—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, February 6,1971 10 One ofNation s Best Dairy Breeders to Speak Locally Wallv Lindskoog owner of Breeder Awards by the Holstein Arlinda Faims, Tuilock, Calif, Association. will be headline! speaker at the just one of the many national- Sixth Annual Southeastern j y know u cows bred and deve- Dairy Confeience February 9at loped at Arlinda Farms is AR the Guernsey Bain-Pavilion on LINDA ABC DAFFY, first cow Route 30 east of Lancaster 0 f any b reed t 0 have five re- Arhnda Holstein Farms, syn- cords of 365 days or less each onymous with being at the top, above 30) 000 milk and 1200 had the high herd nationally p oun( j s f a t regardless of milk for milk and fat in the over 100 mg f requ ency The herd of over cow category 125 rmikers is handled effi- Wally, always mindful with ciently by one man in a special the importance of each and ly designed four stall parlor every mating to insure progress barn. for future generations, has per- This farm at Turlock, Calif., sonally developed the herd to has a j so a mo st successful tur it’s present heights with only key hatchery, processing an an occasional outside purchase nu ally six to nine million tur- They raise all their replace- key eggs Lindskoog is an ac xnents Great effort has been tive adv i se r to the British made to achieve a fine herd government and is supplying balance with correctness of type them w j tk his practical know and production how regarding fertility prob- Rigid attention to these de- lems and their present produc tails has provided the herd with tion is at an all-time high. 12 consecutive Progressive Wally, a deeply religious W AY N E TAIL CURLER ROCKETS For larger, huskier pigs at weaning time—for pigs that hardly miss the sow, earlycreep-feed WAYNE TAIL CURLER ROCKETS. Pigs can be weaned at sor 6 weeks averaging 20 to 25 pounds—many weighing over 30 pounds at 6 weeks. WAYNE TALL CURLER ROCKETS are “tailor made" for weaning pigs as early as 3 weeks in case you want to rebreed or market sows early. STEVENS FEED MILL, INC. Stevens, Pa, Leola, Pa. H. JACOB HOOBER Intercourse, Pa. GRUBB SUPPLY CO Elizabethtown a M. STAUFFER & SONS, INC. Witmer HERSHEY BEOS. Reinholds PARADISE SUPPLY Paradise HAROLD H. GOOD ‘ Terre Hill USE WAYNE ANIMAL HEALTH AIDS TO KEEP YOUR LIVESTOCK AND POULTRY HEALTHY. HEISEY FARM SERVICE Lawn Ph: 964-3444 C. £. SAUDER & SONS R. D. 1, East Earl DUTCHMAN FEED MILLS, INC. R. D. 1, Stevens FOWL’S FEED SERVICE R. D. 1, Quarryville R. D. 2, Peach Bottom ROHRER’S MILL R. D. 1, Ronks WHITE OAK MILL R. D. 4, Manheim MOUNTVILLE FEED SERVICE R. D. 2, Columbia County Farmers Assn. Meets The Lancaster County Farmers Association board of directors agreed at its meeting Tuesday at the Farm and Home Center to hold its spring meeting March 12 at the Center. Benjamin Weaver, Lancaster County Commissioner, will speak on a proposal for taxing land at its real use value, rather than market value. Weaver will dis cuss other farm-related issues. It was announced that the Farmers Association will host a young group of 30 to 40 farmers fiom Tennessee in July. Fur ther details will be announced later. A regional membership rally will be held in Pottstown at the Holiday Inn on February 18, an- man, devotes much of his life toward the church. At a young age when he made his partner ship covenant with God he pro mised to split profits right down the middle, one-half of his net income was to go to the Lord, a commitment he has never reneged. Always one to keep things in the proper perspective he ex plains their successful opera tion to a team effort “good men, great cattle and Providence, made it possible.” The co-sponsors of the South eastern Dairy Conference are; Allis-Chalmers; Curtiss Breed ing Service; John W Eshelman and Sons and New Holland Sup ply Company. in unu WANT /IPS ■ FEBRUARY A SPECIAL 9 TWO CLASSIFIED ADS Advertise in the “Lancaster Farming Classified Section” The newspaper your neighbor reads from front to back! Sell, sell, sell, ssssss Please run my Z ads or one ad two times Name ' Address Enclose $l.OO Mail to Lancaster Farming, P. O. Box 266, Lititz, Pa. 17543, nounced James G Kreider, local Kieider signed three farmers president. Any member wishing foi outstanding woik in signing to attend should contact a coun- up new membeis Titus Hess, ty director, Kreider said Leola, who signed up 23 new membeis, Nathan Stoltzfus, Gap, Kreider also said that 904 anc j Moses Martin, Ephrata. members have been signed up so far this year Thisisupfiom Meanwhile, Tuesday night. 831 last year, but is still short of Eugene McDowell, regional the 1971 quota The quota can Pennsylvania Farmers Associa- or ’ spoke at meetings uary signs up one more mem- of the Quarryville Rotary Club her, Kreider said. and the Solanco Young Farmers. REN PARTITIONS COMFORT STALL BIG MONEY Maximum 14 words each Phone Number SHENK'S FARM SERVICE Lititz R. D. 4 Phone 626-4355 « .1 it f x