■ kV! - A -*■ * Interested farmers and prospective buyers gather round at the New Holland Sales Stables Wednesday for a good look as the Show Matz Holstein Wins at New Holland Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Matz, Ephrata, show their win ning animal at the New Holland Sales Stables annual Dairy Show and Sale Wednesday. Bought in New York HAVE YOU TAKEN A GOOD LOOK AT YOUR BARN CLEANER OR CLEANER CHAIN RECENTLY? You had better do so before winter sets In. If in need of repairs or possibly a new chain or even a new cleaner Farmway has a Deluxe Cleaner that will give you years of good service. R. D. 4, Lititz, Po. V-A * Kim< > < ♦ I i \ “FARMERS” FOR SALES & SERVICE CALL SHENK'S FARM SERVICE State October 3, the animal sold for $5,100. Holding the animal is Roy Miller. F -7'" The cheaper and more economical way to handle liquid type manure is by a “Better-Bilt” \acuum system. nears completion The judge had already narrowed the field to a few of the best animals. Phone 626-4355 Lanca.stcr Farming, Saturday. October 31.1970 - 10 Dry Cow—fiist, Melvin Kolb, $1 825 to Paul King, Cochran ville. second, H D Matz, $9OO to Black and White Holstein Fann, thud, $B5O to John Wil liams, Sykesville, Md. A thi ee-veai -old Ivanhoe gianddaughtei fiom New Yoik State won the annual New Hol land Dany Cow Show and Sale at the New Holland Sales Stables Wednesday H D Matz, Ephiata, showed the Holstein and it was bought by the Black and White Holstein Faim of Lancastei foi 55,100 Matz bought the animal at the Little National Sale at Rhme beck, N Y , Octobei 3 fiom Peter and Waltei Jensen of Copdke, NY. Sued by Piovn VITN Ivanhoe Jewel, the winning cow’s six closest dams aieiaged 23 611 pounds ot milk and 959 pounds of butteitat, M,.tz said Dr John McKituck, iiidge, piaised the winning cow highly, but said the numbei two animal in the show was almost as good. The second place animal was shown by Noi man Kolb, Lancas ter, and was bought by Paul B. Zimmeiman Ephuta toi 52,000 Both animals weie Ilolstems in the Fiesh Cov Class Thud place in this class w’as an H D Matz animal and it sold foi SI 150 to Donald M Hoatettei, Sadsbuiy ville Overall, some 221 cows were sold Of these, the top 100 aver aged $863, the top 50 went for an aveiage of $l,OBO, the best 25 for $1,400 and the top 10 lor $1,968, lepoited Abe Diffenbach, Sales Stables managei Persons showing the winning cows m other classes and the buyers of these animals weie as follows Guernsey fiist, shown by Melvin Kolb, Lancaster $530, sold to Elmei Weavei Lebanon, second, Noiman Kolb, $5OO also to Weaver; thiid, $450 to Noah Zook, Lancastei Mixed Bleed first, Noiman Kolb, $825 to H D Mat/, Eph iata; second, Noiman Kolb, $1,185 to Alfied \lbnght, Lan disbmg; thud, William Lang, $540 to William Keplei, Wiscon sin Heifer Class first. Melvin Kolb, $BOO to Donald Hostetlei Sr Parkesburg, second, Noiman Kolb, $1,025 to Ernest Wengei thud, Melvin Kolb, $720 to Meile King. Cochranville RDI