Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, February 06, 1971, Image 7
Stock Yards Will Add Monday Slaughter Cattle Auction The Lancaster Livestock Ex change has decided to add a Monday auction foi slaughter cattle. Most other featuies of the Lancaster Stock Yards opeia tion will remain unchanged Private treaty selling will con tinue Monday and the Wednes day auction will continue for cattle, hogs, sheep and lambs. The new Monday auction will he effective February 22 The new Monday auction also includes a change in the order of sales. The new order will be bulls followed by heifers, steei s and cows. The order previously was cows, heifers, bulls and steers-. William McCoy, who was re elected president of the Stock Exchange at Monday’s meeting, indicated there are several rea sons for opening the new Monday auction. Past experience with the Wed nesday auction showed that Wednesday was too late in the week for some buyers and ship pers to get their steers. Some farmers also have indi cated a preference for a Monday auction, he said. Roaches Fleas - Ticks Rats or Mice J. C. Ehrlich Co., Inc. 1278 Loop Rd., Lane. PHONE 397-3721 Tuesday, February 6th ANNUAL SOUTHEASTERN DAIRY ’ll'l 'l SPEAKER: MR. WALLY LINDSKOO6, Arlinda Farm, Turlock, California YOU .. . YOUR FAMILY .. . AND FELLOW DAIRYMEN ARE INVITED. SO, PLAN TO ATTEND. DISPLAYS JOHN W. ESHELMAN & SONS McCoy also feels that Monday is one of the bettei maiketing days of the week McCoy views the move towaid the Monday auction as part of an effort to make Lancastei “the puce setting center of the east” tor slaughter cattle McCoy indicated he feels Lan caster can become the Eastern price centei if large enough volume of cattle can be_received and sold at the market Farmers in the past have been looking heavily to Lancastei and Chicago, but primarily Chicago as the price pace set ters, he said But the large and dominant Chicago market is in the process of being phased out and this makes a whole new ball game so far as cattle marketing is con cerned, according to McCoy He noted that other markets includ ing Omaha, St. Paul, St. Joseph, Joliet, Peoria, Milwaukee *and Sioux City are among markets in the river markets group and the Chicago area which will be called on to take up the slack from the Chicago market and to determine the cattle price trends. But all of these markets are “off the beaten path and too far west” to really take the place of Chicago, McCoy said He also said that Chicago is the “last Western outlet at which packers can get animals and still meet their kill dead lines in the East.” will* pilfer'; have'-to "go farther to pick lip "a'nimals > frofn-a‘ larger i'i IS THE DATE OF THE Theme of this year’s Conference is "The ChaDenge THIS DAIRY CONFERENCE IS SPONSORED BY ALUS-CHALMERS MILWAUKEE, WIS. LANCASTER, PA. PENNSYLVANIA POWER & LIGHT COMPANY IV-A I * 9:30 o.m. - 3:30 p.m. ot the Guernsey Born, , Route 30, Eost, Lancaster, Bain date is February 10 DOOR PRIZES aiea or else ship in caicasses leceipts We have to have cattle Tleie aie diawbacks to both to keep buyeis mteiesled” alteinatives, he indicated, and McCoy desenbed the Stock he suspects that theie will be a y d ids as one of the few maikets more aggressive buying at in the countiy offering both aue markets such as Lancastei to tion and puvate tieaty selling, help make up for the problems Sales at the Stock Yards are caused by the closing of the iairly evenly divided between Chicago maiket. the two types, with some fann ers piefernng one and some the McCoy said the Stock Yards other> he stated has contacted buyers which might have lelied on Chicago However, lecent Lends have and “we have had a lot of good been towaid increased auction replies ” He stated, “Everything sales In 1970, for instance, the looks good if we can ljuild up Livestock Exchange lepoited Hereford Registrations Up A hefty increase in registra- expansion based on better qual tions has marked the first four ity animals and rapidly increas rnonths of the American Here- mg reliance on performance ford Association’s 1970-71 fiscal records Our bleeders are pro year. ducing more of these top-quality animals to meet the demands of AHA announced that a 20 9 per a growing market reflected by cent increase in registrations has the best prices fOl Herefoids in been chalked up for September years » through December of 1970 when compared to the same period a Berry also cited the continuing year ago dominance of white-faced cattle The Association’s computeis 111 feedlots and the success of added 102,571 calves for the four crossbreeding programs baaed months, as AHA’s total registra- on Hereford blood as factors tions since 1881 are nearing the creating additional demand for 16 million mark top-quality Herefoid bulls and .„. „ . commercial straight-bred fe- AHA Executive Secretary, * W T Berry, Ji , in commenting on the big increase, said “there “Also, commercial producers are a number of factors in- aie realizing that the ideal size fluencing the increased registra- and skeletal structure of beef tions. First, Hereford breeders cattle as described m two recent have been reducing numbeis conferences at the University of during a severe culling program Wisconsin, are produced con over the past few years and we sistently within the Hereford are now seeing a new kind of breed,” he added CURTISS BREEDING SERVICE, INC. NEW HOLLAND SUPPLY CO., INC. Lancaster Farming, Saturday, February 6,1971 — CONFERENCE Po. of Progress” REFRESHMENTS CARY, ILL. NEW HOLLAND, PA receipts of 138,836 head of live stock, with auction sales show ing a major increase of 5,392 head to a total of 58,113 head, virile total receipts were down 12,819 head iiom the pievious year to a total of 138,836 head. The overall diop was attubut ed by one souice to dnect sales of county stock to packeis Breakdown of sales for 1970 by category shows that 23,032 calves weie sold, 83,458 head of hogs, 15,110 of sheep In other acuion at the Ex change meeting four dates for spring feeder sales were an nounced April 16, April 30, May 14 and May 28 Testimonial was given to Wil liam S Bixler, an incorporator and stockholdei of J M Hoober Inc and past secretary and treasuier of the Livestock Ex change. Re-elected to office with Mc- Coy was Donald Ober, secretaiy tieasurer Richard Hoober was named vice president to succeed Horace Plank 7