Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, February 13, 1971, Image 23
W Society 1 James Mohler, Manheim, pre sented a commentary and slides of an African Adventure to the Society of Farm Women 1 and their husbands at the Meadow Hills Dining Hall Saturday eve ning. Fifty-two society members and their husbands attended the social. A short business meeting was conducted by Mrs. Graybill Hol linger, president. Mrs. George Zahn gave a report on the State Convention held at Harrisburg January 11 and 12. Mrs. HolLnger announced that an antique and farm implement for good production next lactation, FEED PURINA DAIRY CONDITIONER As a dairyman, you know that good milk production doesn’t just happen. It’s something you plan for by establishing a herd with the genetic potential for good production, then managing and feeding your cows so they’ll produce up to their bred-in ability. Many successful local dairymen also plan for good pro duction with a proven program of dry cow feeding. They need Purina Dairy Conditioner, a research proven ration to help give dry cows-body condition they need for good production after they freshen. Purina Dairy Conditioner is an extra-palatable 12% percent protein ration. It’s fortified with vitamins A andD plus extra phosphorus to help guard against milk fever. Purina Dairy Conditioner Is low-cost, too, because the amounts you feed depend on your cows’ condition and on the quality of the roughages you feed. For example, a cow dried off in good condition .being fed high-quality roughages would require less Dairy Conditioner than a cow in only fair condition being fed fair quality roughages. Drop in soon-and get your" free copy of the Purina Dry Cow Program folder; Well be glad to show you how Purina Dairy Conditioner can •help you prepare your dry cows fop good pro* duction next'lactation."- John J. Hess, 11, Inc; Pb'.442-4632 Paradise West Willow- Farmers Assn*, Inc.' Ph: 464-3431 " . - West Willow John B. Kuitz Phi: .354-9251 ' l R. D. 3, Ephrata VAWbVbVbW*" IVVI i i ■ i> ■ ■ ■■■ Farm Societies sale, to benefit the Farm and -Home Center, will be held all day at Root’s auction on Thurs- “Mandate For Change” by day, February 25. Dwight D. Eisenhower was re- Society members will sew all viewed by Mrs Harry Shonk, day today, (Thursday) at the Manheim RD4, at a meeting, home of Mrs. J. Clayton Sanla- February 6, of the Society of grey, Lititz RD2. A covered Farm Women 6 in the home of dish luncheon will be served Mrs Ray Hixson, 401 Snyder The group will make bed pads Ave, Elizabethtown. Mrs Laura for Luther Acres. Snyder and Mrs C. R. Frey . . „ _ . . were assisting hostesses Mis J? 1“ C “ cer David Markey led devotions will present the program at the March 6th society meeting It During the business portion will be held at the home of Mrs. oi the meeting conducted by Scott Carman, Lititz RD3 at L3O Mrs Milton Eberly, president, pm. Mrs Roy Brubaker will plans were made to enteitam be the co-hostess, Mrs. Aduan and visit patients at the Har deVink will present the devo- nsburg State Hospital in Sep tions. I tember. Society 6 along with Ira. B. Landis Ph ; 394-7912 1912 Creek Hill Rd., Lane. James High & Sons Ph: 3544301 Gordonville * Wenger's Feed Mill Inc. Ph: 367-1195 ' Rbeems Women Society 7 will visit Conestoga View on March 18. The society will be guests of Society 26 on Thursday, March 25 at East Fairview Church of the Breth ren, Manheim. Reports of the Farm Women convention held in Harrisburg in January were presented by Mrs. Martha Eshelman, Miss Sadie Reighard and Mrs. Eber- Sociefy 6 Grow Your Own Protein Save It By Harvesting The SILO-KING WAY For More Information Phone: Quorryvilie 786-2780 Millersville 872-4348 Lititz 626-4174 Lancaster Farming, Saturday, February 13,1971 ly A food auction climaxed the afternoon. Mrs. Mae Gantz served as auctioneer. The next meeting of Society 6 will be held March 6 at 1.30 pm. in the home of Misses Stella and Lela Coble, Eliza bethtown RD3. Society 10 Society of Farm Women 10 met m the Columbus Room of Holiday Inn on February 6 with Miss Frances LeFevre and Mrs'Mary Stewart as hostesses Mrs Elam Buckwalter was m charge of devotions Miss Le- Fevre led the gioup in a “Fun and Games” party Miss Ida Kunkle and Mrs Cyrus Neff, delegates to the State convention presented re ports Mrs Jacob Evans, piesi dent, presided. Mrs. Frank Hodecker express ed her concern about x rated movies shown locally, especially at drive-in theatres where there is less opportunity for restric tion of viewers, and asked the ladies to keep writing to legisla tors until there is action taken through enactment of laws. She also advocated letting legisla tors know their views on re turning prayer to the public schools. It was through Mrs. Hodeck er’s efforts working through (Continued on Page 24) Farm Women Calendar Saturday, February 13 1 30 p m —Farm Women Society 25, home of Mrs Wade Groff, Lancaster RD6 1.30 pm—Farm Women So ciety 2, Luella Low, hostess. 1.30 pm Faim Women So ciety 19, home of Mis J. Lloyd Hollingei, 6045 Lemon St, East Petersburg Farm Women Society 13, home of Mrs Isaac Rosei, 403 E. Clay Stieet, Lancaster Farm Women -Society 20, home of Mrs Glenn Ressell, Quairyville Monday, February 15 7 30 pm Farm Women So ciety 30, home of Mrs Clyde Wisslei, 42 Walnut Dnve, Brownslown Faim Women Society 31, home of Mrs Donald Tumble, Peach Bottom RD2 Wednesday, February 17 Farm Women Society 20, home of Mrs. Park Reinhart, Kirkwood, All-day Cancer Sewing Thursday, February 18 Farm Women Societies 4 and 5, visit Conestoga View. Saturday, February 2 9 a.m—Faim Women Society 8, home of Ada Greider, Mt. Joy RDI. 7 p.m.—Faim Women Society 29, Attend Hockey Game at Heishey, Meet at Cross roads Brethren in Chust Church, Mount Joy. Farm Women Society 3, home of Mrs Donald Gray bill, Stevens RDI. Farm Women Society 23. Hus band’s Banquet, Brownstown Restaui ant BUTLER msssma Continuous Flow Grain Dryer Cheose from 5 models to match your harvest rate. Capacities vary, by model, from 183 to 435 bushels per hour. LOOK - SAVE CARLOAD SALE For May delivery Order a Kan-Sun Dryer, receive a wet holding or storage bin FREE or equivalent in a cash discount. Why pay more At least get our prices, Complete Angering Service and FREE Planning. For further information Call or Write: FARMILL CONSTRUCTION Gordouville, Pa. 17529 Phone 768-8796 23 M ‘ <