Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, January 23, 1971, Image 1

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University, Ru
VOL. 16 NO. 9
David X. Landis, (center), this week re
ceives a, plaque for the highest herd aver
■ age i»the-County during 1970 from. J- Eby . ,
Herrfiey,,; 1 Gordonville RDI; - Red Rose,"
1 far..} (five. SOTO '.testing’Yeaj was
given lihisr week- to David i,':
. Landis, 1896 Colebrook, Road,
Landis’ herd averaged' 652
pounds of butterfat and 16,465
pounds of milk foi an average
1 of 29.2 registered and grade Hol
steins. _ -
Second place went to Curtis E
Akers, Quarryville RDI, with an
average of 647 pounds of butter
fat and 16.995 pounds of milk
from an average of 35 3 register
ed and grade Holsteins
The Paul B Zimmerman herd
at Ephrata RDI was third with
643 pounds of butterfat and
16,523 pounds of milk for an
average of 31.2 registered Hol
These were among the out
standing area herds honored at
the annual DHIA dinner meeting
■ at aoest Tuesday at the Farm
and Home Center.
Altogetfier some 389 herds
with an average.of more than
-five «owp were' cited for fex
ceeding an averageproduction of
400, pounds l of butterfat.
, In addition, some 419' cows
Igg Marketing Assn. Meets
At a-recent meeting of 1 the
Pennsylvania Egg Marketing
, Association, Fred Pontz distri
buted a questionnaire on egg
purchase policy and then ex
plained that the accumulated
confidential information might
prove to be interesting and
perhaps valuable.
The nominating committee
proposed the following mem
bers for tae 1971 officers of the
Association: President, Earl
Hess; vice-president, Tom
Smith; Treasurer, R Clair
Sauder; and secretary, E. J
Lawless Jr. The directors, Ro
bert Shelly and Ben Burkhold
DHIA vice president. Donald S. Eby,
DHIA president, is on the right. The 29
head.Xandis herd averaged 16,465 pounds
of milk‘and 652 pounds of butterfat. . -
Dairy 1 !
/ Five .herds .were, .cited for ex
ceeding average production of
5.800 - pounds of solids-not-fat
they are: Carl L Martin, Eph
iata_ RDI,. 1,244 pounds solids
nbt-fat; Roy H. and Ruth H'
Book.Ronks RDI, 1,227 pounds;
Henry W Martin, Ephrata RDI,
1,153 pounds; Sunny Craft
Farms, Ephrata RDI, 1,146
pounds, and Dr Paul S Schaiuz,
Ephrata RDI, 1,060 pounds
The 1970 report showed that
an average of 18,727 cows weie
on the Red Rose DHIA testing
piogram in 1970 The average
production was 487 pounds of
butteifat and 12,598 pounds of
The figures show an increase
of 650 cows on the testing pro
gram and an average increase m
milk production of 120 pounds
per cow. The butterfat average
remained unchanged from a year
TJie. average number of cows
per’ herd was listed 44.9 this
year;compared* to 43.1 a year
In comments on " the DHIA
er, 'Will.continue!in office for
another’year. ' 1 .
Larry Kegerreis of the Penn
sylvania Department of Agu
culture Marketing staff pre
sented a quick version of the
flip chart promotional pro
gram for the Northeast.
The program was financed by
donations from each of the 11
states involved The actual work
was accomplished by New York
“The idea is piofxt and ac
cording to a suney, eggs can
furnish 24 9 per cent gross pio
fit in the dairy division and two
(Continued on Page 12)
Lancaster Farming, Saturday, January 23, 1971
' -*V »• J [ ?*■' ■w* %
;progranl over, therpast year -Max 1
igmitlv 'Lan,bas.t6’i§ %>»nty'.'-Ag?i
culturah Agent;' saiid, “The dairy
industry" continue as one of {he
major agricultural enterprises
irr Lancaster County.- Dairymen
continue to produce more milk
from fewer cows which is a
trend for many yeais to come.
Expansion has taken place on
many dairy farms in the recent
decade but must be accompanied
with good management in order
(Continued on Page 9)
Four Southeastern Pa. Counties Added
To U. S. Gypsy Moth Regulated Areas
Lancaster County and three
bordering counties have been
added to the Federal gypsy moth
regulated area, the U S Depart
ment of Agriculture announced
Because of the continuing
spread of gypsy moth, the local
counties are among 14 previous
ly unregulated counties in three
states which have been added to
the regulated area.
The revised regulation of the
Federal gypsy moth and brown
tail moth quarantine designating
-regulated areas became effective
upon publication in the Federal
Register on Jan. 8
All or part of the following
counties will now be regulated
foi gypsy moth for the first
time. Broome, Chenango Jeffer
son and St Laurence in New
York, Chester, Columbia, Dau
phin, Delaware, Lancaster, Leb
anon, Montour, Noithumbeiland
and Sullivan in Pennsylvania,
and Cumberland in New Jersey
Gipsy moth is a senously de
structive insect pest of forest,
shade and fruit trees in the
Farm and Home Foundation
Annual Banquet Scheduled
The seventh annual dinner
meeting of the Farm and Home
Foundation of Lancaster County
will be held at 6:30 p.m. Jan 28
at the Farm and Home Center,
1383 Arcadia Road, Lancaster.
Melvin R Stoltzfus will be
toastmaster The invocation will
be given by Noah W Kreidei A
trio from the Mechanic Grove
Cnurch of the Biethien will pro
vide music
Speaker for the evening will
Lehigh Valley Co-Op Combines
Operations With Country Belie
Two of Pennsylvania’s leading
have com-'
bmed. their. 1 management - opera
Xooperltive.: jJol<Sfc
dent ~6f Gouhtry-Belle Farmers
Cooperative 1 : -
u V f fc «/„ / J ' _
The. Country BeHe-Cooperative
of Pittsburgh Jand the' Lehigh
Valley Cooperative Farmers, Al
lentown, officially signed a man
agement contract effective Jan
uary 1, 1971-
Bnefly, the management con
tract between the two dairy
co-ops means that manufaetui
mg, purchasing, and selling of
dairy products, and all other
In summer months, millions
of gypsy moth caterpillars de
vour the leaves of trees, often
killing them. . During the sum
mer of 1970, 800,000 acres of
woodland were.defoliated, tnp-
Farm Calendar
Monday, January 25 -
7:30 p.m. County FFA meet
ing, Manheim Central High
Fulton Grange #66, Oakryu
Tuesday, January 26
Ephrata Young Farmers, Rec
reation -Night, Junior High
Garden Spot Young Farmers,
Farm Records meetmg,
Eastern Lancaster County
High School.
Wednesday, January 27
12 Noon Mount Joy Farmers
Cooperative Association,
Annual Meeting, Hostet
ter’s Banquet Hall, Mount
Thursday, January 28
630 p m Farm and Home
Foundation Annual Dmnei
Meetmg, Farm and Home
52.00 Per Ye«r
be Reid Ferguson, vice president
of Pennsylvania State Univer
Nomination and election of di
rectors will be conducted by Wi
lis Z Esbenshade
Dimng the business session,
George Lewis will give tbe
treasurer’s report and Homed
H Campbell will give the busi
ness manager’s report Scholar
ships will be announced by M. IC.
products customary to tlw
business will now be.under
management and ' direction . oE.
Richard .L:- ;Al%oh, ' ; •,
-Vic* v dentofSttd.^<£arist|k
:t operative Farmers. The regiflw*l
' manager d£ f area.'
will report to Allison. v
~ ,v , ' k <[ 1 5t
The-Country Belle Coorpmativigr
makes sales of about s2Amilßo».
annually. Lehigh Valley Cooper*!
bve Farmers sales will approxi
mate $75 million in 1971. Allison
estimates that the combined co
operatives will make sales In ex
cess of $lOO million during 1971,
Country Belle has about 260
members, while Lehigh Valley
has 820 membeis.
ling the acreage stripped in 1969
and six times that of 1968.
The dead or denuded trees re
duce property and recreation,
values, destroy wildlife habitats
and permit soil erosion 'and
water runoff.
Federal quarantine regulations
are designed to prevent the arti
ficial spread of gypsy moths
from infested areas to uninfested
Timber products, woody
plants, stone, and quarry prod
ucts and other articles that
might be carrying the insect
must be inspected and certified
free of insects before being
The area earlier regulated for
this pest included all of Con
necticut, Massachusetts 'and
Rhode Isand and most of New
Hampshire, Veimont, Maine and ,
New Jersey
Also included in the regulated
area were eastern portions of
New York and Pennsylvania.
Surveys show that the insect
is now spreading into Maryland,
Delaware and Virginia, although
no source of infestation has been
found to warrant regulatory ac
tion, the USD A said.