—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, February 6,1971 6 $lOO,OOO REAP Program Okayed Locally; Replaces ACP A $lOO 000 conssivation pio gram was approved foi Lancas ter County at a meeting o£ vaii ous agencies at the Faim and Home Center this week The program, known as Rmal Environmental Assistance Pio giam (REAP), leplaces the foimer Agneultuial Consciva tion progiam (ACP) which has been in existence heie lor sev eral years Miss Dorothy Neel, county executive dnector of the pro giam, explained this week that she expects no majoi diffeiences in the county conseivation pio gram, explained this week that fiom ACP to REAP The main d.ffeiences she said will be in the types of piogiams winch aie available to farmers and in the proportion of federal monies available to them for the woik The SlOO 000 budget fot REAP repiesents a substantial icduc tion fiom the 5125 900 a\ai'able iocalh last \eai undei AGP The new funding foi inula in cludes a i eduction of fedeial reimbursement for some major practices including ten aces and sod waterways Federal partici pation in these practices has been i educed from 80 pei cent to 50 per cent with the balance supplied by the land owner. The reduction in federal par ticipation terraces and sod waterways from 80 to 50 per cent means that the farmers share of the work will have to .increase from 20 to 50 per cent under the '-new program. Asked if this will likely detract from the ability of the county to get farmers to undertake enough of this kind of work to spend the full amount of the new $lOO,OOO budget, Miss Neel said she thinks farmers will use up the money under the new formula. She explained that in recent years the demand for the money has far exceeded the supply and the money has been fully com mitted by as early as March and April. While the county has less funds with which to work, the aiew formula lowers the federal share of -the involvement and, if farmers participate, it could mean little or no reduction in work accomplished. This is true 'because each federal dollar un der the 50 per cent foimula will help accomplish more work than under the 80 per cent formula. Practices Eliminated Several practices that pre viously had been funded under ACP have been completely eliminated from the new REAP program Most of the elimi nated programs have no im portance locally, howevei, since most of them either were not used at all or only slightly An exception is the lime program under the heading ol “applica tion of lime alone ’ Loss of the Line program, however, was in large part offset by retaining lime as pait of some of the other types of prac tices Miss Neel explained Other piograms completely eliminated include vegetative cover in oichaids, contoui plant ing of orchards and vineyaids, open drainage systems tile drains, gieen manure covei ciop, and home gardens. Practices Approved The list of REAP piogiams “which were appioved at both the national and state levels and fiom which Lancaster County makes its selection include es- Structures to piotect water level available to those local Miss Neel said REAP appears to "abh=Ln° outlets and channels-50 per areas which can develop special be moving toward the more cover, (th?s program is un- cent, no chang.. practices or projects that would permanent type of practices, changed at about 50 pei cent fed- Wmtei and Summer cover mvolve the cooperation of sever- Thjs coincideg with the d)rec , eial paiticipation and includes C iops—3o pei cent, no change al warmers tion of the local program. Al lime, feitihzei and seed ) Establishment of peimanent She also noted that the prac- m Q S t go p ei . cent of local prac- Contour stnp cioppmg and vegetative cover on field borders tices involving 80 per cent fed- tlces last year were permanent field stnp ciopp.ig. planting of 0 i turns—so per cent, un- eral money almost exclusively prac ti C es she said, foiestiv tiees and shiubs. plant- changed deal with forestry under the new mg of tiees and shrubs foi Wlldllfe fco d plots, habitat or REAP P lo S ram . She also noted that tRe state ei osion—unchanged at 80 pei cove i—so per cent, unchanged rpap innmvMl *° rklng on a practice for Shallow water aic. for w.lO JEAPApproved _ atrootures or tanka tor m.mal Improving vegetative cover llfe _ so p6i - cent, no change Those present at the meeting *a,UhlP it will iSd in with peimanent fields in-p podsn ds oi dams for wildlife—so Wednesday to adopt the new. avmlable it win be “chided in eluding the use of lime and fei- p6 i cent, no cnange, REAP program included- rep- the county P r °gram, she said, tilizei and dealing and leveling Woodland bolder and hedge- lesentatives of the ASC commit- The conservation program of pastiue land—so per cent, un- row management by cutting—so tee—Carlton Rid all, district di- funding is usually approved in changed per cent, no change. rector, Fied Seldomndge, coun- November It is about three Developing spnngs oi seeps Improvement of streams to ty committee chairman, John J months late this year because foi livestock water—ieduced control eroaun and provide bet- Herr, county committee mem- 0 f a (jelay from the national from SO pei cent to 30 per cent tei fish habitat —50 per cent, her, Frank W Aliment, county administration that resulted in federal funding A few of these down from 80 per cent This committee membei, and Miss changing the program from have been developed in the past practice is not important local- Neel rp rnrurress an. ir T anraster Countv Iv Soil Conservation Service— xo 11 A ’ “ ses i“ bancastei L, ° unxj , iy T . . , , c Oival Bass distuct conserva- proved $195,500,000, but the pro improving stand of forest Impi ovement of habitat for V d V Jsd 7 conseiva tiees—-SO oei cent, no change wildlife m wocdlands -50 per * onist > f d Era f Luca \ Swl § ram was actuaUy funded at Establishing sod wateiways— cent, down fiom 80 per cent It conservation Distuct Aaion $150,000,000 as a result of ad now 50 pei cent, reduced from 1; not important in the county chairman ministration decisions SO pei cent last year Tins is an Lagoos for annual waste-50 Forest Servjce-Robert Sob important piacFce localh ,er cent, unchanged ]^ eit2ei - T servic i e foiester E f x ' The change-over to REAP Sediment retention stiuctmes tenslon — Jay Irwm - associate inc l U ded placing more emphasis Pe.mrnenf covet on an ® ed ” e “ t u .ei 7 slnbjS I G ?’“ 8e “ FHA on solv.ng eimronmenlal p.oh pioblem aieas—nei cent, no —noy wessman , , ~ ~ , change souice of sediment 50 pei cent, Q ame Commission Wallace lems and controlling pollution, down from 80 per cent These w/ o odnng and John Eicholu Programs which tended to be Constructing teuace system piactices are not important Flsh Commission Charles production rather than conserva and diveision tenaces-50 per loca y Pnntz and David Daniels tion oriented were amoog those cent this reduced fiom 80 Miss Neal noted that in addi- & per cent last year These are tion there is $lOO 000 of 80 per The REAP Program which were eliminated or cut' major practices locally cent federal money at the state In commenting on the program back. ■Red Rose ■ DAIRY FEEDS —nri v iiitf'nrwTTTiir THESE DEALERS CAN SERVE YOU WITH YOUR NEEDS Walter Binkley & Son Heistand Bros. Musser Farms, Inc. Lititz Elizabethtown Columbia Brown & Rea, Inc. Elverson Supply Co. L. T. Geib Estate Manheim I. B. Gray bill; & Son. ’ ' ’ Strasburg - E. Musser Heisey & Son , R. D y 2, Mt Joy, Pa. Atglen Elvei son FEED the best you know how! Red Rose Dairy Feeds . . . and Red Rose Supplements . . S - are the feeds you need! They provide all the nutrients cowsl need for maintenance and put more milk in the paik Take Red Rose 14 Test-Cow Feed, for example. This course-textured all purpose feed can be fed to your milk ing cows, dry cows, calves and bulls. You can feed if all seasons but it's especially helpful to keep appetites' from lagging during warm weather. Other Red Rose Dairy Feeds are available in many protein levels. Select the one that suits your particular need and] feed with a satisfaction you have never known before! j* Red Rose Farm Service, Inc. N. Church St, Quarry ville David B. Hurst Bowmansville G. R. Mitchell, Inc. 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