VOL 15 NO. 49 Farmers' Assn. Votes Directors The Lancastei Count} Fann ers’ Association last week elect ed six new dn ectoi s Tbe\ aie Roger Thome, Jesse Balmtr, Haiold Landis, Ellis Mentzer, James G Kieidei and Nathan Stoltzfus In othei action the Association approved fomteen policy lecom mendations for action by the Pennsylvania Faimeis’ Associa tion The recommendations stated, “We recommend - Any land put in soil bank must be seeded to cover ciop and mowed, and payments be withheld until land is checked to see such practices aie done. Irreplaceable, experienced farm help be exempt from mili tary draft. College officials enforce their authority, and expel students that participate in campus riots and unrest. Powers be restored to law en forcement , agencies that were taken away by Supreme Court action. All imported foods be definite ly labeled as “Imported”. Land taken for highways use, should be xeimbmsed at market value Land be taxed accoidmg to its use All contameis used foi dunks be oi a “returnable” value PF4 continue to woik for le duction of tiuck license for faun use Action be taken to scioen pomogiaphy more closely Each countv have moie ]ims- diction concerning the pieseiva- Sal courftv and 11 land Wlth ' cmgToisepowei of auto- mobiles to help pievent pollu- tion and promote safety, also prorate license fee Aboition laws continue in their present status The time of manme hauling be at the farmers discietion” The Association membership howeiei lejected a recommen- dation that the President con- tmue to be elected by the elec- toial college In othei action, Clyde Wivell, Lancaster County Association piesident, suggested giving the chanman of ’ the Association’s Women's Auxiliary a vote on the boaid of duectois The oigan- ization approved the proposal Pa. Beef Operations Reported Growing Pennsylvania beef farmers aie incieasing their heids, according to the State Crop Reporting Ser vice, and Max Smith, Lancaster County agricultural agent, says he thinks the inciease is due largely to a good giam crop this yeai “A good feed crop means they (livestock producers) will buy cattle or some type of livestock to feed it to,” Smith explained Most local farmers questioned about theii corn eiop have been Lancaster Co. Poultry Assn. Elects 4 Directors at Banquet The Lancaster County Poul tiy Association elected four new du ectoi s to thi ee year terms at its annual banquet meeting Thin sday night at the Plain and Fancy Restauiant, neai Bird-m- Hand The four aie Allied industry i epresentative, Stanley Mussel man, 43 W Stanton Road. Quai xyville, thiee pioducer icp icsentatives, John R Huber Jr, Lititz RD3; Harold S Mussel man, New Holland RDI, and Irvin R. Musser, Mount Joy RDI. Jay Irwin, associate county agent,, reviewed the special educational programs and acti vities of the Poultry Associa tion during the past year and emphasized the need for mar ket promotion to keep up the rate of egg consumption. Irwin also said poultry asso ciations in Pennsylvania look to the Lancaster organization for leadership. Lorin Weigaid, Association president for the past year, em phasized the oppoitumties in the industiy in this pait of the country because of the pioxi mity to the laige population centeis of the East Miss Nanette Stauffei, 1970 Lancastei County Poulti v Queen flew in fiom Catawba — — _ #. kJ J wOOpCfOrOfS Named The Lancastei County Soil “d Wate ‘ Conservation Distuct name ? the , f ° llowin § new ca “ Patois then lecent meet ° Harold Giaham, 70 acies, Sadsbuiy Township, Roots Niusenes Inc, 20 acres, East Hempiield Township, James H Cuny, 57 acies, Sadsbuiy Town ship, Waltei C Martin, 94 acies, East Bail Township, Elias Bowell, 93 acres, Sadsbuiy Township and Haivey Saudei, 60 acres, East Eail Township The following coopeiatois weie cancelled A P Buchei, 73 acies East Diumore Town ship duplication, and Oiville Geib, 52 acies, Rapho Town ship icpoitmg lecoid oi near lecoid yields and the acieage on this dominant local crop is also at a record high, up eight pei cent in Lancastei County by one esti mate The blight hit many farms, but even many of those fanners with blighted fields aie repoit ing top yields Smith explained, "The blight hit us late enough in the season that the corn was pretty well matin ed, which le duced the extent of the damage ” Lancaster Farming. Saturdaj. October 31, 1970 1-College in Noith Carolina in or der to be piesent and expiess her appieciation foi being named queen Enteitainment of the evening was piovided by the Rev J Paul Kehm of Fleetwood and his twin bi other Rev Harry Kehm of Allentown Mostly they kept the laige audience laughing, but managed to spend a little time on a senous mes sage It was. The woild is not a bowl of cherries and, in ordei to get along, people today must have thiee kinds of bones A wish bone, representing the desire to live and act and to make the world better, the world doesn’t get better by itself. A funny bone, which keeps your feet on the ground when things are Farm Calendar Saturday, October 31 6pm Faim Women Society 12 family night banquet, West Willow fue hall 7 30 p m Paim Women So ciety 29 progiessive suppei and haynde, meet at Bos slei’s Mennomte Chmch Sunday, November 1 2-4 pm Lancastei County Senior Extension Club en tei tains veteians at Valle\ Foige Hospital, meet at Lancastei Shopping Centei at 11 a m 3pm 4-H Road Rally, stait mg at Lancastei Shopping Center. Monday, November 2 Standardbred Hoise Sale, Faim Show Building, Hamsbuig, Novembei 2 -5. Tuesday, November 3 General Election Wednesday, November 4 4-H Beef Show management committee meeting, plan 4- H Beef Show and Sale at Lancaster Stockyai ds Thmsday, November 5 12 noon Fedeial Land Bank Association of Lancastei and Lancaster Production Ci edit Association annual (Continued on Page 6) Besides bumpei ciops. the beef cattle maiket has lemamed “fav oiable,” Smith said, furthei en couragmg beef pi oducers The Ci op Reporting Service said that on October 1 theie weie 53.000 cattle and calves on feed foi the slaughtei market in Penn sylvania, up 10 per cent from 48.000 the same date a jeai earliei The Reporting Service also said 36,000 head of fed cattle went to market during the July- going light and does an awful lot to bung you back when you’re down A back bone to make you honest and tine with youiselt so that you can lue with yourself Master of ceremonies was John Weidman. Pioneer Seed Company distuct sales man agei Mis Allegia Leimngei sang a solo and latei led group singing Association officials considei ed the turnout of about 260 persons excellent Harrisburg, Timonium 4-H Beef Entries Made Lancaster County 4-H mem bers with beef animals are mak ing plans to enter two upcoming beef shows Some 49 entries have been re ceived for the Pennsylvania Live stock Exposition at the Farm Show Building in Hainsbuig Monday, Novembei 9 and 57 en tiles ha\e been received foi the Eastern National Livestock Show at the Mai y land State Fan giouncis, Timonium, Md Satin dav Novembei 14 accoiding to Max Smith Lancastei Counl\ dgucultuial agent Smith said the laicm iespouse to the Han land show appea.s to stem laigeh Horn the lime it is held, on a Satin da\ when jouths aie out of school r lhe Timomum show is a one da> show while the animals must be left at Hai iisbmg foi seveial dajs 4-H Beef Show Plans The 4-H beef show manage ment committee will meet Wed nesday night to plan the South east Distuct 4-H Beef Show and Sale at Lancastei Stockyai ds Tuesday and Wednesday, De cembei 8 9 There will be 120 entnes in the show fiom Chestei Dauph in and Lancastei Counties Animals must anue by 3 p m Tuesday, Decembei 8 Judging begins at 9 a m Wed nesday and the sale at 1 pm Septembei quaitei of this yeai and placements weie an equal numbei However, the maiket mgs weie five pei cent below the same period in 1969 and the placements weie up 24 per cent Expected marketings duung the Octobei-Decembei quartei will be 24,000 head, the Report ing Seivice estimated, which would be nine per cent greatei than a year ago. The overall tenor of the fig ures. if accm ate, indicates a sub- $2.00 Per Year Avrshire Sale Held Tuesday Bujeis at the special Ayrshire sale Tuesday at the Guernsey Sales Bain paid an aveiage o t $436 01 a total of $27,900 fo. 64 animals The top cow s was sold iron the Masonic Homes held The animal was bought by Jamc* Mai tin, Stevens RDI, foi $BOO. The top cow was fiesh wftk hei second calf and is now milk ing 62 pounds a day The first lactation as a tvvoyeai-old was 13,212 pounds of milk and 532 pounds of butte rt at in 305 days. She is sired by Maual Hi Kick, son of Sel Wood Betty's Com mandei, six-yeai-old bull owned and in service by the Masomc Homes Top buyei was Robert Craig ol Waynesboro who purchased 13 head for $6,035 Local consigneis included: Masonic Homes, Elizabethtown; Delchester Farms, Edgemoafc Charles Gable, Elverson; Ken* nard Henley, CochranviQe, and Ann L Young, West Grove. Cat* tie were purchased by buyer* from New Yoik, Virginia, Mas** achusetts, Maryland and Penn* sylvania Local buyers included Masonic Homes. Elizabethtown; Mary Claik, Spiuce Villa Farms, Lititz Janies Mai tin, Stevens; Maivm Millei Stiasburg, and Heiman Gmguck, Lebanon Count\ A teatuie loi all who attended the sale was the selection by \ote ol a Sale Queen” The queen chosen w as the top animal sold to Alai tin A sihei pitcher was awaided to the Masonic Homes to this honoi MiLon Biiibikei Lititz, a di lectoi of the Pennsihania Ayr shue Bieedeis -Association, re poited the dnectois were well pleased with the sale and that top prices weie paid all the way thiough This is an annual sate under the auspices of the Penn sylvania Ayishne Association and is the top Ayishire sale in Pennsj- Ivania Remember! Vote Nov 3! stantial inciease in livestock is the state, Smith said “I’m not surpused,” he addedk He said he knows of some farm ers going into beef for the first time and some existing beef op* erations aie expanding Besides a bnmpei grain crop and favoiable maiket puces, he sees some faimers turning to beef because of a low labor re* quuement relative to other farm enterpnses Some famers faced (Continued on Page 5)