Call BAKER or BURKHOIBER for delivery of quality aglime David M. Burkholder, Inc., Ephrata, and The J. E. Baker Company of York have embarked upon a joint aglime program to serve you better. We feel that this move will enable us to supply you with the highest quality agricultural limestone when and where you want it. Remember, now is the time to sweeten your soil for a more productive growing season. It has been estimated that liming can return from $3 to $lO in bigger and better crops for every dollar invested. Take the first step to higher profits now. Call 354-4202 in Ephrata for quality aglime. The J. E. Baker Company Gomnand Performance New Van Dale “1230 Series ll’’ Silo Unloader Customer- Certified to outperform, outlast any make its size. i’re in command. Push the button. Now watch new Van Dale “1230 Series II” Silo loader go into action—give you extra ;put, feed more head—without a >ster or added electricity, . • say so? No, our customers | :ify the “1230 ies II" is better jq ways: handles meaner 'lage :hrows out of jer silo unloads on lower rent draw demand wiand Perform • ;—the new itomer-certified i Dale 30 Series 11.” ‘■HOW SWEET IT IS' Purdy Picks Charolais-Angus Crossbred at American Royal "My Turn" lived up to his name Oet 20 us Judge Herman I*u id\ of Pennsylvania Stale Uimeisitv w«nl to the 1.200 pound (’liaiolais eiosshied sleei as his giaiul ehampion sleei of the 1070 \nieiican Royal sleei show .Selection of the Charolais (lossbred came in the Inst year in which Chaiolais ciossbieds— oi any olhei ciossbred steer weie permitted to compote at the American Royal The stcei. a Chaiolais-Angus crossbred, went into the grand champion ship judging as champion steer of the Open Show. Shown by Bennett and Carter of Lewiston. HI, it was "My Turn” turn for selection of a Chaiolais ciossbred as the grand champion steei of major shows this season Chaiolais ciossbred steers have been named grand cham pion or leseive grand cham pions at more than 90 pei cent of the state fan oi laiger steei competitions thus fai this sea son These included grand cham pionships at lowa. Ohio, South Dakota, Wyoming, Noith Dakota Nebraska, and Illinois State Fans, and the woild-wide Ak Sai-Ben at Omaha, Nebr Howaid Johnson of Kansas City, tieasmei of American-In "r * * J ' Seiendipity Seiendipity is the faculty of making happy and unexpected discovenes by accident The woid was coined by Hoi ace Wal pole, who based it on an old fairy tale, “The Three Princes of Seredip ’’ The princes had the faculty of always making dis covenes of things foi which they were not seachmg Try A Classified Ad It Pays! 'HIP-SNAP UES GIVE THROW POWER ’* AUGERS CALEB M. WENGER Drumore Center R. D. 1, Quarryville, Pa.' Phone 548-2116 •. x'-v^’ 5 Lancaster Farming. Saturday, October 31.1970—21 ternational Charolais Vmi . pre settled Bill Caitei one of Ok owner'., with a SI 000 check fioin tin \lC’\ foi the giand championship R. D. 3, Lititz, Po. 350 Sfrosburg Pike, Lancaster Ph.: Lane. 397-5179 Strasburg 687-6002 Lititz 626-7766 Earlier, an 1,100-pound Chnro- Inls crossbred shown by Jennifer Nichols of Ankony, lowa, was chosen Kiand champion steer of the 411 steel show while yet another ('haiolais nossljicd. shown by Collette Stille of Storm Lake. lowa was named lesuse urantl champion slot) of (he KF\ Sim Show