Poultry Market Eastern Pa. and N. J. Wednesday, January 13 Tuesday, January 12 Prices unchanged to % high- ( Prices Paid Dock Weights, „ , , „ . er on light type hens Demand Cents Per Lb > Except Where iy V t ° C , ooik movement con fairiy good with offerings bare. Noted) timies good with clearances R . ly adequate to short of full Hens, heavy type 4%-17, most- satisfactory !!! most quail- N needs as several processor only ly 7 ' l4 ’ Pullet s 19-26%, M 20- f*® Advance interest develop- Northeast operating part time Offerings R °asters 15-27, M 18-24, gat unchanged levels with Northwest of heavy hens fully adequate Ducks 2 3%-35, M 23%-27, t thl ®,,^J ek s prices Less than Central West for a light demand Prices naid l5-36, M 33 36, Turkeys, Sf 10 ? pnce ® unchanged on Southwest at farm: Light type hens 46% Toms Turkeys. Hens J P la *£ and US Grade A. Midwest M 6%-6% in Pennsylvania M 15 ' 29 - Rabblt s 32-52, M4O 52, esneciallv’L {in 7 ! ev ’ Southeast 5%-6 in New Jersey Heavy type S umeas 3 °- 80 > M 74%.-80, fX Jdem s “ pplies National Avei age 34 hens TFEWR Pigeons (per pair) 85 3 05, M adequate Undertone 90-1 30 steady Negotiated tiucklot Total Weekly NeW next week Fiom Monday, Januaiy New Holland Horse Auction Monday, January 11 Market steady with last week One load North Carolina work horses, single, 160-210; pairs, Fiiday, January 8 US Giade A 27-29 M 27% 28 550-620. The Green Dragon market re- Plant Giade 26-27% M 26% - One load Kansas riding horses. P° lted receipts of 100 of fair 27. > 130-280. cattle, average attendance, with „ a v. prices a bit stronger. Special packs including H 4-2, One load Tennessee draft horses v Consignments included 3/2 P° und sizes TFEWR and mules, single, 270-340, mules Load Canadian Cows single, 115-300; mules pair, 410- a Load f f 700; one pair horses, 670 spongers 365 550, flesh 410-565 ’ ( Load of Pennsylvania cows Locally consigned . work 470-545. horses, single, 145-170; driving Load of Pennsylvania cows horses, 75-400; few better horses, 435-665. 210-235. Load of Mixed Heifers 245- Mare ponies, 10-20; geldings, 415. 10-15; colts, 3-10, large ponies, Local heifers 205-350 3545; killers, 5-6. Colored cows 350 545 d. c ixi FUTURES TRADING (Closing bids as of Thursday, January 14) Jamajy . February March April May June July August September October December February ’72 29.35 Trend Cattle ace stronger, Hogs are stronger. Potatoes are steady and Eggs are steady. a-asked market* provides Cy Commodity Dept:, Reynold* Jc Company' v. LANCASTER FORMULA: Available Only From Hoffman Used on winter grain where Timothy was fall-sown. We include only named alfalfa varieties that have pleased Hoffman customers ... no common alfalfa. The red clover portion offers better disease resistance and yieldability than ordinary red clover. See your Hoffman Seed Man. ’msi\ AH. HOFFMAN SEEDS. INC. iLocated In tha Heart of Lancaster County PEED 3 ‘ LANDISVILLE, PENNSYLVANIA 1753* Green ( New York Chicago Chicago Chicago ' Maine' Fresh Eggt Cattle Hogs 1 ‘ Potatoes ' 1 , 29.90 16.80 29.80 16.60 2.90 33.70 30.20 18.55 19.50 30.00 19.40 29.72 19.40 29.65 20.30 b-bid ra& > r >il&Ws&F^f*J N» ■ tep 7 Fogelsvslle Dragon Cattle Dairy 31.75 35.00 2.75 35.80 3.30 32.90 32.90 36.75 n-nominal , aa^MHUI Reports Delmarvo Wednesday, January 13 Plant Grade 26-26 Vz Pool trucklot puces for WHITP Thursday arrival in the New ~ cv rZ TBI Yoik aiea Fcy Lx Lai § e 41 New Holland Dairy Cattle Wednesday, January 13 Market steady with last week Load Canadian purebred and grade cows, fresh, 450-825, "TT ~ ~ spnngeis. 470580 New York Eggs Chicago Cattle Wednesday, January 13 Weekly Review Two loads New vm-k Prices unchanged. Undertone Monday-Wednesday, cows. fret% 2 ri o; Y Sin S t 0 * ll -» 370-460 ’ “ odetat e with more.)browns CATTLE Compared last T , r .. „ gS ZZ T'T amV3l u weeks dose - *au*rte? steers 25. Load Canadian and Franklin Tiading stocks of all sizes and 50 hisher slaughter heifers 5Q County cows, fresh. 460-700; «*ors continue to exceed cur- “ g®.’ fows l 00-2 00 lower spnngers, 475-520. rent needs Buying activity slow bulls steadv ’ T . , , to fair locally although good A L * i - Local herd dispersal, in all volume movement noted in Additional price upturns in stages of production, 295-450. scattered instances where the the wholesale dressed beef r n ■, price was attractive ennucfb tn trade proved to be the major Locally coined cows. 185- SteS“S „ ° facte coatributtag to ders fair to good the advance in slaughter steers and heifer puces. On Monday both slaughter steers and 1 heif ers encountered a slightly weak er price trend due to increased leceipts and a slightly curtail , ri ed Eastern demand However, These prices aie made up of and puce weakness on Monday A mne-year old Guernsey the average prices quoted by six was moie than offset Wednes cow, Edisto Farms Blazing participating local feed and gram day when live prices advanced Heart, owned by Raymond Goe- concerns It should be noted m face of a much bioader de ungei of Lake Louise Farm, however, that not every dealer mand Buyers icpresenting Dallas RD3, Luzerne County, handles each commodity. All Canadian packers were much captuied grand championship prices aie per bushel, except for more aggiessive than the past honors at the 55th Farm Show, eai com which is pei ton few weeks and purchased near he cow was also judged senior The aveiage local giam puces ly 1,400 head of High Good to cnampion. quoted Thursday, January 14, Aveiage Choice steeis for ship- Winner of the grand cham- 1971, aie as follows ment to Canada for slaughter, pionship in bull classes was Bid Offered Receipts 73 peicent slaughter Plain View’s B. J Galahad, a Ear Corn 42 00 steeis, 21 peicent heifers, bal yearling, owned by Plain View Shelled Corn 169 188 ance mainly cows Overall fin- Faims, Airville, Yoik County Oats 94 103 ish of slaughter steei s slightly Plain View Farms last year ex- Barley 1 30 145 moie attiactive than last week hibited the champion cow. Wheat 1 75 192 with an estimated 20 peicent Reserve champion bull was *Bid is the puce the dealer will Prime and 70 peicent Choice. Hooverville Danmost, a year- buy from the fanner dehveied to This compaies with 18 peicent hng, exhibited by Frederick A. the mill Offered is the price the Plime and 75 percent Choice Hobaugh, York RDI dealer will sell for at his mill last week, and 22 percent Prime Plain View Farms also ex and 68 percent Choice last year. hibited the reserve champion Heifer supply mainly High female in open competition, weie exhibited by Rutter Good to Low Pume weighing View Top Command’s Jane, an Brothers, York 850-1125 lbs eight-year-old In earlier com- Plain View Farms von the SLAUGHTER STEERS petition the same animal was premier exhibitor award, and On Wednesday, Prime 1150-1350 judged reserve senior chain- Twin Brook Farms, Bentleyville lbs Yield Grade 3 and 4 29 00- P J o n RDI, Washington County, re- 2950, with six loads 1200-1350 Load Canadian cows, fresh, 355-540, springers, 400-550. Springing Heifers, 305 400 Bulls, 185-3X5. y . r , r Local Grain ... “■ » Junior champion and reseive ceived junior champion Guernseys award ANNOUNCING STARTING JANUARY 1, 1971 there will be a man available for Filing your 1970 Tax Return. For Appointment call: 768-8279 GEO. A. WEAVER, INC. ' Intercourse Branch NEXT TO THE FIRE HALL Lancaster Farming, Saturday, Januar Weekly UEP Egg Market Prices to the Producer Tuesday, January 12 and Thursday, January 14 Mon. Large Mediums Pullets Peewees BROWN Fey Large 41 Mediums Unquoted Pullets Unquoted Peewees Unquoted Standai ds 36 Checks 23 Tone Cai ton oideis good, supplies of laige ample, laige whites barely adequate, bieakeis getting ample offenngs Copyright 1971 by Urner Bairy Publications the pi emiei Large 37 34 32 31 33 34 34 Medium 30 30 31 29 23 27 I 'a 291 2 29 York Egg llth to Friday, January 15th Tues. Wed. Thins. Fri. 41 41 41 36 36 36 36 22 Vs 22 Vs 22 22 i- lbs at 29 75 Load Pume 1235 lbs Yield Giade 4 and 5 28 75. , Kigh Choice and Prime 1025- ■ 1150 lbs 29 00 29 50, compaiable | Giade 1150-1400 lbs 28 50-29 25, i Choice 950-1375 lbs Giade 2 to 4 28 00 29 00, Mixed Good and Choice 27 50-28 00, Good 26 CO -27 50, Standai d and Low Good 24 50-26 00 SLAUGHTER HEIFERS lOn Wednesday, High Choice and Prime 950-1100 lbs Yield [Giade 3 and 4 28 25-29 00, five loads at lattei price. Choice 850- 1050 lbs Yield Grade 2 to 4 27 - 25-28 25, Mixed Good and Choice 26 75-27 25, Good 25 00-26 75. bleeder 16, 1971—: 3 Small 23 25% 18 18 18 18 18 18 17 19% 231/2 251/2 20% 221% r» I ui 29 28 29 2 29 Mkt. 41 *0 36%