6 —Lancaster Farming, Saturday, November 28,1970 li SAT I CUSI WHY? For Assistance in Planning, Programming, Management. , . make an appointment our Dairy Specialist, or call us direct Lancaster 392-2145. FINEST SERVICE ANYWHERE Sfl ON ARE YOU CAN INCREASE MILK PRODUCTION AND PROFIT WITH GREEN PASTURES DAIRY FEED PROTEIN QUALITY and an un surpassed amino acid balance HIGH ENERGY VALUE total nutrient value very high MILLER & BUSHONG OUR iIDJ *■ pj Rohrerstown, Pa. ED ERS |r Our satisfied customers have satisfied cows . . . and they k( their cows happy with a regular diet of Green Pastures Dc Feed. The dairy farmers who feed Green Postures have problems, less cost, and more miljk to prove their sotisfacf claims. MINERAL BALANCE complete and accurate VITAMIN SUPPLEMENTATION including the new recognized levels of added A+D LOWER replacement costs BETTER herd health and breeding regularity YOU'LL HAVE MORE -MILK-LESS COST FEWER PROBLEMS IliSiP