 Sharp
Diller and Kreider, Aucts.
FRI. MAR. 12—11 A.M. Public
Sale of Farm Machinery located
off Route 322 between Ephrata
and Clay, V* mile south of Route
322 on Wissler Road Terms by
Samuel Z, Wenger, Frank and
Paul Snyder, Auctioneers.
SAT MAR. 13 12-00 Public
Sale of Farm Machinery located
V 2 mile south west of Millers
ville Sale by J. Harold Herr.
Kreider and Diller Auctioneers
SAT MAR. 13—11 AM Public
Sale of Farm Equipment and
Household Goods located on
Harnstown Road, located Vh
mile off Route 30, turn north at
Vintage or 1 mile south of the
Pequea Valley High School
Terms toy Elam Buckwalter.
Robert E. Martin and Frank
Steller, Auctioneers.
MON. MARCH 15 Shako’s
Canadian Division “Colossal”
Sale at Stavely, Alberta, Canada.
> * t*i
TUBS. MAR. 16—12 Noon Public
Sale of Farm Machinery * and
Household Goods along, road be T
tween Smithville and Rawlins
ville, one mile west of ; 272 from
Smithville along Rawlinsville
road, 10 miles South of Lancas
ter. Terms by Willis M' Groff,
Kreider and Diller, Auctioneers
THURS. MAR 18—12-00 Noon
Public Sale of Registered Hol
stein Dispersal located 2 miles
south of Rt #23, Vz mile east
of Mascot along Musser School
Road, Lancaster Co , Pa.
THURS MAR. 18 10 00 AM
Public Sale of Farm Equipment
and Household Goods located
four miles east of Elizabethtown,
along the Harvest Road. Take
Elizabethtown Road to Drum-
Public Auction
1(7 A. M.
i i 1
Located 4 miles north of York, on Route 181 or
20 miles south of Harrisburg from -Interstate *B3 Exits «
or 11. ' * ‘ ’ ’
Ford, John Allis. Chalmers; -Massey
Ferguson, Oliver, several crawlers. -trucks.
Plows, disk harrows, post hole diggers, mowers, elevators,
wagons, combines, cornpickers, flail choppers, spreaders,
& all kinds of farm & industrial equipment.
Farmers & Dealers:
We sell anything on commission Bring your surplus
equipment in for this sale.
Terms: Cash or good check
York County Form & Industrial
Equipment Go. I no. - l -
Box 222, Emigsville, Pa.
Phone; 717-764-64120 r 764-5115
Located along Route #796 from jeapersvUle
3 miles North of Jennersville, Londonderry Twp., Chester CO.,
Pa. -
Farm implements consist .of #2OO CASE
(1180 hrs.), #B3O CASE GAS TRACTOR (good cond.). wide front
end axle for 830 gas tractor, closed in cab for 830 trader. Case
mower & windrower (used 3 seasons like new), New Idea #205
flail type manure spreader, 32 Case disc (heavy duty). Case culta
packer (11 ft.), Smoker elevator with gram chute P.T.0., 30 ft.
N.H. bale conveyer with deflector, N.H. grain conveyer,
4 bar side rake (on rubber), N.H. #79 BALER WITH THROW*
ER P.T.O. (new belts & motor), Myers field sprayer (like new),
N.H. corn drag, 2 N.H. crop carrier wagons with large airplane
type tires, 2 N.H. grain wagons (like new), 4 N.H. hay drying
wagons (2 with grain screens), N.H. #36 flail chopper, N.H. #717
forage harvester one pick up attachment with wheels to change
head PTO, N.H. fertilizer spreader, J.D. 13 disc grain drill, Oliver
subsoiler, Case 4 bottom plow v (4 extra bottoms), N.H. blower
pipe, 2 hay drying canvans (1 for 4 wagons & 1 for 2 wagons good
cond.), N.H. hay dryer (good cond.), 2 N.H blowers (1 table type
& 1 hopper), 2 rubber tired ensilage carts, McD orchard har
row, 4 section Case springtooth harrow, Simplicity garden roto
tiller, 250 gal. oil or gas tank, 75> ft/endless belt, 2 Flinch Baugh
wagon unloaders with canvas, wood saw & belt, feed cart/ new
lumber, 200 gal. water tank, cab for 1 ’Ford tractor, KS INTER
Grove dump wagon (12 ft. ibody), 150 ft. litter carrier with 2
switches & hoist, and many other articles used on a farm.
This is an excellent liiie' of- farming implements, in very,good
condition. Some household goods including love seat? halt-racß,
& table with chest. ‘ ' - .'
Lunch Available
Phone: 717-284-4264
>IHt fuun t K n h
heller’s Garage:, go .north- on
Trail Road' „to - Harvest Road.
Sale by Frank M. and Mary H.
Herr, Elizabethtown,'. Pa. Ray-,
mond Miller - and Rufus Geib,
THURS,* MARCH 18 Public
Sale of Farm Equipment and
Household Goods. Located 4
miles east of Elizabethtown.
Sale by Frank and Mary Herr,
Raymond, Miller, auctioneer.
FRI. MAR. 19 Scenic Pine
Registered Holstein Dispersal
and Farm Equipment-Sale just
south of Rt. #3O along South
Ronk Road, 7 miles East of Lan
caster, Pa, Equipment at 10:30
AM. Cattle at 1:15 P.M. Sale by
(Continued on Page 27)
11 O’clock A.M.
Sale by 1
20, 1971