Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, November 07, 1970, Image 17

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    The Pennsylvania Poultry Federation Revives Through a United Voice
An Old Organization
The Pennsylvania Poultry Fed- ficighl rates* .<ncl
eration is an old organization, costs, and on and on.
but it was revitalized two yeais it all adds up to maintaining
ago a r a lesult of a task foice and impioving a healthy and
group which was determined to dynamic mdustiy—by making it
bring the vanous segments of possible fm each individual in
the poultry industry together in the indusliy to piofil fiom a
a thi't'-d Voice. ’ United Voice As one indusliy-
Thr T.egiated approach was m an put it, “The organization
chost n tiecause all the pioblems helps keep the monkey off the
of inriu,duals within the indus- faimei’s back ”
tiy aflest the cntue mdustiy
And so.utions to any one piob- Achieving a United Voice has
lem ht’p tveiyone in the indus- been costlv It cost some money
tiy It’i one less pioblem to be but it has cost even moie in
faced i-om day to dav as the in turns oi manhoms of work by
dustiy moves ioi waid in solving laige numbeis of egg and broilci
othei pioblems pioduceis and allied industiy-
The Pennsylvania Poultiy Fed- nien Except foi a small stall to
datum j- now using its United takc car( - of tlj > to opcia-
Voice lo piomote egg sales, to tional details, this woik has all
piotect ;nc industiy fiom injui- been volunteei
ions It gelation, to advance and The l:e\ man in the day to day
piomo'i poultiy disease re- opeiation is Homei Bickslei,the
seaich, to maintain leasonable Fedeiation’s full time executive
Importance of Framingham Study
And Cholesterol to Egg Industry
In lerent yeais eggs and othei Boaid (PENB) piovides the fol
farm pioducts, including daily lowing up to date summaiy of
and meat products, have come what cholesteiol is and what is
under attack by vauous gioups known about it
in relation to cholesteiol Eveiy cell in the human body
Much of the basis foi this at- reeds cholesteiol foi the life
tack, which centeied heavily on functions If excess cholesteiol
eggs and caused some house- is eaten, it is disposed ot as body
wives t© cut back on the use of waste If insufficient cholesteiol
eggs, was the preliminary report is eaten, the body will manufac
ol some medical lesearchers m tine it
Massachusetts This preliminary
report of the so-called Framing- The body can conveit fats and
ham stiitty found a iclationship proteins, as well as carbohy
between diet, particularly cho- Crates, including sugais and al
lesteror, and heait disease cohols, to cholesteiol -
But the final Framingham re- Cholesterol has been indicted
poit, released recently show's the some groups in the seaich foi
lesearcn doctois found diet has cause > or causes, of heait
little or nothing to do with cho- disease Theie have been many
lesterol ouddups and heait at- P° sl t' lve statements made about
the iclationship, but scientifical-
This repoit is impoitant to the *v absolute, mfoimation is lack
egg industry because eggs, pai- ln §
ticulariy egg yolks, aie the high- Much reseaich is underway
est ip cnolestei ol of any of the P lo blem is baffling, but it
noun all. ea'en foods 411 foims Wl 'f s °f ve( f thiough leseaich
of animal piotein foods—meat, facts not theoues
milk aic eggs—aie nch in cho- 11 appeals that “stiess,” lack of
lesteroi as well as ammo acids, exeicise, obesity, overeating, ex
vitamms and minerals cessive alcohol, genetics, “duve,”
In a recent information bulle- an( f im P 1 diet aie all indi
tin, the Poultiy and Egg National Cc d e d as souices, causes, 01 at
. least, contribute to coronal ics
mm m • M M So far the theories are fai
amjmgMMt'/'MMtm more numerous than the facts
» v&MmmHmtw M 3 The question of the “alteied
mm g I# egg ” f re( iuently auses. By feed-
AiU mmjij* m I# MM ing the hen, it was possible to
Mw&mmUmMM 3 W alter the ratio of saturate to un
* saturated fatty acids. The claim
Henunck Wentink of Miller & was not made that this alteied
Bushong, Inc , Rohrei stown, has the cholesterol content. These
been elected vace president of eggs weie produced and pio
the Northeastern Poultiy Pio- moted in a few select markets on
duceis Council (Neppco) the West Coast, but due to a
... , , premium of 12 to 20 cents pei
Wentink is general manager dozen they have not captured a
of marketing and faun opera- ftjgh percentage of the maiket
tiona at MiLer & Bushong He The b asic problem with eggs
ha» be-n active in Pennsylvania an( j cholesterol appeals to rest
poultiy cncles foi many yeais wuh some five to eight per cent
Neptco duectois, meeting in of the people who are concerned
Cincinnati last week, elected w dh cholesteiol Too many per-
Bumsrii Wainei of Union, Ohio, sons bslicve that a diet prescub
as Neppcos new piesident ed foi one who suffeis from high
Warner was vice piesident foi blood cholesteiol should apply to
the past two yeais and he sue- a Si'oat many people This is not
ceeds Alb°it Russo of Wood- 1:1 !* e , , „ ,
ville h I who had seived thiee Uffld moie facts are known,
ea j 3 human nutritionists recommend
a balanced diet, including the
Han.- Metz of Belleville, Pa, valuable souices of animal pio
was cho-en secietaiy and James tern—meat, milk and eggs
C Weisel ol Rosemont, N J Eggs, meat and fish constitute
was u-elected tieasuiei one of the four basic food
Named Neppco diiectors gioups Dauy foods make up a
based on nomination fiom then second The othei two aie fruits
slates weie Roland Hastings, and vegtables. and biead and
Lain el Del, Edwin Cook, Feed- ceieals
mg H.-ls, Mass, David London Foods from all four gioups are
Someise:. N J, Cliffoid East- necessary to make up the bal
man, lacon a, N H, and Ray anced diet lecommended by nu-
Wilhnr.s, Wolf Summit, W Va tntiomsts
secrclaiy Bicksler woiks out of
an oflice on Route 322 near H.u
nsburg Me is assisted by one
full lime and two pail time sec
With ne.ulv cyery successful
tiade 01 gamzation, Bicksler said,
“it’s always a comp.u atively
small gioup which puts the time
and eneigy to make it woik If it
woiks, it suppoits and helps
even one in the industry ”
Bickslu noted th.d m=t to at
tend executive committee meet
ings alone, one membu comes
Donald Horn, immediate past president of the Federation, speaks to a crowd at Her
shey in 1969.
Consumer Education Committee Has
Diverse Program, Reaches Millions
The highlight of the activities
of the consumer education com
mittee of the Pennsylvania Poul
try Federation this yeai was the
Omelet King’s visit to Lancaster
County aid Dutch Da, s in Her
The activity resulted in favor
able publicity to millions of pei-
The incubator, with some chicks in the process of
hatching, was a popular feature with the city crowds at
Dutch Days this year.
Lancaster Farming. Saturday. November 7.1970
200 miles to Han isbuig fiom
Western FennssKania once ,i
month Bickslcr figutes it takes
this man about 12 hours ol tia\el
and meeting time If the time
isn’t even considoied the cost
for this man at a modest estimate
ol eight cents a mile is considei
able ($32 louncl tup), Bickslei
Othci execulise committee should suppoit his tiade oigam
membeis tiavel 100 miles /ation and local hie company,
•'Some aie highlv paid cxeui Bickslei explained
lives whose time is quite valu- Reiei img to the Fedei ation he
able Yet, the\ ieel thin woik Cont’nued on Page 23)
scns by wav of the nation’s mass
media (see separate stoiy)
But the consumer education
committee was also involved in
many othei important, though
less widely publicized, activities
during the past year
The Federation, thiough the
education committee, distubuted
to Life
m the Fedeiation is impoitaol
to the mduslrj," Bickslei said.
The same tjpe of thing exists
with the local volunteei fire com
pany, Bickslei noted Just a fevr
prisons piovule the time and
eneig> to make it woik
But because the tiade organi
sation, like the fue company,
benefits e\ci\one, e \ e i >o n e
14,000 pieces of PENB promo,
tional mateual By helping Mt
piotect the industry’s standing
in the consumei’s mind and by
actively encouiaging the con
sumption of poultry and egg
products, this type of piomotion
benefits everyone in the industry,
accoidmg to Eail Hess, educa.
tion committee chairman
The has cooperated,
with the place mat program.
Undei this piogram, the Federa
tion helps pay the cost of print
ing place mats which feature
eggs The place mats aie then
distnbuted by local gioups, such
a> the Lancastei County Poultry
Association, to local lestaurants.
The Fedei ation originally
bought 50,000 place mats and
i-ecentl\ all but 5,000 had been
Homei Bickslei Fedei ation ex«
ecutue secietan is paiticularly
pleased With the pi ogress made
b> the Lancastei County Poultry
Association in the place mat pro«
giam ‘The Lancastei gioup is
filed up.” Bickslei said, and he
pioiects a potential distribution
manj times gieatei than that
achieved so tai in the early
stages of the pioject
Bickslei and some individual
egg pioduceis have expressed
(Continued on Page 26)