Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, February 06, 1971, Image 2
—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, February 6,1971 2 Local Livestock Market and Auction Reports Lancaster Auction Wednesday, February 3 Cattle Calves Hog's Steep Today 1316 133 276 16 Last wk 649 72 402 18 791 110 256 14 ■Last jr This wks auction 1296 133 272 24 Last wks auction 570 67 361 21 CATTLE Slaughter Steers stiong to 50 higher than Mon day, or 50- 1 50 highei than last Wednesday, Cows 75-1 00 high er, Bulls strong to 50 higher SLAUGHTER STEERS—High- Choice and Prime 950-1350 lbs 3210-3310, Choice 950-1350 lbs 30 25-32 25, high-Good and low- Choice 29 75-3135 Good 26 60- 30 25. Standard and low-Good 23 25-26 85 SLAUGHTER HEIFERS Choice 800-950 lbs 28 00-29 50 few Prime 30 00-30 75 Good 26 50-28 00 COWS Utility and high clressing Cutter 22 25 23 75, few 23 75-24 10, Cutter 20 50-22 50, Canner and low-Cutter 19 00- 20 50 BULLS Choice 29 00-30 60, Good 26 60-29 00, Utility and Commercial 27 00-30 00, few 30 25-30 75 VEAL CALVES - fully steady to strong VEALERS Choice 55 00- 60 Qp, Good 52 00-56 00; Standard 46 m£s2 00, Utility 3500-45 00 HOGS Banows and 50-100 -higher BARROWS AND GILTS US 1-2 210-230 lbs 20 75-2100, US 2-3 200-250 lbs '2O 35-2*160, US* 2-3 190-200 lbs 19 75-20 50; US 2 170-180 lbs 18 50 SHEEP One lot Choice 90 lbs Wooled Lambs 28 00, one lot Utility 95 lbs 23 25 Lebanon Valley Auction Tuesday, February 2 305 Head of Cattle Steei s High Choice and Prime (individual), 32 00 and 32 75, Choice, 30 00-3185, Good, 28 00 29 85, Standard, 25 50-27- 75, Utility (few), 24 00-25 00 Heifers Choice (few), 28 10- 3100, Good (few), 26 60-27 00; Standaid (few), 24 35-25 35; Uti lity, 23 00 24 00. Cows Utility (individual), 2175-23 50, Cuttei, 20 00-2185, Canner, 18 25-20 50, Shells down to 17 00 Bulls Good, 28 00-30 50, Uti lity and Commercial, 26 50-29 - 225 Head of Veal Calves Choice 57 50 60 50 Good 54 - 00 58 00 Standai d 45 50 53 00 Utility, 39 00 44 00 Cl ll 90 120 pounds, 30 00 38 50 Cull 70 85 pounds, 25 00 29 00 Faun Cahes Bn’s 80 110 pounds 28 00 36 00 Ucifeis 80- 120 pounds 28 00 30 00 300 Head of Hogs Bauows and Gilts U S 1-2 210 230 pounds (few), 2100- 2110 US 2-3 185 245 pounds, 20 25 20 50 US 2-4 190 260 pounds (few), 1975-22 00 Sows U S 1-3 300-500 pounds 'lew), 14 00-15 75 US 2-3 300- 000 pounds (few) 12 00-14 25 Boais (few) 1100-13 00. Lancaster Market Monday, February 1 Cattle Calves Hogs Sheep Today 456 193 569 297 Last wk 411 166 602 345 Last yr 645 232 749 362 CATTLE Small supply Slaughter Steers 50-100 higher, Cows steady, few sales Bulls steady Supply includes an esti mated 50 percent Slaughter Steel s, 20 percent Cows and Bulls, with the balance mainly Feeder Steei s SLAUGHTER STEERS Load high-Choice and Prime 1275 lbs 32 50, Choice 1100-1250 lbs 30 00-31 00, few sales mixed- Good and Choice 29 00-29 50 COWS Utility and high dressing Cuttei 21 00-22 50, Cut tei 19 50-21 00, Canner and low- Cutter 17 50-19 50 BULLS Good 27 00-29 00, Utility and Commeicial 27 CO -29 00, few sales 29 50-30 50 VEAL CALVES Vealers mostly steady VEALERS Choice 55 00- 58 00, Good 51 00-55 00, Standard 46 00-52 00, Utility 35 00-44 00, Cull 90-120 lbs 28 00-30 00. SLAUGHTER CALVES—Good and Choice 300-390 lbs 32.00- 40 00 CALVES RETURNED TO FARM Bulk 90-120 lbs 38 00- 44 00 Vealers HOGS Banows" and Gilts 25-highei , -v BARR(>Ws r Ahf D? S 1 195-225- lbs.' 2023-20 75, few 21 00, US 1-2 200-240 lbs 19 75- 20 00, US 2-3 190-250 lbs 19 25- 19 75, US 3-4 260-280 lbs 18 00- 19 00 SHEEP—Wooled Lambs 25-50 lower, Ewes absent. WOOLED LAMBS Choice 75-105 lbs 25 00-26 25, few sales 26 50 27 50, Good 65-100 lbs 23 00-25 00, Utility 20 00-23 00 Local Grain Thursday, February 4 These pi ices aie made up of the average puces quoted by six participating local feed and grain concerns It should be noted, however,'*that not every dealer handles each commodity All puces aie per bushel, except for ear coin which is per ton. The aveiage local giam prices quoted Thursday, February 4, 1971, are as follows Ear Corn Shelled Corn Oats (local) Oats (western) Barley Wheat '•‘Bid is the puce the dealer will buy fiom the fannei deliveied to the mill Offeied is the puce the dealer will sell for at his mill AUCTIONS makes the difference in marketing livestock! mm Holland makes the difference in auctions! MONDAY 10 30 A M, FAT HOGS and SHOATS 2 30 P M FAT STEERS, BULLS. COWS & VEAL HORSE SALE MONDAY at 10.00 A.M. DAIRY SALE WEDNESDAY at 12-30 P M. FAT STEERS, BULLS. COWS & VEAL THURSDAY at 12:30 P.M. NEW HOLLAND SALES STABLES INC. New Holland, Penna Abi am W Diffenbach, Manager Phone - 717-354-2194 Composite Vintage Report Auction Friday Weekly, February 5 Tuesday, February 2 Lancaster Terminal, Vintage, Lancaster and New Holland Auc tions Cattle * Calves This week 4000 ■ 1250 Last week 3018 - 1039 Last year 2817 1082 CATTLE Slaughter Steers 50-1 00 higher, instances 150 higher, Cows 50-l’oo higher, Bulls strong io 50 higher, in stances 100 higher on Utility and Commeicial ovei 1500 lbs Supply included an estimated 60 pei cent Slaughter Steei s, 25 per cent Cows, 10 percent Bulls, with the balance mainly Feeder Steers SLAUGHTER STEERS—High- Choice and Prime 950-1350 I"/ 32 00-33 10, few head 33 00-33 75, Choice 950-1350 lbs 30 00-32 25, few 1350-1450 lbs 29 50-30 50, high-Good and low-Choice 29 00- 30 75, few on Wednesday 30 75- 3135, Good 26 50-29 50, Stand ard and low-Good 23 25-27 00 SLAUGHTER HEIFERS Choice 750-950 lbs 28 00-29 50, few Prime 30 00-30 75, Good 26 50-28 00 COWS Utility and high dressing Cutter 21.50-2375, few 23 85-24 85; Cutter 20 00-22 50, Canner and low-C.Dtter 17 75- 20 00 ’ BULLS Choice 28 75-30 75, few 3100-32.25, Good 26 60- 29 00, Utility and Commercial 26 50-30 00, few 30 50-31 85 VEAL CALVES Vealers strong to 200 higher, least ad vance on Good and Choice VEALERS Choice 56 00- 60 00, few 61.00,, Good 52.00- 57 00, Standard 46 00-53 00; Utility 37.0045 00; Cull 90-120 lbs 28 00-36 00, 65-85 lbs 24 00- 28 00 Green Dragon Dairy Cattle The Green Dragon market reported receipts of 98 head of average quality cattle, well at tended, with prices stronger on fresh cows and top springers, average prices on remainder Consignments included - Load of Canadian fresh cows, 397.50-570 00. Load of New Yoik State cows, fresh and springers, 327 50- 500 00 Bid Offered 40 00 45 00 1 65 1 84 .87 97 97 1 10 1 34 1 49 171 191 Load of Wisconsin cows, fiesh and spnngei s, 320 00 535 00 Load of local cows, fresh and springers, 337 50-490 00 Local cows, fresh, 335 00-390 Colored cows, 230 00-280 00 One Swiss springei, 415 00 Friday, January 29 Cattle Calves Hog'S Sheep Today 889 573 491 14 Last wk 628 464 418 25 Last yr 608 341 236 29 CATTLE Slaughter Steeis fully steady to 100 highei, most advance on high-Choice and Prime, Cows 50-75 higher; Bulls mostly steady Supply included 34 percent Cows SLAUGHTER STEERS—High- Choice and Prime 975-1325 lbs 32 25-33 75; Choice 950-1400 lbs 30 00-32 10; high-Good and low- Choice 29 00-30 50, Good 27 50- 29 25, Standard and low-Good ssn-97 nn SLAUGHTER HEIFERS Few Choice 750-950 lbs 28 00- 28 85 COWS Utility and high dressing Cutter 20 75-22 85, few [23 00-23 75, Cutter 19 75-22 00, Canner and low-Cutter 17 75- 19 75 BULLS Good 26 75-28 75, few Choice 28 50-29 25, Utility and Commercial 26.50-29 10 VEAL CALVES Vealers strong to 2.00 higher VEALERS Choice 56 00- 60 00; Good 53 50-56 SCT, Standard 48 00-53 00, Utility 41 00-50 00, Cull 90-120 lbs 30.00-38 00 HOGS Barrows and Gilts 150-2 00 higher BARROWS ’ AND GILTS ■ Few US 1 200-215 lbs 21.50- 2160, US 1-2 200-240-lbs s 20 85- 2110, US 2-3 205-250 lbs* 20.50- 20 85,’ US 2-3 185-205 lbs. 20 00- 20 50 SHEEP Insufficient volume foi market test Fat Hogs and £eederJPig, §sls * Saturday,’ January 30* HOGS 949 Barrows Gilts Mostly $1 higher. US No 1-2 210-230 lbs 20 00- 20 75 . US No. 2-3 195-245 lbs 19 25- 19 60 US No 2-4 185-250 lbs 18 75- 19 35. US No 3-4 250-300 lbs 16.50- 18 85 US No 2-4 150-180 lbs 17 25- 18 75 Sows- US No. 1-3 300-600 lbs 11 75-16 50 Boars 10 00-1125 Green Dragon Hay Market Friday, January 29 53 loads hay, including Al falfa, 35 00-49 00, one load at 56 00, Timothy, 35 50-40 00. Mix ed Hay, 29 50-41 00, one load at 45 50; one load Clover, 39 00 Two loads Oi chard Grass, 37 00 and 38 50, 29 loads straw, 38 00-43 50 VINTAGE SALES STABLES, Int. PARADISE, PENNA. BULLS, STEERS, BUTCHER COWS. HOGS, LAMES AND VEAL CALVES SOLD ON COMMISSION SALE EVERY TUESDAY 13 NOON FAT HOGS AND FEEDER PIG SALE EVERY SATURDAY AT 9:00 A.M. For Marketing Information Phone Area Code 717-442-4181 Box 100 Paradise, Pa. 10 mi East of Lancaster, on Rt 30 Kenneth E. Hershey, Sales Manager New Holland Auction Thursday, February 4 Cattle Calves Sheep Today 934 350 7 Last wk 723 322 0 ■ Last yi 688 367 3 CATTLE—Compared with last Thursday, Slaughter Steers 50- 100 higher, Cows 75-1.00 higher, instances 125 higher; Bulls steady to strong, instances 1.00 higher on Utility and Commer cial over 1500 lbs. Supply in cluded 32 percent Cows. SLAUGHTER STEERS High-Choice and Prime 1050- 1275 lbs 32 00-32 50,, five head 32 85-33 75, Choice 950-1350 lbs. 30 00-32 10, few 1350-1450 lbs. 29 50-30 50, high-Good and low- Choice 29 00 30 50, Good 27.00- 29 50, Standard and low-Good 24 50-26 75 COWS Utility and high diessing Cutter 2150-23.75, few 23 85-24 85; Cuttei 20.00-22.25; Cannei and low-Cutter 19.00- 20 25 BULLS Choice 28.85-30.75, few 31 00-32 25, Good 26.75- 29 00, Utility and Commercial 26 75-30 00, five head 31.25-31.85. VEAL CALVES Vealers strong to 2.00 higher, least ad vance on Good and Choice. VEALERS Choice 56.00- 6100; Good 52.00-57,00; stand ard 46 00-52.00; Utility „ i|7J)(K 44 00; Cull 90-120 lbs. ,2800- 34 00, 65-85 lbs. 24 00-2aoo.'"'''' SHEEP Insufficient or offer for a market test^ Due to conditions beyond util 1 ' control the Hog, Calf, Hay and. Straw Market Reports for Mon day, February.!, fjgom New Hol land'§ Auction were not avail able: HAY PRICES For Southeastern and South Central Pennsylvania Monday, February 1 - All hay No. 2 and better prices paid by dealers at the farm, pi ice per ton. Hay and straw mostly steady. Alfalfa 32.00-45,00 Timothy hay 22.00-33.00 Mixed hay Straw Mulch Reported by Bureau of XajdceW Fa. Dept, of Agriculture. 25.00-35.0 a 30.00- 15.00-