Poultry Market Delmarva Wednesday, Decembei 16 Ready - to - cook movement fairly good where feature acti vity involved; otherwise often disappointing Offerings ample and in instances foiced for quick sale. Less than trucklot prices generally unchanged on both Plant and US. Grade A. Advance negotiations very limited as buyers interest shifts to other Holiday items. Live supplies ample with weights generally continuing to be heavier than desired Under tone'fully steady. ■Pool trucklot prices for Thurs day arrival in the New York Area: U.S. Grade A 23-25, Mostly 24- 25. Plant Grade 22-23y 2 , Mostly 23-23%. Special packs including 1%- 2, 3%i# sizes TFEWR. Chicago Cattle Weekly Review Monday - Wednesday December 14 - December 16 CATTLE Compared last weeks close, slaughter steers mostly 50 lower Slaughter heifers 25-50 lower Cows strong. Bulls steady. Increased receipts locally and a decline in wholesale beef prices appeared to be factois contributing to the downturn in slaughter steer and heifer prices. Buyers representing Canadian packers were fairly aggressive again and through Wednesday purchased more than 800 head of High Good to Low Choice 1000-1150 lb. slaughter steers for shipment to Canada. Receipts 77 percent slaughter steers, 20-percent heifers, bal ance mainly cows Overall fin ish of slaughter steers was not as attractive as last week with 17 percent Prime and 77 per cent Choice. This compared with 23 percent Prime and 73 percent Choice last week, and 16 percent Prime and 71 per cent Choice last year Average cost and weight of slaughter steers, estimated at 27 50 and 1170 lbs. compared with 27 15 and 1170 lbs. last week, and 28 72 and 1155 lbs. last year. Heifer supply mainly High Good to Low Prime weighing 850-1075 lbs. SLAUGHTER STEERS On Monday, Prime 1150-1375 lbs. Yield Grade 3 and 4 28 00-28 25, seven loads at latter price On Wednesday, Prime 1200-1400 lbs. 27.75-28 00, six loads at lat ter price including thiee loads High Choice and Prime 1000- 1075 lbs. High Choice and Prime 1025-1350 lbs 27 25-27 75, Choice 950-1350 lbs Yield Grade 2 to 4 26 75-27 50, Mixed Good and Choice 26.25-26 75, Good 25 ■ 00-26.25, Standard and Low Good 24 00-25.00. SLAUGHTER HEIFERS High Choice and Prime 950- 1075 lbs. Yield Grade 3 and 4 26.50-27.00, load Prime 1075 lbs. Monday at 2725. Choice 850- 1025 lbs Yield Grade 2 to 4 25 - 75-26.50, Mixed Good and Choice 25.25-26.00, Good 2400-25.50. ANNOUNCING STARTING JANUARY 1, 1971 there will be a man available for Filing your 1970 Tax Return. For Appointment call: 768-8279 GEO. A. WEAVER, INC. Intercourse Branch NEXT TO THE FIRE HALL Fogelsviile Tuesday, December 15 (Puces paid dock weights, cents pei lb , except wheie noted) Hens, heavy type 5-17. mostly 7-12, Pullets 11-29, M 20-27, Roasters 9 32, M 20-26 Vz, Capons 231/2-44%, m 35-42, Ducks 15- 30, M 20-27, Drakes 20 Vz 49, M 3743, Geese 27-43, M 35-40; Tur keys, Toms 14%-25y 2 , M 20-23, Tuikeys, Hens 28-36%, M 28- 32, Rabbits 15-41, M 33-41, Guineas 66-70, Pigeons (per pair) 80-1 35. Total coops sold 870. Local Grain Thursday, December 17 These prices are made up of the average puces quoted by six participating local feed and gram concerns It should be noted, however, that not every dealer handles each commodity. Al] prices aie per bushel, except for eai com which is per ton The aveiage local giam puces quoted Thuisday, December 17, 1970, aie as follows Bid Offered* 35 00 42 00 1 61 1 85 88 100 1 20 1 38 1 62 1 78 Ear Com Shelled Com Oats Bailey Wheat *Bid is the puce the dealei will buy fiom the faimei delivered to the mill Offered is the puce the dealer will sell tor at his mill. Green Dragon Hay Market Note: There will not be a sale December 25. Next schedul ed sale January Ist. Friday, December 11 29 loads hay, including alfal fa, 40 50-59 00; clover, few loads, 33 00-55 00. mixed hay, 24 50- 46 50, timothy, few loads, 32 50- 36 00 26 loads stiaw, 34 00-42 00 Oats, onr load, 90 cents pei bushel New Holland Horse Auction Monday, December 14 Maiket steady with last week Two loads Delav,aie driving hoises, 95-110, 80-170 One load lowa diiving hoises, 115-190 One load Kansas uding and work hoises woik horses single, 225-250, pans, 450-530, riding hoises, 90 160. One load Indiana driving hoises, 240-410 One load Tennessee work horses and mules single, 190 280, pans, 550-650, mules, pans, 810-950. Locally consigned riding horses, 75-185, driving horses, 110-250; woik horses, 125-175, mules, 120 165, killers, 3-5 Mare ponies, 10-30, geldings, 10-20, colts, 5-15, larger ponies, 35-75 Reports Eastern Pa. and N. J. Wednesday, December 16 Puces of light type hens un changed to Vic higher Advance bookings often heavy, howevei, current supplies short of a good piocessor call Plants generally only woik part time. Demand for heavy type hens light Of ferings ample Live turkeys fully adequate for a fairly good call for ice-packed needs. Prices paid at farm Light Type Hens 4 6 Mostly SV&-5%, Heavy Type Hens TFEWR Green Dragon Dairy Cattle Friday, December 11 The Gieen Diagon maiket re poited leceipts of 135 head of aveiage quality cattle, well at tended, prices lower Consignments included Load of Canadian cows, fiesh, 500 00-580 00, first calf heifeis, purebied and giade, 450 00- 480 00 Load of Canadian coas, pme bied and grade, fiesh, 500 00- 580 00, spnngeis, 400 00-480 00 Load of Indiana Spnngeis, 385 00 475 00 Load of Local cows, sm ingers, 325 00-550 00 Five local heifeis 282 00 each Few coloi ed Cuws, 330 00- 400 00 HAY PRICES For Southeastern and South Central Pennsylvania Monday, December 14 All hay No 2 and better prices paid by dealeis at the faim, price per ton Hay & stiaw steady Alfalfa 33 00-40 00 few sales to 45 00 22 00-33 00 25 00-35 00 24 00-35 00 few sales to 40 00 16 00-22 00 Timothy hay Mixed hay Straw Mulch Reported by Bureau of Marlceti Pa. Dept, of Agriculture. 4-H Tobacco, Corn The annual 4-H Tobacco and Corn Exhibit will be held at 1 30 p m Thursday, Dec 31, at the Faim and Home Centex FUTURES (Closing bids as of Thursday, December 17) December January ’7l February March April May June July August October November December Trend Cattle are stronger, Hogs are steady, Potatoes are weaker, and Eggs are lower. a-asked Markets provided toy Commodity Sept., Reynolds k Company Weekly UEP Egg Market Region Noitheast Noi thwest Central West Southwest Midwest Southeast National Average Weekly New York Egg Mkt. From Monday, December 14th to Friday, December 18th WHITE Fey Ex Lg 44V2 -45 ¥2 44V2-45y2 Large 44 Fa 44 V 2 Mediums 40 40 Pullets 32 30 Peewees 23 20 BROWN Fey Large 44 Mediums Unquoted Pullets Unquoted Peewees Unquoted Standaids 40*2 40 1 * 40 1 ? Checks 22V2-23 2324 23-24 24 Tone Holiday oideis building up but oveiall supply ample. New Hoifaad Dairy Cattle Wednesday, December 9 . f., Maiket strongci on good fiesh cows Load Franklin County cows, fiesh, 415-610, springers, 445- 545 Load Wisconsin cows, fresh, 470-590 Load Canadian cows, fiesh, 380-600, spnngers, 365-495 Load New York State cows, fiesh, 510-595, spnngeis, 340- 500 Thiee loads Canadian cows, fiesh, 535-800 spungexs, 380- 700, fiesh thiee year old Rock man, 1,425, fiesh fom year old Aimer son Solvent Supieme granddaughter, 800, fiesh fom year old Anthony daughter, 810, fiesh six year old Statesman daughtei, 810 Locally consigned cows, most ly fresh, 340-660. Open heifers, 105-230. Bulls, 135-450 TRADING New York Chicago Chicago Chicago Maine Fresh iiggs Cattle Hogs Potatoes 27.70 17.50 28.10 17.30 29.05 18.20 29.40 20.60 21.57 29.15 21.55 28.75 21.20 28.57 b-bid n-nominal Lancaster’ Farming, Saturday, December 19,1970 — Prices to the Producer Tuesday, December 15 and Thursday, December 17 Large 44’/2 4412 38 38 36 36 35 35 40 1 / 2 40y 2 41 41 41 41 Mon. 44 44 43 43 Copyright 1970 by Urner Barry Publications 40.25 37.05 35.30 2.58 34.80 2.79 34.10 3.23 33.91 33.90 2.67 Medium 34 34 31 31 29 29 28 28 31 31 33 33 32 32 Wed Thurs. Taes. 44V2-45V2 44 1 / 2 -45 1 A 44y 2 -45y2 44V 2 44Vz 44 Va 40 40 40 30 30 30 20 20 20 New York Eggs Wednesday, December 16 Puces aie generally unchang ed, distributive trading spotty only fair at best and out of town diveision less active Re ceipts model ate from near by areas, light from the south and Midwest Small lot consign ment arrivals tending to in crease Supplies irregularly dis tubuted with large adequate mediums fully adequate extra laige readily available with street sales of whites and biowns noted at 42-46 mostly 43- 4412 c Peewees plentiful under light demand with an occasional small lot buyer inquiry as low ns 15c Advance caiton orders fair through Monday with many buyers taking a wait and see position befoie placing addi tional oideis Undei tone is cau tious mmrmm /* Classified Try A It Pays! Roaches Fleas - Ticks Rats or Mice J. C. Ehrlich Co., Inc. 1278 Loop Rd.. Lane. PHONE 397-3721 Robert K. Rohrer Bulldozing - Grading Potz Sales & Service Barn Cleaners - Silo Unloaders - Cattle Feeder* Quarryville, R. D. 1 Eensel 548-2558 3 Small 28 28 21 21 21 21 21 21 19V 2 19V2 FrL 40 1 2 24