—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, November 28.1970 8 Penn-Mar Shropshire Club Holds Annual Meeting, Elects Officers Performance registry may in the future be a requisite for registration of purebred Shrop shire rams, Bancroft Henderson, a director of the American Shropshire Registry Association, told the Penn-Mar Shropshire Club at its annual meeting in Harrisburg Henderson stressed that the proposed new ruling was only in early discussion stages and the national association was anxious to know the feelings of Shropshire breedeis in Pennsyl vania and Maryland Requiring all registered lams to meet Performance Registry standards would, in the opinion of Henderson, give the prospec tive buyer a guaiantee Perfor mance registry for both lams and ewes is already possible on a voluntary basis and many Shropshire breeders are already using it. To qualify for perfor mance registation an animal must meet high standards in both daily weight gains and con formation. Members of the Penn-Mar Shropshire Club raised a num ber of questions about the pro posal. 'Foremost was the con cern that ram lambs would not be old enough to qualify for Registration before the Key stone Sale in early July if 120 day weights were to be a qual ification for registration. In other business club mem bers re-elected Warn G. Men hennett, Cochranville, president; Harold E. Harpster. Boalsburg, vice president, Leon Johnston, Stewartstown. Treasurer, and Mrs. Warn G Menhennett,secre tary. Club projects for the coming year will include a “loin eye improvement kit” and a bian nual buyers guide. The buyeis guide will list aged rams, yearl ing and ram lambs, aged ewes, yearling and ewe lambs plus price ranges which club mem bers have 'available for sale by private contract The buyers guide will be published in the late spring and again in the fall Purebred and commercial sheepmen who wish to be placed on the mailing list for receipt of the buyers guide should send, their names and addresses to Mrs. Warn G. . Menhennett, Cochranville RDI 19330 There Middle Creek Contested The US. Supreme Court has been asked to decide the state’s right to exercise the* law of eminent domain for a water fowl preserve. Attorneys for Mr and Mis Lester G. Rissei, Newmanstown RDI, are specifically challenging the state’s taking of the Risser’s 105 acre farm in Lebanon Coun ty for the Middle Cieek Water Fowl Project in Lancastei and Lebanon Counties The Supreme Court was asked to intei vene m September, but still has not reached a decision on whether to take jurisdiction. The Lebanon County Court ruled against the Risseis in July. 1969, and the Pennsylvania Supreme Court upheld the low er court in April of this year will be no charge for the buyers guide. A feasibility study will also be made icgarding a bred-ewe sale to be held in conjunction with either the Livestock Exhibi tion in November or the Farm Show in January. Leon John ston, Stewartstown, was ap pointed chairman of the bred ewe sale study.