Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, October 31, 1970, Image 16

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    Ifi I-imtHHUT Farming. Saturday. October 31.1070
CQ o
15% Mrs. Kiclunl C. Sponu-
Poik has .1 now miaae'
To hen in with, poik is not a
.";it Keen c.ilone countei'
v.iii now cnio\ pot k with a cicai
tome enee I’aik cuts on mo. I
countei s .od.u .uc of the moie
it.m meali. tendei t\pe that
Uu diet con'..oil' shoppoi
•a .mt->
\n auiage -mm? of lean
poik loi example a poik chon
1_ supplies onh about 250 cal
ones appi oxinuilfiC the same as
i yum, ol am othei ieel me...
O.lui old iinu tales abate
poik half been cinpioted lop
■L’ontiai' to some beliefs poik is
meh in lood \aluo and U is
.asih d
\ st' of lean poik sup
ilics about a thud ol the pio
lem needed claiix be a modela.e
,\ actuemanoi a\eiage woman
And poik is an excellent
-ouue oi Mlamins and mineials
It s nth in thiamine, which is
lacking in one tilth of Ameucan
iliets, plus having substantial
amounts of iiboflaun, niacin and
all necessan to good
Like all meat, poik i- ui
tualh complete!} digestible In
sact it s one of the most com
pletelv digestible foods
The belief that poik must be
ovei cooked to be edible is also
incoiiect It comes fiom a feai
rhat undeidone poik might be in
fected with tnchina organisms
Howevei these aie destioyed at
tempeiatuie ol less than 140
degiees F
Cook poik to the well done
=tage loi bettei flavoi, but don I
o\eicook it a meat theimo
metei is >Olll best guide im
einal tempeiatuie of 170 185
degites F indicates the loast is
done to pei lection Cook -mall
,oasts at an o\en tempeiatuie
of 350 clegi ee-i but largei i oasts
d 325 dcgiees foi bettei biowni
teisatile Pork
To give \ olu meaK e onw
%aiieU select poik a tiuh \ei
tile meat
II poik chops die a iamih
:avol To. gut them a leal tieat
Garber Oil Co.
Texaco Heating Oil
Burner Sales & Service
Ph. 653-1821
Self Service , %
2750 Columbia Ave. j 5
Lane. Co’s Largest
Shoe Store
All Ist Qualitv
Super Low Prices
with inch thick chop' If >ou
siull them make the incision
fiom the bone side -o > on won't
nee.l to u'o si
Foi a lowei i alone count, pan
In the year of the rib, add a twist to your knit stitch It zips
up the texture of this man-powered pullm er From the bot
tom of the hipband to top of the turtle, the sweater is one
hundred per cent ribbing. The body and raglan sleeves are
done in a vide rib. the trim in a narrow one The yarn is
worsted weight, any warm earthy shade will do Fiee in
structions for men's sizes 38 - 44 are available by sending
a sell-addressed, stamped envelope to this newspaper along
with your request for Leaflet PK 4590
it w ouldn’t be
w ithout the things
Paik ‘N Shop 9 A.IVL to 9 P 51.
r j ‘
' jr< > t\i » r
1 N o ' J t
■ J
.ewe is
hi oil thln-cut poik chops. brown
ll'i'in uncou’icd without adding
\ ficsh h.ini is
fit foi mu sis in .i spi lam
ih oci.isioii l! is p.isj ti) pie
p.i.i .mil (mi u I’l.u.ualh bom
li s-, u h.i> ,i (01.. U. ol tat 1°
111. kl ll 'I It t(.|s!lll 1 1 '
spi inkling hi il>' sui'i . ' lo'f
lIKIIV 01 s I'-,.' O'• I It 10l •' •'*'
ll 'lit I 111! > (hill .oil! !..'!(’ M.U"
hmu (I .m.l ioli'.l Ults ,i e aval,
.ilili tin: «.m bo dialed like .i
fu-h li m; 'i oil i .in s’ull
llioni "iih .1 clii" ni4 01
foi lewei i.iloi’i'. "ith sum
ki.uit oi .ipplts
If von like siuncu poik .isk
join butcl.ei foi .1 poik cushion
Its ,i sciuaio. pu'tt' m.itlc In
iemo\ma the boms fiom .1 poik
shouldei. this pio'ick’s .i pocket
foi stullinn
So called country spare nb>
aie cut fiom the back rib end
ol the loin tluw’ic nuatici than
spate nbs and they ha\e a de-
licious flavor Try ■’’coking them
with your fnvoille barbecue
sauce in the pressure eookci foi
quick wood c.iliny
llu> Sped ui.
When poik specials appiar in
>Olll f.i'oilte slou. bus (iiian
It in i/cs ui ti ami "P! ki cp
a lon* tune if >ou folio" cula'u
■'llldis \t /CIO ikjtues poik
will keep (5 to n month' I’oik
li\ l.l will kiep 110 J m.mills
poik s.uis.i-'i 1 to 3 month'
whole bam 1 to 3 months am!
slab bacon 1 to 3 months Don’t
lue/e sliced bacon
Fio/en cuied meals lose final
iU qmckls and it’s best to use
them as soon .u possible.
Wiap meal in moisture icsis
taut wiap and keep the wrap
close to the meat suiface to c\
elude .is much an as possible
Rewiap itioeeiy mapped meals
if you plan lo keep them moie
than a lew days
Casseiole and mam dishes can
also be fiozcn Piepaie in the
usual \u) but shoiten the cook
ing time Aftei piepanng. cool
iapidl> m ice water and package
in moisluie pi oof \apoi resis
tant containeis Fieeze as soon
as cooled When ficezmg cas
seioles avoid using cooked
potatoes in them as thev tend
to get mush> atiei fi eezing and
thaw mg
\-» 5T 0P E
‘ Look Foi This Sign
So. Newport Road
Intercourse, Penna.
Just remember, whatever cut
ol pork you buy nnd use, fresh
oi smoked, you'll have good
eating And good nutrition.
Sausage Is Convenient
Dili you know hot dogs
.no only one of over 300 differ
in'. sausages .ulable in retail
stoics' Fiom the mildest fl.ivoi
ed wienei to the spiciest salami
thue's a saus.i-te foi eveiy
You can deli i mine a good
lni\, if you con der the puu
pci 'Civmu With sausage pio
diets, all is edible Theie is
no waste If you buy a pound,
vou can sene a pound So look
beyond the piice-per-pound and
remombei that a pound of
sausage will usually gi\e 4 to C
Sausage is convenient, too
Most kinds are ready to sene
Many are even sliced for you
And sausage is versatile; sene
it hot or cold, in spieads, dips,
sandwiches, casseroles, mam
dishes like spaghetti, lasagna oi
pizza, with omelets, waffles or
even in bieads. muffins and pop
Take notice of the packaging
when you buy sausage Sausage
meats are usually wrapped with
a tianspaient film and may be
\acuum wiapped Vacuum
(Continued on Page 20)
& Fertilizers
Peanut Hulls
I grecnM
We Give
Phone (717) 768-8451