12—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, December 19,1970 Animal-Feed Report Though the corn Wight will temper expansion by some pro ducers, prospects are good for an increase possibly greater than last year’s three per cent in the number of gram-con suming animal units for the 1970-71 feeding year, according to a report issued recently by the U S Department of Agri culture, During 1969, the number of grain-consuming animal units lose to 117.5 million Cattle on feed and poultry recorded the largest percentage gains, fol lowed by other beef cattle and hogs Dairy cattle and sheep numbers continued then - long term decline. Livestock production units this increase. Only replacement based on concentrates during layers and sheep and lambs the 1969 feeding year exceed- showed declines from 1968 Cur ed the record high—attained in rent year livestock production 1968 —by five per cent. Live- units, based on concentrates, weight production of hogs, may be up two per cent. Swarey Barn Burns Jacob Swarey and his son Jacob Jr, 25, sustained minor injuries in an unsuccessful at tempt early Thursday morning to save their burning barn Paul Kmer, Lancaster County fire marshall, estimated fire damage at $75,000 including destruction of the barn and con tents, including corn fodder, hay, straw, tobacco and feed, as well as farm equipment in cluding tractors, loaders and balers Some horses and mules were saved Theie was no known source of the fire and the cause was listed as undetermined giam-fed cattle, tuikeys, anc hi oilers accounted for most o: S f \\ '* 1 w WASHINGTON REPORT A® Congressman Edwin D. Eshleman fIHI IMh Dbtrfal Pwuuyhfnla EHUm Should candidates be per mitted to buy their way into public office’ This is a question which-needs an answer fiom the Congress The issue of campaign financing has become quite serious, particularly since the spending spree in many Senatorial and Congressional races this fall Congiess passed legislation earlier this year designed to halt the excessive use of money in political campaigning The bill was admittedly narrow in scope because it dealt only with ex penditures for radio and tele vision But I voted for this nar row effort as one step in the right direction. - The legislation struck Presi dent Nixon as being only a token attempt in an area demanding broad-based leform He vetoed the campaign financing bill and asked Congress to consider a more far-reaching program to limit political spending. 'Re cently, when the Senate upheld the President’s veto, theie was an indication that Mr Nixon’s criticism will be heeded in the future. The next legislative ef fort, hopefully in the near future, should encompass all facets of campaign financing A bill should be passed that abolishes the enormous advant age which big campaign spend ing gives to men of wealth It should assure that campaign costs do not afford an opportun ity for special interests to “buy” a candidate We’re all aglow with hopes of holiday enjoy ment for all our friends and neighbors. Our “Thank You” is warm and sincere Serving you, our pleasure. F. M. BROWN'S SONS, INC. Birdsboro as an example I intend to toe There has been far too much open and above board about . contributions and expenditures tokenism already in the business ma( j e on m y behalf as a can of political spending The Fed- didate. In other words, each eial Corrupt Piactices Act, year I make a full disclosure of which now requires candidates where my funds came from and „ . , ct , ~ for what they were spent. But, for Federal of ice e jj ecause of the way the regula financial repoits, has become a t lons are stated, I must file a farce it is d modern tarce be- techmeally questionable report, cause it was not strong enough In strictly literal terms, my dis medicme in the beginning Can- closures are improper because’ didates who spend hundieds of they go beyond the scope of the thousands of dollars on their law But in terms of self-satis campaigns legally can report no faction and the public interest, contributions or expenditures I think my financial statements under the law’s provisions On are correct and justifiable. Fleetwood the other hand, the law actually - discourages a candidate from disclosing the complete story about his campaign finances. I can use my own experience Sinking Spring I- H - - -r * v; * '' ■ZSf r "