Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, February 06, 1971, Image 8

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    —Lancaster Farming. Saturday. February 6,1971
Red Rose 4-H Beef and Lamb Club Holds Annual Banquet
Gary Dean, one of four local members of the state 4-H
livestock judging team, presents a special award of appre
ciation to Max Smith, Lancaster County agricultural agent.
(Continued from Page 1) club has a challenge to keep,
up with changing beef type an-
Crant Road. Lancaster, state of today. The o i d blocky
champion Shorthorn type animal that used to win in
Mike Longenecker, Lititi RD2, the show ring for 'Lancaster
grand champion steer of the dis- County showmen doesn’t have
tnct show; Tim Good, Lititz a chance anymore; the judges
RD2, reserve champion of the are looking for the up-standing
district show. and stretchy animal, he said.
Ida Mae Reiff, Lititz. cham- He recalled that Lancaster
pion beef showman ai the dis- County at one point several
trict show; Marvin Nissley, years ago won five straight years
Mount Joy RDI, county cham- at the Farm Show, but now it
pion beef showman at the Farm has been 10 years since the coun
ghpw. ty has racked the champion or
Lamb awards went to Kenneth reserve champion title, he said
[Brubaker, 2418 Old Harrisburg Noting that it has been 34
Pike, for county, champion pen, years for him in the Red Rose
reserve grand champion pen at Club, Smith said, “We’re going
the 'Farm Show, and reserve to have to get cracking if I’m
champion single lamb; and Tim going to see us win again.”
Bushong, Columbia RD2, cham- in other activities, Nancy
snon lamb fitter. Yunginger reported on the
Several 4-H’ers presented national 4-H demonstration
skits and music and described project in which she and Lu
activities during the past year cinda Hess paiticipated in
Among these was Ed Donough. 9i? ah , a The -" each receive( * a t
who described the livestock $25 check,
judging team’s activities includ- Toastmaster was Marvin Niss
ing winning the State contest ley. Invocation was given by Ray
and representing Pennsylvania Biubaker Gary Dean and Shar
in several out-of-state contests, on Kreider led songs
including the national 4-H contest Karen High presented a fun
iat Chicago. The animals at ny salute to outgoing club mem-
Chicago “were really outstand- bers Nancy Zimmerman gave a
ing,” he said On the team with monologue on “Baby Beef Turns
Donough were Gaiy Dean, Bur- Hip”
nell Buchen and Claik Stauffer Mrs Ray Ober and hei daugh-
Max Smith, Lancaster County ter Linda presented a piano
agricultural agent, who present- duet A girl’s quartet, consist
ed the awards, received a large in g 0 f Donna Hess, Karen High,
silver bowl from the livestock sheiyl Weaver and Carol Weav
judgmg team he coached er presented seveial numbers.
Noting that the top scoier at A skit, “Water, Water,” end-
Chicago was a girl from Texas, ing with throwing rice on the
Smith said the county will ha\e onlookers was presented by Ken
to consider fieldmg an all-girl’s neth Brubaker, Gary Brubaker
team in the futuie and Glen Brubaker.
In other comments, Smith said 4-H Club leaders honored
the Red Rose Club is stiong were Larry Weaver, New Hol-
Some 112 projects were complet- land RDI, Jay Nissley, Manheim
ed during the year RD4, Fred Linton, Quairyville
He noted, however, that the RD2, Elvin Hess, Strasburg RDI;
Max Smith, Lancaster County agricultural agent, pre
sents an award to Ray Brubaker for highest beef animal
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Mvlm Good Manheim RDI, J RDI, and Clyde Biubaker, Lan- Feeds, Manheim, Cope and
Haiold Fiey, Marietta RDI, and c«stei Weaver Farm Implements, New
Maik Bushong, Columbia RD2 County fnms supporting the P loVl d ence
John Zimmerman, Eplnata piogram by providing ti opines Eby’s Mill, Lititz Grubb Sup-
RDI. Carl Longeneckei, Lititz and awards were J C Snavely ply Co, Elizabethtown; Miller
RD2 Jason Weaver, Quau y- Co , Landisville; New Holland & Bushong, Rohrerstown; Weng
ville RD2 William Dean, Stias- Co, Faim Credit Assn, Lancas- er’s Mill, Rheems, Agway Inc.,
biug RDI Ray Ober, Lancas- tei, Wolgemuth Brothers Inc, Lancaster, and J E Galen Hard
tei, Wilmer Nissley, Mount Joy Mount Joy, Ken McCracken ware, Ephrata.
Among those receiving awards at the mal; Marlin Bollinger, reserve county
annual Red Rose 4-H Baby Beef and Lamb champiqn beef animal; Tim Good, reserve
Club’s annual banquet are; left to right, grand'champion steer at the district show,
Marvin Nissley, champion beef showman and Roland Longenecker, standing in for
at Harrisburg, and toastmaster of the ban-'; r 'nhis? brother Mike, who had the gragd
quet; Susan Herr, a trophy and wrist - - -champion-steer at the district
watch. for the county champion beef ani-
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