1 l.jiiK’iislcr Farming. Siituiclay. Oclolkt 31.1970 Livestock Market Reports Lancaster Auction October 28, 1970 Cattle Calves Hog* Sheep odav 1018 lob .>M> ~ t .i-l wk 10,17 114 359 21 (ah 1048 1.17 254 15 Special Vuclion "his WuL 779 168 470 .51 C.ist week 030 120 30.5 21 CM I'LE Sl.uightei Stcei s eak to 50 lov ei Cows 1502 00 ‘ nu: I’u’K mosth steach SL \ CGI I PER S PEERS—Sni.iI! Ml huh Choice .ind Pi mu 1175 (JS 3110 Choice 925 1300 lbs -9 35 30 85 niamh 29 73 30 00 I ish Good .uni low-Choice 23 85 000 Good 27 75 29 00 COU S Llilitv .md huh uesM’u Cutlei 18 00 20 00 few -0 00 20 50 Cuttci 17 00 19 50 cannot and low Cutlet 15 50 17 50 BUI LS Good 25 75 28 50 [ tilih ..:ul Commcicud 25 00 _7 75 couple 28 00-29 00 Vealeis mos.h C \l \ ES £dCl\ VEVLKRS Choice 49 00- r 2 00 leu 52 50 55 50 Good *■> 00 50 00 s‘andciid 41 00-46 50 CHi U 32 00 40 00 Cull 90-120 ns 28 00-31 00 65 85 lbs 25 50- :soo HOGS - 25-50 lowei Banows and Gilts BORROWS AND GILTS —US L 195 225 lbs 19 00, US 1-2 200- _lO lbs 18 50 US 2-3 200 240 'l-, 17 85 18 25 240 260 lbs if 60-17 75 SHEEP Slaughter Lambs 5 each VVOOLED LAMBS—Ulilitj 80 . i lbs 20 00-22 75 Lebanon Valley Auction Octobei 27 (Lancastei Fanning this week introduces the Leba non V alley auction at Fred encksburg as a regular fea tuie of the maiket section. The Lebanon Valley market, accoidmg to local maiket authorities, is ipipoitant in 'Southeastern Peniisyh ania. particulailv in Lebanon County and the sin rounding areas, including noitheastern Lancaster County ) 349 Head of Cattle Steei s Choice (few) 3000 3 50 Good 28 10 29 75 Stand c d >5 80 27 60 llcucis Cho'ce OndiMclm.i) 27 75 and 28 50 Good (J.w) 21 75 27 60 Cov- L I I and II gli Die-- iig Ciutci 19 85 2’ 6' Cmtci, >1 75 20 )5 Cannci 17 50 18 75 'h( 11s down to 15 00 Bu’l Good 28 2a 2) 85 L‘i' i \ and Comnu’cia! 2-1 60 27 60 214 Head of \ e d (ahes ehOice I , it 1 \ idu d 1 5100 i ood 47 OCSIOO 3tandaid -, 50 40 00 LliliU 10 00 43 51) Lull (k\> ) 90 120 pourrt-,, 30 00 J'oo Cull 70 85 20 50 30 00 Ftii m C.iKl-, 3100 J i 50 1) 00.39 50 210 Head of Hogs (laiiow, and (.’IP LS 23 1 )0 250 pound' 18 10 18 50 U S 14 On, ) 245 285 17 00 17 75 So vV' 13 300 500 112514 25 2 i 100 000 11 25 11 00 "f 5 o.ii s 11001100 8 Hoad of Feedei Pigs C S 1 3 35-50 (few) 900 12 Head of Sheep .Hid Lambs Choice 70-110 (few), 23 00- 5 00 Lancaster Market October 2(1. 1970 Cattle CnlvcK Hog» Sheep Cattle Totlav 1243 2/3 _/.. This week 5300 L.istwk 1180 276 909 100 Cast week 4709 Last \ i 170 a 348 005 279 Last \eai 0299 CATTLE Sl.uightei Steel s slead\. instances 25 lowei. Cows not established Bulls mostly steach Feedei Steel s \ciy slow, not fulh established Supplv in eludes an estimated 20 peicont Sl.uuhlei Steei s 20 pet cent Cows and Bulls with the bal .nice mainlv Feedei Steei s SLAUGHTER STEERS Load high Choice and Fume 1285 lbs 31 50 Choice 1060- 1240 lbs 29 75 30 75 couple lots mixed Good and Choice 29 50 29 75 few head Standaid Hol stoms 27 50 BULLS Choice 28 00 29 75 Good 26 50-28 00 Utility and Commeicial 24 75 27 50 few head 28 00 29 00 FEEDER STEERS Load Good and Choice 1000 lbs 27 50 VEAL CALVES Vealeis mostly steady VEALERS Choice 48 00 52 00, including aiound 20 head at 52 00 Good 45 00 49 00, Stan daid 40 00 46 00 Utility 34 00 40 00 Cull 90 120 lbs 27 00-32 - 00 65-85 lbs 24 00 27 00 HOGS Bailows and Gilts 75-1 00 lower BARROWS AND GILTS US 1 200 230 lbs 19 25-19 75 US 1 2 200 235 lbs 18 50-19 00 US 2 3 195 265 lbs 18 00-18 50 US 3- 4 265-285 lbs 16 50-17 50 SHEEP Wooled Lambs steady to 50 highei, Ewes steady to stiong Supply in cludes an estimated 25 peicent Slaughtei Ewes WOOLED LAMBS Choice 70 95 lbs 26 50 29 00, Good 24- 00 27 00, Utility 20 00 24 00 Green Dragon Dairy Cattle The Gieen Dmgon maiket te polled leceipts ol 130 head of good quality cattle Fuday, Octo bei 23, well attended puces sti ong Consignments included Load ol Wisconsin cows, most 1\ flesh, 5430 00-595 00 Load ol Canadian and Wiscon vn cons 360 00 600 00 Load of Delawaie cows, 400 00 485 00 Load of Canadian and Man '< nd 335 00 500 00 Load ol Pennsxhania cows, 2°7 00 485 00 Local spungeis 315 00-5.30 00 I oca l vellow cow- 225 00 3 32 50 Stouk bulls 230 00 236 00 AUCTIONS makes the difference in marketing livestock! New Holland makes the difference in auctions! MONDAY 10 30 A M - FAT HOGS and SHOATS 2 30 P M -FAT STEERS, BULLS, COWS & VEAL HORSE SALE MONDAY at 10 00 A.M. DAIRY SALE - WEDNESDAY at 12 30 P.M. FAT STEERS, BULLS, COWS & VEAL THURSDAY at 12.30 P.M. NEW HOLLAND SALES STABLES, INC, New Holland, Penna Abram W Diffpnbach, Manager Phone (717) 354-2194 Composite Report 0< (liber 30. 1970 CATTLE Slaughter Steels weak to 50 lowei. instance I CO lowei on high Choice and Pnme. Cows 1002 00 lowei Bulls mosth steach. Feedei Steei s about steads Supph in eluded an estimated 30 pci cent Slaughtci Steei s. 25 peiccnl Cows and Bulls, with the bal ance m.nnl\ Feedei Steei s SL \UGIITER STEERS High Choice and Pume 1000 1285 lbs 30 50 31 50. Choice 900 1300 lbs 29 25 31 25 high Good and low Choice 28 50 30 10 Good 27 00 29 00 Standaid and low Good 25 50 28 00 SLAUGHTER HEIFERS - Choice 850 1000 lbs 28 75 29 75 Good 25 50 27 50 COWS Utility and high diessing Cuttei 18 50 20 00, few 20 00 21 25 Cuttei 17 50-19 50, Cannei and low Cuttei 15 50- 18 00 BULLS Choice 28 50-29 75, few 29 75 30 85 Good 25 75 28 50, Utility and Commercial 24- 75 28 25, few 28 50 29 00 FEEDER STEERS Load Choice 615 lbs 31 35 load mix ed Good and Choice 1000 lbs 27 50, couple lots Choice 320 450 lbs Feedei Heifei s 27 75 28 50 Vealeis mostly CALVES steady VEALERS Choice 49 GO -52 50, tew 53 00 55 50 Good 45 - 00-50 00, Standard 40 00 46 50, Utility 32 00 40 00, Cull 90 120 lbs 27 00 33 00, 65-85 lbs 22 50- 28 50 Green Dragon Hay Market October 23, 1970 4 loads hay, including; clover, two loads, 37 00, mixed hay, two loads, 39.50 and 40.00 5 loads straw, 29.00-45.00. Eai coin, one load, 44.50. Federally Livestock For week ending Octobei 29,1970 Week to date Same penod last wk 474,000 1,364,000 161,000 Same penod last yi 481000 1,214,000 160,000 Estimated daily livestock slaughter undei Fedeial Inspection Vintage Auction New Holland October 27. 1970 Auction Ciilvti Hojf* Sloop Tod.u 741 t 571 552 38 La,l wk B 7» 571 22(1 4H '• •» :,,r ’ 74 t«u. In ‘"S' C \TTLK Compaied lo last Last week 974 461 9 Tuesd.n Slauuhlei Steel s mamk Last \ ear 802 493 17 25 50 lowci. instances 100 lowei C \Tt’LE Compau-d to last on Choice and Punic, although Thuisday. Slaughter Steers lew Standaid and low Good steady lo 50 lowei. most decline about steads Cows 100150 cn Choice Cows 1 00-1 50 lower; lowci Bulls steads to weak Bulls mostly steady SLVUGIITER STERRS—Ilicth- SLAUGHTER STEERS—Few < h “ c ° ■™ i i, " 111 " 9 2° n 2a ° , b ’ head hiuh-Cho.ee and Prime 39 !? f ht ! 9r *°- 13o ° lbs 1000 1100 lbs 30 50-31 35; Choice iu 2>3l on-n'9oV-' o °p a ?V°nn’ 950 1300 lbs 29 85 31 10. few ?'■ 1860 l 860 moTa R "a/ntod a im- Choice 860 1000 lbs 28 70 - 29 To Good OO 2T 60 C ’COWS—Utility and high dres- GG^ 8 Gti in' 75 19awfw s,ns_Culte, 19 50-20 50 few 20 50- 0 0 Cutte. i? 7549 5? 2!-o Cuttei 18 25 Cannei Ct)nnel and Jow-Cutter 16 00- and lose Cuttei 16 50 19 00. 177 - n? ULl tr-n < S^ G °t° 2 I T 5 a BULLS - Choice 2850-29 60. Choice 28 oO -9 2a. U-ility and ftw 30 qo-30 85, Good 26.50- c f 24 70-28 00. few 2g 5Q utlhty and Commercial T r atvtc 10, c 25 75 ' 28 25> f ew 28 35 28 88 VE4L CALVES Vealeis FEEDER STEERS Load iilp Choice 615 lbs 3135. couple lots Choice 50 00-53 50, 7 %f 9 ° 8 %° lbS F -der Heif few 54 00 55 50, Good 46 00-50 00 pf! _ Standaid 40 00-46 00, Utility 33 00 39 00. Cull 90-120 lbs 27 00- vv at ttrc r=n on 32 00, 65 85 lbs 22 50-28 00 ™ A ™ S rS urw-c f.iit 52 50, lew 53 00-54 50; Good Banows and Gllts 46 50-50 00, Standaid 40 00-46.50; RARROWS AND CUTS US Utlllty 35 004 ° 50 < Cull 90-120 i. 2 BA iS 6585 "*• 25 ”°- 3-4 2 1 45 0 ?70 5 1b 1 5 b! n 00-17 50 75 US SHEEP ~ Small SUPply SHEEP—Slaughter Lambs and “ d Sl " U ? ),ter Sl f^r o^ W t 6 Stea rl WOOLED LAMBS _ Few rn R C fiO R 5 Utility 60-80 lbS 20 00 ‘ 22 50 - 90 od 4offf 27 50, G 0 d 60 ‘ 85 SLAUGHTER EWES—Utility SLAUGHTER EWES Good and Good 3 00 ‘ 8 50 ‘ 7 00-7 50 Fat Hog and Feedet Pig Sale HORSES Sat Oct 24, 1970 October 26, 1970 HOGS 1148 Banows and Receipts of 265 hoises sold Gilts 75c to $1 lower Few US steady at Monday’s sale Riding No 1-2 205-230 lbs 19 00-19 60, Horses 100-310, Duvmg Horses US No 2-3 190-250 lbs 18 60- HO-270. Pony Maies 10-30; 18 85, US No 2-4 180 265 lbs Geldings 10-20, Killeis 4-6 18 00-18 60, Few US No 3-4 260- 300 lbs 17 60 18 10, US No 2-4 110-170 lbs 15 00-17 75, SOWS US No 1-3 300-400 lbs 14 10- 15 50 US No 2-3 300 550 lbs 1175 14 10, BOARS 10 50-13 20 lew 170-200 lbs 14 50-17 00 Calves 1500 1451 1022 Inspected Slaughter Cattle Hogs Sheep 458 000 1,408,000 158,000 VINTAGE SALES STABLES, Inc. FAT HOGS AND FEEDER PIG SALE EVERY SATURDAY AT 900 A.M. Box 100 Paradise, Pa. 10 mi. East of Lancaster on Rt 30 Kenneth E. Hershey, Sales Manager PARADISE, PENNA BULLS, STEERS, BUTCHER COWS, HOGS, LAMBS AND VEAL CALVES SOLD ON COMMISSION SALE EVERY TUESDAY 12 NOON For Marketing Information Phone Area Code 717-442-4181 October 29, 1970 Vealers mostly DAIRY CATTLE October 28, 1970 (See Show and Sale Results on page 19 ) HOGS October 26, 1970 Hog leceipts totaled 955 at the auction on Monday Retail 18 50-21 50, Heavyweights 17-18; Wholesale No 2,3,4 s 18-18 50; Sows 11 50-14 50, Boais 11.50- 12 50 CALVES October 26, 1970 Receipts of 125 calves sold as follows Choice and Pnme 47- 55 Good and Low Choice 42- 40 50 Standaid 36-41 50, Com mon 22 35 50