18—LrtncnMcr Farming. .Saturday. October 31.1070 PFA President Speaks on Farm Unions (Continued f «m Pa a U) providing ‘■uppoii because “faimeis niihl hr lecmtm/ed .it a potent loiee within the uoiio my ot Pennsylvania and the United Slates ‘ Uc said he believed that mo'l of the US C’onyiossmen and two US Senalois who lepie sent the l.nmei know that agn cultui e deseivcs lecogmtion at local, stale and national knelt John R. Pitzer PFA President and their \oli g recoids show it. But, Pitzei -aid Let s face jt. We aie a minouty in this State and e\ei\ other state Terming today's farmei as a “new bieed the PFA head described those who woik the .soil as coming liom geneiafions of independence and hai d vv ot 1- PATTERN FOK FEWER STOPS THE ALLIS-CHALMERS 402 F BULK FERTILIZER SPREADER WITH the big, 4000-pound capacity of the 402 F you'll get big job performance . . . cut application tune ... get iertilizei oh when you need it.. , save spreading costs, too. You can get the feitilizer application rate you choose . . . spread in the pattern >ou choose Adjust able spinner lets you select a broadcast pattern up to 40 feet wide ... or you can spread to the left or right only. Ground dove gives you uniform application at any tractor speed. Stainless steel drag chain can’t corrode . . . ever! U H. Brubaker N. G. Myers & Son Lititz, Pa Rheems, Pa. Roy H. Buch, Inc. L H. Brubaker Ephiata, ED 2 Lancastei, Pa. JU-Ll5-CHALME*S hut hive lelameil leaped loi honestv and haul woik "Like vnlnalh iveiv olhei businessman in oni nation, the Ameiican fainiei hat lelined to opeiate on nan own mat gins ol pioftl - and with vntualh no m.ngin loi enoi (’dine coin as an example I’U/ci said piodtulion hetc leaped fioni an aveiage ol less than 30 bushels pei aue in 1040 to the all time high of 114 hush els in 1969 Wheat he said, showed a similai tump, doub linu in vields since 1940 while sovbeans lose ovei 50 pei cent to moi e than 27 bushels pei aue Turning to livestock pioduc tion. the speaker cited statistics showing that meat pioduction lose fiom 19 billion pounds in 1940 to 35 billion pounds per year today Dairy cows, he said, give 72 per cent more milk than they did 20 years ago. Despite the increasing de mand. farmei s still have been able to proMde for the needs, he said, while keeping prices at a reasonable level "Food pur chases have accounted for a smaller and smaller poition of the American workei’s pay check. despite spiralling wages and prices in nearly eveiy area of our economy. He continued. "Todav it takes loughly thiee million farmei s to feed 200 million Amei icans ’ Yet, Pitzei emphasized faim eis m this countiy pm chase goods too S4B billion in pio duction and household supplies each veai moic peti oleum pio ducls than anv other mdustiy Aaius-c;’.as.7- ; cSS 11- . 1 f'^r^l ■i*. ki - - s* Nissley Form Service Washington Boro, Pa Farm Service Grumelli Quan jville, Pa, ■iV' .-■S.Sa&sr"- ' *‘sff3 -*%r -53 - £■ Clyde Wivell Chairs Co. Banquet Foity thousand jobs in the steel industry aie piovided by the farmer’s need for steel, he said Faimeis spend $lO billion pei year for feed, seed and assoit ed farm chemicals, and use 32 billion kilowatt hours of electu city enough to supplv Bos ton, Detioit. Chicago, Balti moie and Washington D C , he said Pitzer cited moie icasons why legislators should listen to farmers statistics that show —^ ~rrrw L Li i m, :: tt; ; £'^^i^,ji[-|^^a iS wid . >-**' ' NO MORE DAILY FEED CHORES! takes only minutes to pump in a 7/10 day burning ’em, cleaning up the spills—l’ve supply of Mol-Mix Liquid! gone Mol-Mix Liquid! CUT MY FEED COSTS! ... and locked- in my winter feed prices with a Mol-Mix freeze . . . emulsifiers keep ingredients in booking! Unci' oi l l of cvciy 10 job. in Hut. the I*l'A p.esldent In piimltiMiy or business (United the best reasons Icklslu. b;i\e somethin)’to do with milt tois should listen I* to cuso ciilluie lie s.dd fin men buy some of the presstne fiont in -3GO million pounds of mbber flotion th;it has foued faint each vear. enough to place tlics costs foe machinery and needed on nearly eight million eais maleiials higher. "The fanner Eight million people 100 ate |s ), ecomr . caught between the employed m pio-essinr Mot f tl , ;lllcnlll); cost pi ice mg. tianspoitmji and selling , ‘ l '" ... . f.n m products, .squeeze, he sai . 3,518 Animals Entcrcdln Livestock Exposition A total ot 3.518 animals has been entcicd m the Pcnnsvlv.m ia Livestock Exposition schedul ed foi the Farm Show complex Nov 7-14. Thomas W. Kelly, exposition manager, said the entries come from 22 stales, Canada and Washington, DC States enter ing animals for the first time are Florida, Missouri and Rhode Island The District of Columbia Polaris ’7l INTRODUCES A DIFFERENT CONCEPT IN SNOWMOBILE DESIGN. . SEE THEM AT GERMAN BROS. SALES & SERVICE 215-445-6272 1 Mile Noith of Terre Hill on Route 897 HOURS: Monday • Wednesday - Friday 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tuesday & Thuisday 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. Satuiday 7 a.m. to 3 p.m. YES, IT WAS MY LUCKY DAY WHEN I DISCOVERED Mol-Mix» JOHN Z. MARTIN l' New Holland R#l also has mines for the fust lime Kelly cn\c this breakdown o£ entiles beef cattle. 732; sheep, 1060. swine, 771: horses,9ss. The exposition’s competition nets under way Nov. 8 with Quarter hoi sc halter and per formance classes. Try A Classified Ad It Pays! tt~~ r^~~~. ~~ MU NL. ♦.7~ ■'•“V i -U l ✓ > * ■f-* w *l' NO MORE WRESTLING with feed bags, NO WEATHER WORRIES! Mol-Mix won’J uniform suspension. jyfed . 4T , } Ph: 717-354-5848