4 —Lancaster Farming, Saturday, February 6,1971 Bigger Corn Crop Planned How will farmers react at planting time this year to the Southern Corn Blight of 1970 and the market conditions which stem med from the blight? That has been an important question facing the nation and farmers for many months. Now early indications are beginning to arrive. U.S. studies reported this week by the Pennsylvania Crop Reporting Service show production in many major crops is ex pected to be up. Farmers indicated, as of January 1, that they intend to plant m 1971 in compari son to 1970 six per cent more corn acreage, fne per cent more barley, seven per cent more soybeans and 17 per cent more sor ghum. This would be offset somewhat by a six per cent decline in wheat and three per cent drop in oats. Know Your Climbing a tree is quite easy and pro bably sate for an agile youth. But injury odds go up should a creaky old-timer try the same feat. A dazzling display of sheer physical driving skill is relatively simple for the car-minded alert young person with quick reflexes and keen vision. It’s tougher when one is slowed by age, illness or alcohol. In other words, we have differing abili ties and limitations which must be taken in to account in what we do and how we do what we do, warns the National Safety Council. A man who fails to make full or best A Poem for Farmers In recent months, it seems all the economic news has spelled higher costs and lower returns for farmers. Key farm income makers such as eggs, "broilers, pork and cattle have all taken substantial price reductions, probably be -cause of a combination of over-supply and -sluggish demand. Meanwhile, there have been strikes fol lowed by strikes leading to higher wages and prices for basic things which farmers need to continue production We actually believe the worst is probab ly over. There are many indications that farmers are beginning to correct the over supply situation and that demand may be beginning to pick up. Generally, things ap pear at their worst just when they’re be ginning to get better. There are many other problems the farmer faces today, too, such as higher taxes' encroaching urban areas and tneir demands and restrictions on land use. w aste disposal problems, pesticide controls and others. ■" We think farmers can and will sohe already are solving these social and com munity problems, too, just as they ha\e al ways solved production problems But as the farmer goes about his busi ness of doing all the many things necessary to meet his problems, pay his costs and still have enough left over to provide for Ins family, we know there are times when he wonders if it’s all worth it, if he can and should continue to make the effort. We’re LANCASTER FAKMIM* Lancaster County’s Own Farm Weekl\ P. 0. Box 266 - Lititz, Pa 17543 Office- 22 E Main St. Lititz. Pa 17543 Phone. Lancastei 394 3047 or Lititz 626-2191 Robert G, Campbell. Adveitising Director Zane Wilson, Managing Editor > .Subscription di ice S 2 per year in Lancaster County. S 3 elsewhere" Established November 4, 1955 Published »\ ' Saturday b\ Lancaster Farming, Lititz, Pa. ■ Second Class Postage paid at Lititz Pa 17543 Member of Newspaper Farm Editors Assn Pa. Newspapei Publishers Association and National Newsoaner Assumption This early report suggests that some farmers who fear the blight again this year are turning to barley, soybeans and sorghum as an alternative, or partial al- ter native, to corn, ' But the report also suggests that other factors, probably including the high price of corn, are keeping farmers interested in To Protect Farm Babies will be the mistakes. We urge maintaining and even increasing corn acre- This is the time of the year all producers to thoroughly age. when many pigs and lambs are study and evaluate the plaits It should be noted that it’s much too being born; these little creatures and building details, so they can early to tell what farmers actually will do.' ” ee(i some P rote< -tion for the be put into practice with ;a Maybe if farmers in some states, such as f J rst few days ’ lf ™ ™ n t imu .”? ofchangeanderrof. T j , . ~ , ~ , during very cold weather. Heat- Talk with others and with sub- Indiana, which vvere hit hard by blight can t ccl pens or the use of heat lamps ject matter authorities bdfore buy resistant corn seed, they 11 change their la strongly recommended Dry going too far plans and turn to other crops. and warm quarters aie very im- The overall projections, however, indi- portant for the first few days. To Obtain Legume Seeds , cate at this point an abundance of feed sup- Extra time spent on the herd or Recent weather conditions give plies in 1971 and may point to an easing of flock at this time of the year encouragement that the the cost pressures which were an important will increase net returns. time to bioadcast clover and al factor in farm income in 1970. To Mate Mistakes On falfa in winter grains is just 'a Taper Fiist few weeks ahead However, late The construction of new build- February and early March mgs, or the expansion of exist- broadcasts have given the best mg structures, requires very stands Growers are urged to P . . , . careful thought and planning, take delivery of the kind of sedd use of his abilities or exceeds his limitations Merely to become larger is not desired so they will be ready is more apt to suffer an accident. the answer m many cases Good to broadcast when weather con- Safe-Ability At the same time, in order that he can d f°* S Rifled see £ s , , , , i_* i i. i. . Dfc applied regardless of the size of adapted, high-yieldinsr var use his abilities and honor his limitations to 0 f the operation The larger leties are strong recommei prevent accidents, a person must have suf- the enterprise, the more costly ed. 11 ficient knowledge and information. He must know what is hazardous and how to handle Pai« Pull Mavlraf Pannvfo or avoid it. A motorist must know the rules IVAarisei IxepOrtS of the road as well as how to physically Read Lancaster Farming perform the driving function. Each of us & should know what we can and cannot do safely When it comes to your safety what you don’t know can hurt you! sure that most farmers will conclude that farming remains a good way of life; like any other way of life, farming has its faults, but over the long run, the good always out weighs the bad. We think a poem by Albert L. Mason en titled “Rural Ego” goes a long way toward capturing the condition of farmers today at the same time that it gives a spark to make the world look a little less formidable. The poem, which was distributed at a recent meeting of the women’s committee of the Pennsylvania Farmers Association, is as follows: So you’re a farmer! Bless your soul! Stand up and brag a bit! God help the city fellows, If we farmers ever quit! Though I succumb to writing rhyme, I wish to make it plain, I’\ e always been a farmer, And with luck 111 so remain. Too long ha\ ewe been humble And turned the other cheek We should be proud, not arrogant, But let’s not be too meek! You feed the world! you clothe the world! Yours is the golden fleece, Our 'Western w orld’s ace in the hole, Its catalyst for peace. Your business is creator Of jobs throughout the land; Three out ot ten who are employed Depend on your good hand. Success means you're proficient ' In a score of different skills; You’re a specialist in management And community goodwill. You’re fnechanic and a plumber, A carpenter and “vet". With sleeies rolled up and boots on You keep going when it's wet! Don’t let the world shortchange you! Stick out your chest and shout! Your business is dynamic! Milquetoastism is out! “HURRYING THE CHICKEN” Lesson for February 7,1971 latksrouna Scripture; lukt 11 5-13; 18 1 I. The late Emmett Fox used to tell a story about a city boy who was spending his summer on the farm. His hosts had a fine time showing him around the farm, pointing out the sights he had never seen in the city where he lived. One of the sights they showed him was a hen sitting on a nest of eggs. They told him that some day soon a How long? How long? «uf.r”'h v“W»* “ ”* O. m ee« The little hov P appy army draftee who was be- Rev. Althouse was deliehted with lng dnlled under a hot > scorching tbi. prospect he would race to the chicken “ noon to see whether the Great ® n thusiastic or ade Pt a t what muacle had yet occurred. J was startled to see the rookip No signs of change dro P his rj fic- “How long have Days went by and the little hoy d l" became disappointed as nothing wiro/A^r-i 16 i? 6 ma ff happened in the chicken coop. at - h f, officer and The eggs looked exactly as they ’ t, ~ L had when he had first seen them. nav’^}m^?nh 0i tim ? if* Thev bore no sicns of chanse day seems be an eternity, but whatsoever. So hfs faith in the must remember that it is no;:, expected miracle began to wane. bnt chicken. Finally, after many fruitless days a waif- P f r £ lS !f of watching, he gave up alto- answer which God wtfl gether, deciding that he had been g >,f n OVI! ’ n ® ood time< deceived. ■-(lasid on’ oullints copyrighted by tl» The next day, by sheer habit, couneT- 0 l!X N^ 0 !* 1 and no longer in anticipation, he u.s a. ’ p e i«is.d h by commii’mty "fri! * ‘ went to the coop and was amazed S *V2!* -1 1 •, ’ to find that the miracle had taken "> ! plade; the nest was alive with '■ t ! little chicks. How amazing it ' ’ n seemed that all this’had taken... ‘ ATTEKItV rue place overnight. Yesterday the ■■ * tjHO iinc eggs had looked the same as^* - CHURCHOF YOUR ways, but today the eggs were re- , CUkmAv placed by fully-developed SUNDAY chicks! 1 •_ , - -g •? r Appearances, of course, had < been deceiving to the boy. The eggs appeared Li be the same NOW IS THE TIME... By Max Smith Lancaster County Agent every day, yet all the v/h-1-, vvone derful changes were taking place inside them, The miracle w«| growing right before his eyes, he couldn’t see it. j> Is God punctual? In "My Pair Lady,” Professoic Higgins sings, “Why Can’t A W®» man Be Like A Man?” There!s * sense in which pur prayers muSfc often sound as'if we’re sayint “Why can’t God he like a manff Why can’t he do things our wayl Why can’t he pace himself *s• cording to our schedule? Wbf isn’t he more punctual? ' i This may sound presumptuoui yet isn’t this what many „of -us feel deep down? “God, I asked you to help me last week, and £ still am in the same “Lord, I’ve been asking for thre» years for you to change my hus band, and he’s still the same,"” 1 The two parables in Luke 11 and 18 are not meant to compart God to an indifferent neighbor of reluctant judge. Rather, with these two stories, Jesus is saying that if these two all-too-huma? men will respond to a man’s Pa tient persistence, how much morf are we assured of the eventual re sponse of a loving God! ■