Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, February 13, 1971, Image 10
IQ—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, February 13,1971 H 4-H CSyb News $0 4-H Soil & Water Club Central 4-H Tractor The Southern 4-H Soil and The second meeting of the Water Conseivation Club met Central Area 4-H Tractor Club at the home of Vime Hoovei £ as held February 9at Landis a Brothels Farm Equipment Ine 111601113 - meeting was called to order by The officeis elected were Tim f] ie piesident, Dennis Landis Bremsei, piesident, Phil Km sej, vice piesident Baibara Km- A demonstration was given by sey, secietai\. Paula Adams, Dudlej Rohier on the spark treasiuei, and Bany Wiggins, plugs Dennis Landis presented jiews reportei a demonstration on the V-Belt Tim Bremsei was elected to Refreshments will be sen ed at repiesent Count; Council following meetings Joe Nolt, The next meeting will be held pmllip Bixler and Bill Book at the home of Tim Biemsei V7e re appointed to the refiesh- Conestoga RDI, February 22 ment committee. Otheis appearing on the pro- Dues for the year were set at gram were Ellis Denlmger, Boots ond Saddles 4-H 50 cents who s ave the invocation; Mis. Bill Book David Buckwalter who present- The Boots and Saddles 4 H Reporter ed the minutes of the 1970 meet- Club elected officeis at its meet- mg. Melvin G. Rohrer, treasur ing last Wednesday The new er’s rep ort, Clarence Keener officeis aie Jim Watts, presi- 4-H Horse Club Plans jt , who gave an auditor’s re dent, Cheryl Gernert, vice presi- , por t, Mrs Melvin Stoltzfus, dent, Diane Reese and Robin Fel- A meeting on Immunization £ ominatmg committ ee report lenbaum, secietaues Kirk Bus- of horses is slated foi 730 p m Qn new board member nomi sell, treasurei and Amy Glatfel- February 18 at the Municipal nee£ _ Amy G i at f e lter. East tei, new repoitei Building, 400 S Bih St, Leb- Petesburg, presented thiee Elected to the county council anon, Jay W Invm, associate were Watts, Russell, Miss Fel- Lancastei County agent leport lenbaum, Jeanmne Bender, and ed to club leaders. Bryan Wagner, Quarryyille, Linda Wenger The speaker is Dr. Dwight baritone solo, assisted by Mrs The 1971 open horse show will Schwaitz, Penn State extension Judson Wagner, pianist. fee held at the Lancaster Riding ve'ennanan . . , 9 - . , . „ „ A report on 1970 Extension ClubApnl23 A meeting of all 4-H Horse actmtl P a]so was preS ented Club Leaders is P aimed for at the meetmg . 730 pm March oat the Farm „ , . and Home Center The meet- showed that 4,874 lnc'ivi m° will mvoh e revlewin o duals were given assistance, 427 judges and setting a date for newspaper articles, 726 radio tne County Round-up, as well broadcasts and 22 television as give an oppoitunity to pick programs were provided, up project books and enroll- A total of 11,953 Extension ment caids and take care of or- publications were distributed, gamzation details. , and 13 training meetings for leaders were held. In 4-H Club work, 69 clubs came under extension direction, with 2,662 projects conducted by the youths A total of 5,320 youngsters took part in the 4-H TV Club held last year. Clubs were assisted by 338 leaders. r\ • new 95 or 120 I tw v bushel capacity mixing tank new • new 21" mill ■MtSm*' * new mill to iniAf dll9 mix,n 9 tar >k auger B • • new high tensile strength steel frame • new mixing auger mM , transmission runs llaCin ,n °" ■ new self-contamea /1l rcill %\ hydraulic anve w • I •“*» | available \| Mil, dfIQL-a »•=--.» EEHL* I® 1 £?ets into your system FARMERSVILLE N. G. HERSHEY "EQUIPMENT INC. & SON , R. D. 2, Ephrata, Pa. Manheim i I i CHAS. J. McCOMSEY ’ ZOOK'S FARM & SONS STORE.. i Hickory Hill, Pa. Honey Brook, Pa. , ‘ ! GRUMELLI NISSLEY FARM SERVICE FARM SERVICE Quart \tille Washington Boro Agricultural, Heme Economics (Continued fiom Page 8) an experiment underway at Penn State to pump sewage onto crops and forests Besides the plant food value of the sewage, he noted the top six inches of soil is “a great natural filter” to purify water. Judy Longenecker Reports Judy Longenecker who spent six months m Great Britain last year showed slides and spoke of her experiences She spent time in several countries in cluding England, Scotland, Ire land, Wales, and the Chanel Islands T LOUISIANA STATE UNIVERSITY HAVE LEARNED THAT COWS WHOSE HEADS ARE AIR CON DITIONED PRODUCE NEARLY 20% MORE MILK IN THE SUMMER MONTHS THAN THEY WOULD NORMALLY." WE CAN’T MR CONDITION THE HEADS OF YOUR COWS, BUT WE CAN INSULATE YOUR BARN, MILK PARLOR, LOAFING SHED AND OTHER AREAS WHERE ANIMALS CAN ENJOY COMFORT FROM BROILING SUN AND HIGH HUMIDITY. We insulate with SPRAYABLE URETHANE FOAM and all we need is a clean, dry and moderately warm surlace to apply our foam* spray which pets in a matter of minutes. We also insulate potato and apple .stoiage Icicihtios, chicken iioilscs, tfeel buildings and \\hate\cr else jou can think ol CONESTOGA CHEMICALS & lnc. Affiliated with .1. C. Ehrlich Co., liu ' ‘ ‘ 1278 Loop Road, Lancaster, Pa Mrs. Dons Thomas, on the right, local Extension homi economist, discusses the nutrition program with Ka; Maisano, new nutrition assistant, at the Extension Associa tion banquet. Mrs. Jean Thomas, Manheim, receives the 4-H Alumni Recognition Award from Jay Irwin, associate Lancaster County agricultural agent, at the Extension Associationfean quet this week. , (hom Chemical & Encneci ng News, Dec 21, 1970) WHAT DOES IT TAKE TO BREAK THE HEAT? msvV ft * i / t & 'j t) / rfr " IV ' v r> vrt* - *V^" s—l 307-3721