It’s Baby’s first New Year and flashbulbs will be popping everywhere. Pretty-as-a-picture look starts out with baby wool and knitting needles to create this three-piece Sacque Set, complete with bonnet. Great things happen when you garter-stitch a wardrobe for baby. Add finishing touches of buttons, and yards of satin ribbon drawn through eyelets around sleeves, yoke and neckline of sacque, booties and bonnet. Free instructions are available by sending a self addressed stamped envelope to this newspaper along with your request for Leaflet PK 2671. Try A Classified Ad It Pays! » -*« — WE HAVE EVERYTHING , YOU NEED FOR THE... 4'^P HOLIDA Y SPECIAL HOURS WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 30 10 AM. to 10 P.M. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 31 8 AM. to 4 P.M. CLOSED SATURDAY, JANUARY % 1971 Our Flea Market Will Be Open Same Hours As The Market BIG PARKING AREA - HORSES, CARS & BUSES WELCOME MEADOWBROOK FARMERS MARKET y 4 MILE WEST OF LEOLA ON RT. 23 USDA Views Tighter Beef Carcass Inspection The U S Depaitment of Agri culture announced lecently an extension of time until Jan 8, 1971 for public comment on its pioposal to tighten meat inspec tion regulations affecting heef eai casses that show evidence of tapewoim infection The original deadline foi com ments on the measure was Dec 7 The extension piovides for an additional 30 days foi intei ested pel sons to state then views USDA’s Consume! and Marketing Seivice said the ex tension was made because of lequests for extia time Two copies of any comment should be sent by Jan 8 to the Heaung Clerk, U S Depaitment of Aguculture, Washington, D C 20250 All comments will be available for public levicw The pioposal was originally publish ed in the Nov 7 Federal Regis ter, and publication of the exten sion notice will appear in the Dec 9 Fedeial Registei Copies of the pioposed amend ment aie available from the Con sumei Protection Progiams Sei vices Staff, Consumer and Mar keting Seivice, U S Department ot Agucultiue, Washington, D C 20250 Call Us Now To serve the Lancaster County farm community bet ter, we maintain two phone numbers. Our main number is 394-3047. But our subscrib ers and advertisers can also reach us through 626-2191 (ask for Lancaster Farming) and avoid a toll call from the Akron, Ephrata and Man heim exchanges. Lancaster Farming, Saturday, December 26.1970 • ••••••••••••••■••••••a •(•«••••*«■ Ladies, Have You Heard? ... 8y Doris Thomas, Extension Home Economist Get The Most Fiom Your Dryer If you have a clothes dryei, it’s piobably getting a real woik oid this wmtei But aie you getting the mo=t from this handy appliance'' Heie aie some tips on the extra tasks a diyer can do toi jou Fust of all, it can steam out wrinkles in wool, layon, 01 gabaidine ciotmng Just place the clothing in the diyei with two damp towels and tumble diy toi about five minutes When your clnldien come in liom playing in the snow, you can diy then snow suits quick ly in your dryer and have them toasty-wai m for anothei trip outside If you squeeze the extia moistuie out of feather pillows, you can have them diy in 12- to-18 minutes in youi diyei However, do not diy pillows containing foam lubbei in a diyei Some clothing and household washables will need Utle or no uonm 0 if hmt f dampness Then, use a you undei-diy them but i er load of towels to raise the For instance, comoui sheets nap to a like-new finish, will diy “hospital tight” if you (Continucd on Page 22 ) lemove them from the dryer be fore they’ie completely diy and place them on the bed immedia tely Permanent press shuts and blouses will emeige neaily wunkle-fiee 11 you don’t over crowd them in tlm dryei Re move them when damp-diy and an -dry them to finish, then touch up cuffs and collar with an non, if necessary Corduroy fabucs should be removed while thev still have a .>-*S i C’ t • \ ■,••• •• THOMAS Roaches Fleas - Ticks Rats or Mice J. C. Ehrlich Co., Inc. 1278 Loop Rd , Lane. PHONE 397-3721 17