.B—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, December 19,1970 11 USE CHRISTMAS SEALS | CHRISTMAS 1970 § < o GREETINGS 1»J7« < CM - FIGHT EMPHYSEMA TUBERCULOSIS AND AIR POLLUTION MORE FARMERS USE IT THAN ANY OTHER ROOTWORM INSECTICIDE. What makes BUX so special 9 A lot of things, includ ing effective season-long control. Just a single appli cation of BUX at planting time keeps corn standing tall right up to haivest Besides that BUX offers several “extras ’’ Extras no other root worm insecti cide can give you It resists leaching in rainy weather. It’s kmer in toxicity than most other corn root worn insecticides You don't need special clothing or equip ment Just follow label directions Corn treated with BUX can be fed to livestock , It won’t bridge over in applica- f -mm " ‘ - tor hoppers or clog equipment % firman It doesn’t hav ean objectionable \ IHIIIfIf odor like other insecticides It’s made with non-abrasive clay granules, so it’s easy on equip ment . . . making calibration easy too So treat your corn to BUX. Before rootworms treat themselves to your corn. TM’S Oitho Chevion and Design, helping the world glow bettei, Bux Reg US Pat Oil on all chemicals lead cautions, warnings and dnections betoie use P. L ROHRER & BRO., INC. SMOKETOWN Cal! Us Now To serve the Lancaster County farm community bet ter, we maintain two phone numbeis Our mam number is 394-3047 But our subscrib ers and advertisers can also reach us through 626-2191 (ask for Lancaster Farming) and avoid a toll call from the Akion, Ephrata and Man heim exchanges. \me . Ph. Lane. 397-3539 Twin Valley FFA Meets A meeting of the Twin Val ley Futuie Faimeis of Ameri ca was held Decembei 7 in the vocational agriculture class 100m at Twin Valley High School with 18 members and three guests present The meeting was brought to order by Fred Mast, president The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approv ed as corrected. The treasurer’s report was given and filed for audit The balance in the treasury is $231.- 16 Frank Stoltzfus gave an offi cers report on the Keystone Farmer Degree It was stated that Fred Mast and Frank Stoltzfus will receive the Key stone Farmer Degree at the Pennsylvania FFA midwinter convention which is to be held in the Forum Building Capital complex at Harusbiug, Janu ary 13, 1971 The Keystone Farmei Degree is awaided to the top two per cent of the FFA members in each state 180 FFA membeis will leceive this award in Penn sylvania this year including six from Berks County To receive this degree he must meet the following requirements he must have the Chapter Farmer degree, he must have completed two years in Vocational Agncul tiue, he must show pioficiency in Parliamentary Procedure and lead a group discussion for 40 minutes He must also have earned at least $5OO from his project. Berks County degree appli cations of three membeis, Jim Stoltzfus. Frank Stoltzfus and Richard Kurtz, weie foxwaidsd to the County FFA officeis PLANT fiWMY-ChW BLIGHT RESISTANT HYBRIDS Write For FREE Blight Book And - Booklet and Prices on NEW MUNCY-CHIEF HYBRIDS Jerry Jackson gave a commit tee report on the orange sale A total of 150 crates weie sold bv oui chapter They will be delivered Decembir 16, 17 and 18 It was also stated that the Beiks. Lebanon and Schuylkill County FFA Chapter sold 3,800 cases of oi anges Bob Hornberger gave a re poit on the Saint Mary’s of Pro vidence project The FFA will help the FHA girls set up trees on December 15 The four caros of oi anges which the FFA is donating to Saint Mary’s will be delivered December 17. Richard Kurtz, reporter, mov THIS YEAR mm ■■■ imm mm mm mmm mm w MUNCY-CHIEF HYBRIDS Muncy, Pennsylvania 17756 Please send FREE Blight Book and Literature and Prices on Muncy-Chief Hybrids Name Address □ Farmer □ Dealer □ Check here if interested in becoming a dealer I for MunCT-CJueNSeeds.,.,^ Acres Farmed " AOTeS^to'Corn^T... 1 ed the chapter buy film for his camera to take pictures of FFA activities It was seconded and passed Terry Murry moved that a representative from Weaver’s Poultry come and talk to *the chapter about the Poultryman of the Year Scholarship award ed by Weaver’s and job oppor tunities at Weaver’s. The meeting was then adjorn ed The meeting was followed by a recreation period in the gym after which refreshments were provided by the members. Richard Kurtz Chapter Reporter □ Student □ Teacher