Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, December 19, 1970, Image 20

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    —Lancaster Farming, Saturday, December 19,1970
Farm Women Societies
Society 12
'Farm Women Society 12 met
recently at the Millersville Fue
Hall for their annual Christmas
party and meeting Miss Ethel
Kindig, piesident, presided at
the meeting
A donation of $5O was voted
to the Farm and Home Center
and $lO to the Christmas Seal
Delegates to the state conven
tion in Harrisburg will be Mrs
John Sangrey, Mrs. Carl Mowr
ei and Miss Ethel Kindig
Gifts were exchanged and
Christmas carols weie sung
Hostesses for the occasion were
Mrs. Lemar Henry of Millers
ville and Mrs Donald Lowns-
Ijery of Conestoga RD2
The next meeting will be on
January 16 at the home of Mis
James Frey, Conestoga RD2
Society 13
Society of Faim Women 13
held a covered dish family
Christmas party at the Smoke
town Elementary School. De
votions were conducted by Mrs
William Schioeder Committee
chairmen for the event were
Mrs Goidon Rietzel and Mis
William Schroeder
A special holiday musical pro
gram was featured Those par
ticipatmg were Steve Rietzel,
Roger Sayres, Lisa Truitt, Mrs
Floyd "McCleneghan, Diane and
Craig McCleneghan, Mis Elsie
Wilson, Jeff Lichty, Steve
Mesky, Shein Schroeder and
Mis Chester Christ
The progiam was concluded
•with group singing led by Mrs
Schroeder and piano accom
paniment by Mrs. Chestei
Society 18
Society of Farm Women 18
met recently at the United
Church of Christ in Rohrers
town with Mrs. Harry Shep
herdson 111 as hostess
Delegates to the State conven
tion were selected They are
Mrs Willis Esbenshade, Mrs
David Buckwalter, Mis. Lestei
Kreider, Mrs Ben Greider and
Mrs Robert Noll
The Kreider sisters from Lan
disville presented slides with
sound effects of Bethlehem.
Society 25
Farm Women Society 25 met
at the home of Mis John Hen
derson, president, Lancaster
RD6 21 members attended the
Mis Jacob Boose was in
charge of the devotions Roll
call was answered by naming
“Youi most unusual Christmas
Cookie” Mrs M Wade Groff
received the gift of the month
Mrs Henderson conducted
the business meeting Mrs John
Gerlach was received as a new
Mrs Laban Byers and Mrs
John Metz will attend the State
Convention of Farm Women m
Hainsburg on January 11 and
12 along with Mrs Henderson
of Mrs Laban Byers, Lancaster
Members bi ought the dolls
to the meeting which have been
cleaned, sewed clothes and
dressed for the Venture Club
Mis Hendeison announced
that a sale of antiques wi
held at the Farm and H
Centei-on January 25,-1971. So
cieties are requested to have a
food stand.
For the program, Mrs Oliver
Armstrong, 125 Roslyn Avenue,
Lancaster, had invited Society
25 members to her home for
a tour. She explained how some
of her Christmas decorations
were made. Punch was served
following the tour
The next meeting will be held
Saturday, January 9 at the home
of Mrs Leban Byers, Lancaster
RD6 The-program theme will
be “Accidents are not Acci
dental ” Guest speaker will be
Pi of Raymond C Mullm
Society 26
Society of Farm Women 26
held their meeting at the home
of Mis J Richard Kreidei
Manheim RD3, with Mrs Leroy
Esbenshade as co-hostess Devo
tions weie led by Mrs Kennedi
Martin, who also conducted the
business meeting
Delegates to the State Con
vention to be held in Harrisburg
in January are Mrs Robert
Summy, Mrs. Richaid Kreider
Mis Josie Buckwalter, Mrs
Haiold Esbenshade
Society 26 will be entei tamed
by Society 18 at the Farm and
Home Center on January 16 at
1 30 p m
A gift was given to the out
going piesident, Mis Martin, by
Mi s. Michael Gi ove Ji The new
piesident will be Mrs Robeit
Summy New vice president is
Mrs Hany Heishey
The speaker foi the evening
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Pennsylvania Silage Show Winner
In a Row!
Farm Women
Saturday, December 19
2pm Farm Women Society
3, Christmas party, Salem
Lutheran Church, W. Main
Street, Ephrata
Saturday, December 26
Farm Women Society 5 Christ
mas" party, home of Mrs.
Clarence Keener, Manheim
11 be
was Mrs. Marlin Musser, whose
topic was “I Believe in Mira
The next meeting will be at
the home of Mrs David Landis,
Lititz RD2, on January 28 at
7 30 p m.
The December meeting of the
Society of Farm Women 28 was
held in the home of Mrs. Mar
vin High, 68 Valley Road, Neffs
ville Mrs Eugene High served
as co-hostess Mrs Gordon Mel
linger was in chaige of devo
During the business session,
Mrs William Dean Jr., presi
dent, named two delegates, and
an alternate to attend the State
Convention of Farm Women in
Harrisburg on January 11 and 12
They are Mrs. Jacob Bare and
Mis Harold Rohrer with Mrs.
William Harmsh as alternate
Mrs Dean will also attend
A gift of $lO will be sent to
the Farm and Home Center
thiough the County Farm Worn
en tieasury
Mrs Mary Myers, home econ
omist for PP&L, piesented a
piogram on Holiday Foods
The next meeting will be held
Januaiy 14 in the home of Mrs
George Eckman Jr, Meadow
Lane, Smoketown, when a white
elephant sale is planned.
Located in the Heart of Lancaster County
Society 28
Again this year Funk’s-G took first place
in the silage competition at the Pennsyl
vania Agricultural Progress Days and won
4 of the 5 top prizes This marks the fourth
consecutive year that Funk’s-G silage has
been first.
The contest includes actual forage analy
sis to determine feeding value . . . mois
ture content, pH, protein and fibre content
. . . plus several other factors.
Put a winner on your Farm with Funk’s
G-Hybrid silage varieties in 1971. See your
Hoffman Seed Man.
v > '
Merry Christmas!
Plug it in
and forget it...
This high-capacity
Reddy Heater has
an automatic safety
shut-off control
Exclusive control .gives you
peace of mind Stops heater
automatically if flame or
ignition fail. Makes it ideal
for building tradesmen,
farmers, warehouses any
application where heater
must run unattended over
night. Big 85,000 BTU capa
city. Runs up to 14.5 hours
on tankful of low-cost kero
sene. Hauls easily in a car.
Ask for demonstration.
ipepDY HeaTSR
Sales and Service
1 Mile North of Terre Hill
on Route 897
East Earl, R. D. 1, Pa.
Phone 215-445-6272
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