Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, February 06, 1971, Image 18
18—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, February 6,1971 lnter-StateDistrict3HasAnnualMeeting -sues! i=; ssrsMS “ 1 SsrsrSS Award at the Inter-State Milk 4 . H dairy awards were given ti ties of the 0 f direc- Pioduceis Association District as follows Donna Akers, Gary - , > 3 meeting at the Memorial Akers, Carol Groff, Barbara lors - United Methodist Chinch at Kreider, Debbie Crider, Brenda Marilyn Krantz, New • Provi- Quarryville last week Heir. Alan Crider and Richie dence RDI, Pennsylvania*Dairy Twenty-five year membei Crider Princess, told of her experiences awards were given to five men Robert Kauffman gave a re- as a dairy princess Richard P Maule, Quarryville port on the annual meeting of ' inter-Sta f e iRD2 - Frank Rohrei Quarryville the Southern Lancaster County Boyd Ga y* - ’ RD2- John H Giavbml Narvon local in Philadlphia member and -public relations RD2’ Samuel H Kieidei, Robert McSparran who pre- duector, spoke -on problems I Presenting 4-H awards at th<t&iW !r! ‘ ot Those in the foregrounding 3 Inter-State meeting is Robert McSparran, elude the Pennsylvania Dairy ' Princess, Inter-State Director. 4-H’ers are Heft tp Miss Marilyn Krantz, and her„father right; Brenda Herr, Debbie Crider, Bar- B Krantz. __ .bgija Kreider, Carol Groff, Gary Akers and _ wswitr/i&toM s* Get Ready For Spring FOR COMPUTE HARD TO BEAT SERVICES and PRODUCTS SOIL TESTING CROP PROGRAMMING TRUCK SPREADING TYLER SPREADERS BULK PICK-UP GOLDEN URAN APPLICATION LANCASTER BONE FERTILIZER Co., Inc. Quarryville 786-7348 SHOP WITH ONE STOP * * * * '< V solved by dairy farmers who are members of Inter-State Remarks were made by Inter- State--field representative Mack Newton, Kirkwood Also speak ing weie James Barnett, Stras burg, and Max Smith, county agricultural agent Ray Krsider, who is president of the Southern Lancaster local, had the invocation. Mrs. Robert Robert Kauflman Wagnei, Little Britain, sang a Outlines Inter-State Work solo Grow Your Own Protein Save It By Harvesting The SILO-KING WAY I Ueßor More Information. Phone: ifiiJ -jylS Quarryville 786-2780 872-4348 . Lititz 628-4174 H 4 I TH Manufacturer* ol COMPLETE FERTILIZERS BULK BLENDS FARM SEEDS ORTHO GARDEN SUPPLIES TROJAN SEED CORN LIME LASSO ATRAZINE FURADAN * * * Oxford 932-8323 ,) 1 * John Myer Young Cooperator of 1970 Master of ceremonies was Rob ert C Gioff, Camaigo, president of the Quarryville district. ”"* i