Pa. Beef Operations Reported Growing (Continued Itotn Page 1) indicated, .no lo hoof Minnosoln in i.ilo of ini’ieaso 414 000 lo nil 000 boof .mim.ils lod, feeding moio 1(i mil' with tlio not’d foi l.dioi tod.iv With its 10 por coni inuo.iso While inuoiisul in the past M-.n lion head, the s.imo .is last u>.n when its both inL'ro.isint>lv e\- in c.iltlo .ind calves on food, ft om 48,000 I o 58,000 Mmmsot.i lowa continnod lo be the lend- N’ebi.isk.i piessnu; h.nt' ponsm and h.nd to find. Smith Pcnnsvhania was second only to lumped 15 pot coni, fiom slate ot 22 whole t.ittk .no hownu, and had no.nh 1 " ... million head on feed Otlu: -late Full Range Of Bin Sizes And Styles 6 models. 28 sizes 6,7, 9 and 12 foot diameteis Capacities range from 3 to 55 tons Completely Galvanized Bin Every part, fiom lid to boot, including legs and biaces, is fully galvanized Better, Built Bin Heavier gauge steel, higher tensile steel better galvanized finish makes BROCK the finest in its field All-Out Bottom The original, patented bin bottom that out perfoims all otheis. Northeastern Warehouse For Br We Stock Most Sizes 12 It. 6 Sizes wm aL = ONLY BROCK has all this. ijSp 6 ft. I Sizes 2 Models E. M. HERR EQUIPMENT, INC. R. D. 1, Willow Street 1 Ground Level Operated Lid Lid opens 01 closes easily with the pull of a chain. Precision Fabrication A new plant using the latest manufactunng methods pio duces a moie accurately punched, moie beautifully fmin ed. easily elected bin Brock Auger Delivery System A single motor deliveiy system for poultiy, hog and cattle feeding Brock Leadership Bi ock leads all othei s in the feed bin business. You are yeais ahead with Block. Brock Bu a Beth 1, K'll' — Ijjjf" 1 WE SELL, SERVICE AND INSTALL 7 ft, 4 Sizes 717-464-3321 Lancaster Farming, Saturday, October 31. 1970 a 9 ft. 10 Sizes 2 Models showed majoi gains liom two to li'ul pei cent wuh onh lou. ‘lalis eithci bieakmg urn or showing losses Ni ai I\ 10 4 million head .n o on lend, up thiee pci cent hom .1 u'.u cailier when 10 1 million luio led Try A Classified Ad It Paysl HOW MUCH MONEY Are you Losing By Not Feeding For Faster Gains? Gehman’s 35% or Gehman’s 60% Beef Cattle Supplements PROMOTE MAXIMUM GAINS. A\ ailable with or without Stilbosol* Booking Open Until Dec. 1 GEHMAN FEED MILL, INC. Dem or, Pa Ph; 2(w-5585 Uhctlnlstilbestiol) Elanco Pioducts Co r