BALANCED NO. 701 GREEN PASTURES PIG STARTER PELLETS! Just the feed for us Piglets to Grow on! How To Use;— ' Start Creep feeding No. 701 when pig’s weigh 5 lbs. or are 7 days old and feed through 6th week when pigs should weigh about 35 lbs. ~ Amount Required ,_l5 .to 20Jlbs. per pig. if * > J \ ’ _ Feed Per Lbs. Of Gain During This Period 1.25 to 1.50 lbs. Field Tests Indicate: — 1. More uniformity in pigs, fewer runts. 2. More economical gains. Heavier pigs .at 8 . - weeks. ,- . - - - * - - - 3- Higs may be weaned at six. weeks. This - gives ‘ jnepre time-for' prdper" conditioning of s'ow ' , before:re-breeding. .‘1 ~ 4. Easier to maintain farrowing schedule. MOST If we can help you design a profitable pro gram for your swine enterprise or aid you in problems relating to swine management or nu trition see your MILLER & BUSHONG SER VICE Representative or call us direct at Lancaster 392-2145, f** FEED PALATABLE FEED WE "Sweet as a good muffin" MILLER & BUSHONG, Inc. SERVICE ANYWHERE ” "FINEST Rohrerstown, Pa. 717-392-2145 HAVE • Farm Calendar (Continued fioin Page 1) ciation, Faim and Home Centei 730 pm Manheim Young Farmers Monthh Meeting, Farm Law with Trooper Crasser Vo-Ag Department, Manheim Central High School Garden Spot Young Farmer Meeting, Faim Records Meeting, Vo Ag Department, Gaiden Spot Senior High School Ephrata Young Farmer Meet ing, Foiage Management Course, Vo-Ag Department, Ephrata High School The Feitilizer Institute Annual Meeting, Palmer House, Chicago, February 9-10 Wednesday, February 10 930 am —3 p m —Southeastern Pennsylvania Plant and Pest Seminar, Holiday Inn, King of Prussia, February 10 and 11 730 pm Lancaster County 4-H County Council Meeting, Training Center, Farm and Home Center Purina Dairy Lonieience, Dutch Town and Country Thursday, Febtuary II 7 30 pm. Lancaster County Poultiy Association Meet ing, Farm and Home Center; Topic “Shall We Market Pa, Brand Eggs’” 7 30 p m —Federated Sportsmen of Lancaster County, Dis cussion of Mill Creek Pollu tion, Conestoga Valley High School Friday, February 12 7 pm—Manheim Young Farm er Bowling Night Saturday, February 13 State Grange Regional Institute. Greensburg sustain top production with the BABCOCK B-300 Keeping production up...coats down, .is the profit key in poultry operations And more and moip records on commercial flocks of Babcock B-300’s...“The Busi nessman’s Bird" sus tained production of top quality eggs, often with an additional 20 to 30 eggs per bird housed over other strains. Come in... iookatthe records and the B-30f .. ."The Businessman’s Bird". BABCOCK FARMS, INC. P. 0. Box 285 Lititz, Pennsylvania 17543 Telephone (717) 626-8581